Anonymous ID: 9a7b3d Oct. 6, 2018, 11:07 p.m. No.3377365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3376912 lb

>Just letting everyone know I won't feel guilty for leaving the kitchen if no one steps up after a reasonable time.

Fair enough, baker. We appreciate your baking this shift when you can, and you do have to set boundaries, I know. It's that or not do the gig at all. I used to do the graveyard/wee hours shift, and I got left hanging a lot in the morning, sometimes baking 12 hr stretches. After that I just started letting it go after 8-9 hrs whether or not a replacement could come. BV baked in those cases too. Sucks tho, not our preference for how it should go. I'll set my alarm for 7:30 a ET tomorrow (which is actually 4a for me here in PDT) and can take over the oven then. If it's already gone to eBake land by then, that's fine. I've taken over from that b4 too. I try to aim for 7a usually, but I stayed up too late already.


Okay, signing off for realz now.

''Thanks bigly bakers, enjoy the night life Anons.''