Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.419706   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank You RA. Do you receive that some of us "humans", are actually from other planets and have incarnated here to "help?"


All I want is equality. EQUAL-ity for all. I hated, and hate, being idolized as much as I hate being looked down upon and treaded on, and like many, I have had my fair share of both in this life.


In looking at the hearts of those who seem intent on division and pain, it seems to me some of the following elements are always there:


#1. Jealousy

#2. Being "sneaky" and justifying lies.

#3. The desire to "lord over" another in some capacity.

#4. The COMPLETE lack of personal responsibility or ability to apologize.


Now...I have fallen short. This old babylon has been hard on us all, but I don't know. Me and my little outcast crew, we just are not like that. We feel remorse and cannot understand the joy that being like this brings to those who are this way.


I pray for ALL, even the so-called "wicked" and those who take delight in evil, and I wish they would just STOP.




Blessings & Light to You and all of those Unseen.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.421870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026 >>2051 >>2210



RaAnon…Please forgive my limited viewpoint, I'm still very much playing "Human" right now.


I read all of what you wrote, and I will be digging into all of it. But I was hopeful that you can maybe shed some LIGHT on a few of my ponderings if it is good to do so. And if not, I can handle it.


#1. What would you say about "reincarnation"?? Since all time is NOW, and I KNOW that to be the case, although I don't experience it of course, can what I do NOW effect my other incarnations?? Any insights as would be appreciated.


#2. Where does "belief" play into all of this?? It seems to me that if you have negative beliefs about 1.God #2. The Nature of the Universe #3. Humanity #4. Existence 5.Yourself


Then are you, by the loving LAW, going to "create" Realities that are in accordance with those beliefs?? Is it REALLY up to each of us as to which timeline we experience based on how we REALLY feel (not the mask most of us have to wear in public) or is it a collective effort??


A wise man once said something to the effect that, "when you clean the INSIDE of the cup, THEN the OUTSIDE will SHINE."


Is that REALLY our task?? To line ourselves up?? And THEN it all falls into place??


BTW, I too LOVE and have ALWAYS felt STRONGLY that there is NOTHING like planet Earth anywhere. I LOVE this planet, and Her people. This has hurt like hell.


So all I can ask is, was I born into this space and time, and the wicked childhood that, while I am thankful for and cherish, tore my soul up but good. It's all lessons, but did I chose that timeline, or was it "karmaically" granted to me due to past wickedness??


I often pray for (((them))) and that bothers most people. Could I have ever been one of (((them))) Why would I feel such pity for these wicked Beings??


May Peace & Love be with ALL of you and Please send my regards to your friends.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 4:03 p.m. No.422170   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I Honor You and I Thank You for your Wisdom. THIS is what I hope that EVERYTHING is leading to…a brighter day for ALL who love and cherish life and ALL the GOOD that flows from even the smallest particle.


One distortion….Most Interesting you say that…


All Blessings that are Mine to give…I Give to You & Yours.


Hmmmmmmm….. :-) :-) :-)

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.422230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2389

I also hope I get to one day live on a proper Earth and get the chance to live out and explore Our Humanity to the FULLEST.


It always made me sad…the idea of "going" somewhere else, even if it is "heaven."


Earth and Her People & Creatures IS my idea of Heaven. Even with the Cabal messing it all up. But maybe the Cabal represents the "shadow" me. I'm afraid I don't have enough Wisdom with that topic yet. Could there be such a thing??


I know that I have never felt like a victim, for all of the injustices done to me at times. And again, even with (((their))) wickedness, and my hope for their eradication (Personally I wish we could just stick them all on an island and make a Reality TV show out of it, but it seems that The People demand blood, and I understand) I just can't "hate" them.


Blessings to All.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.422271   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Twas very disheartening, during my times as an adult when I worked inside of the Christian church, and we would have prayer groups several times a week, and when myself or a friend would offer a prayer for the "wicked" and "satan" or whatever these strange beings are named, it would ENRAGE many.


To the point of them questioning my "faith."


My fellow brothers in arms also were there, and it perplexed us, yet, those who were against it, were VERY provoked.




Thank You for your words and prayers. I KNOW they matter.


Blessings & Light.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.422333   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My first "guess" as to my distortion, would be the the illusion of being separate from anything or anyone.


Do we create our own reality?? Is Earth, in this 3D form, a training realm so that we may, by FREE WILL & CHOICE, evolve our souls so that we may "graduate" to the higher levels??


Like when people say, "I need to focus my energy"…Aren't YOU energy?? Physical Reality is an illusion right?? And yet…Perfectly real.


I like this!! Thank You!! I Honor You.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.422552   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank You for your words and response my Friend. I am impossibly Honored.


I once ventured, out of body, to what I can only perceive as "hell." It was…no words.


The first terrifying realization I had was that, in this physical life, there is a knowing (at least for me there was, but I sensed it to be Universal) that if things get TOO bad, you can "check out" and escape. To what I do not pretend to know, but you know :-)


Of course, in that state, the pain and torment of all was running through every part of my Being, and the sensations were indescribable. Yet…I convinced myself that I could still, "end" my existence and escape, so I "committed suicide" mentally. This was a mistake. I was then led to a MORE "clear" and intense "hell, and I felt tremendous guilt and sorry and ignorance for not accepting my fate. Yet…after what seemed like a very long time, I tried yet again to "end it", only to be "dropped" into an EVEN WORSE place than before.


Boy, was I happy when I got back home.


If these "beings" are heading THERE…All I can say is that I would life 100 lifetimes at Gitmo before I would want to go back to even "level 1" of that place for 2 minutes.


And yes…DON'T focus on their evil. I SWEAR half of these stories of (((their))) power are fabricated or greatly exaggerated to implant fear and doubt into minds.


I'm going to look into building a "beacon" tonight. I never bought into "aliens", but I've seen and experienced some things lately that have me curious, and then what you have said today.


Again, ALL my Blessings and Love to You. We are MOST fortunate to have you here with Us.


P.S. Kek isn't evil right?? Love you!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 5:14 p.m. No.422981   🗄️.is 🔗kun



WOW!! So my son and I were just speaking about EXACTLY this topic, again. While my soul has burned with passion for MANY "causes" in my life, NOTHING means more to me than a Being's Sovereignty. NOTHING.


Free will & choice are, to ME, THE Gift of God.

My children well know that my main failing as a parent, is that to "tell another" what to do, even the sometimes necessary stern guidance of a parent, makes almost makes me somewhat ill. And I am a very good parent, and my instructions are just, yet…still…to TELL someone what THEY MUST do, with the threat of consequences, it pains me.


Again, these (((folks))) sure seem to LOVE to "lord over" others, in every way. I guess I understand the (((ones))) who get to own banks and whatnot, but I have often stood in amazement of the JOY (almost sexual in nature, for lack of a better term, maybe…primal) That someone such as the 2nd manager at Taco Bell would take in bossing their "subordinates" around.


I've seen the wickedness of Stalin (or some other murderous meanie) in their eyes, just to get me or someone else to fill an ice machine or something of that nature.


I have spent my life, giving my life, to understand "people", but I don't think I ever will.


I need to look into lasers!!


My love to all.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 18, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.423312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474 >>9190



And Ra, my friend, if I may ask, something that peaked my curiosity in one of your threads, is you stated that "Mljnor", which I have now learned to be Thor's Hammer (I know VERY little about fantasy and myths and the different gods as I was a very black and white guy growing up) but you said he (it??) was being held.


Can you please share any more about this topic as it has stayed in my mind for some reason?? Again, I trust Your Wisdom, and I understand if you cannot share.


All my Best.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 19, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.433706   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ra is right!! You got this. I went through, what I guess is referred to as "the dark night of the soul" for roughly 18 years. There are no words. I was a very happy and outgoing child, even in the face of a lot of trauma, and so to experience a fall that sharp...I know it is the same for all of us.


I went to the hell realms and got trapped there, like I was telling Ra yesterday, I became an alcoholic THREE times over (and I HATED alcohol and drugs when I was a kid and what they did to people, and I SWORE I'd never do them, well...) I nearly died from a TERRIBLE Oxycontin addiction that lasted a couple of years, had a 6 month long panic attack ( I used to look down on people who had "panic attacks", I was a very strong willed person and I thought they were being weak, and I knew during this time I was learning humility and compassion) went bankrupt, and all sorts of other bad stuff...


But here I am!! And I feel WAY better by the day. I'm NOT saying my path was the hardest, or most difficult, not ever, and in fact, I have always been thankful for my life, but I AM saying I did go on one HELL of a ride, and I'm a scrawny kid from the gutters, with nothing really unique or powerful about me other than I think when I WANT something, and I know it to be Righteous, and I KNOW it to be GOOD for others (Such as my survival and rehabilitation) I just keep driving on.


And that is YOU as well. I do not want to miss quote Ra, but He will know what His exact line was when I tell you, the power that brought me through, is the SAME power You have, The Human Spirit.


Once you get into touch with IT, with yourself, there will be NOTHING you cannot accomplish in the name of Love & Righteousness. And you won't be drawn to be fanatical, but each of your steps will be as ideal as the Ideal you are trying to reach, on any level.


And the good news is, actually I will share with you I see it...You are PERFECT the way you are, RIGHT NOW. You are loved and Divinely created, no matter how it may feel or appear, and I am sending you my energy. I have been where and I have risen, by the SAME POWER I KNOW to be IN YOU.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 19, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.433803   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Greetings Ra, I am once again humbled and most grateful for Your Presence.

I hope you don't mind me being so vocal on your board, and I kindly request you share your words on the power of the Human Spirit. I didn't feel Righteous paraphrasing.

Also, yesterday, you spoke of one remaining distortion, and while I don't want to turn this into "Guessing Games With Ra" :-) I do want to offer one…not guess…a feeling maybe?? If you have the words for what I know you know I'm getting at, I am all ears, and that is…


I haven't yet been able to accept the evil that DOES exist on this planet right now?? Even though I was bred of it, and born into it, surrounded by it my whole life, whether through experience or teachings and learnings??


Just a shot. I'm learning to PLAY Again!! I hope you do not mind. I honor you.


And finally, can you tell me anything about Thoth & Ma'at??


All My Blessings & Love Dear Traveler.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 19, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.434164   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank You Ra. I ONLY want Light. I've had enough darkness to last me eternities.


Enough is Enough.


It is SO good to be revolted, to allow myself my revulsion, and disgust and anger. I too know about some dark stuff, and if you've seen even worse than MAN, I don't want to know.


My life has been dark, but I sought it. I had to know. I had to know. It was a path I chose. Understanding. That's all I sought, was understanding.


And I learned it's better to not try to understand some things, because I could never reconcile much of what I have seen or experienced, it's beyond me. But it "is what it is."


I hope to see you on the mountaintop soon!! I don't want you to be lonely!!


All my love and blessings.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 20, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.446042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8251



I could not agree more. I'm glasd Q stopped posting, in a way, and I have tried very hard over the past several months to encourage the Anons and to bring a pinch of good ol' military Espirit to their efforts.


Many of them are beginning to realize that it can ONLY be "WE The People" who save our Republic and world.


I pray that the era of permanent "leaders" and "stars" and all of that nonsense goes away.


And now…There are Mountains to Climb!!


All My sincerest blessings and love.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 20, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.446112   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And RA, if I may ask, what would you share about "Sigils"?? I have never heard of that word before meeting you a few days back.


What would you tell me about them??


I thank you for your time and Wisdom. I honor You.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.456542   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm so ready. I was born ready. My Grandaddy always told me that I was a "glutton for Truth."


I think I see where this is heading now. Well cool. Better than the graveyard shift at Taco Bell.


All of My Honor & Esteem.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.456735   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Greetings My Brother of The Light, I Honor Your Wisdom & Courage, and I Thank You for Your Presence.


This is the only part I disagree with You on, at least for now, and I'm probably and misunderstanding, but after our Treasures are removed, this place needs to be destroyed by the people it enslaved, and the ground dug out as deep as we can take it, with the Earth it stood on thrown into the Sea for a grand recycling and reorganizing (Poor Earth!!) and then filled with some sort of limestone.


Basically, that shit hole needs to be treated like a SuperFund project without all the corruption.


If I were permitted to just torch it after the salvation of our Treasures, I certainly would. A thousand times over and I would never tire of the joy it would bring me.


Thoughts?? All my Blessings to You And All Children of The Light.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.457235   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've ALWAYS hated Disney with a PASSION. Fuck that wicked shit. I'd like to torch all the dizzy-nee properties as well.


Ra…Are some of us born knowing certain things?? Or is it maybe an…instinct??


Fascinating what you bring up. I Thank You an Honor You. I am humbled.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.457676   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why are you SO wound up about what RA is saying in HIS thread??


One one hand, you are ENRAGED that RA is posting in Ra's thread, because it is leading us poor souls away from the nobel cause of "digging", and wasting our time. Why?? Is there not a few other places for YOU to go on the internet?? Why does this inflame you so??


Yet…In the name of your nobel crusade to save us and our time, here YOU are, in Ra's thread, wasting YOUR time to try and guide Us in the direction YOU see fit for us.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.457693   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You REALLY need to let a post or two show up before you back your buddy up with that 2nd voice of dissent.


They're not sending their best Ra…They're not sending their best.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 8:57 p.m. No.458053   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Greetings Friend & Brother/Sister of The Light. Isn't it a great feeling?? Preparing your WHOLE life for this role, and this is JUST the start. I welcome you and am grateful to have you aboard.


I have much studying to do. And I apologize for feeding the trolls and crapping up your thread Ra, I get a little trigger happy at times.


"When You're born a hammer…One must be watchful that they do not start seeing everything as a nail."

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.458074   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Heard!! I love what you had to say. My apologies if I sounded antagonistic or provocative. I cherish your passion and love of Truth & Light. Please see my above post.


I Honor You & ALL Children of The Light whom are gathered thus far. This is just the start.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.458316   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank You Brother!! Again, I'm sorry about spouting off earlier at you. I was just playing whack-a-meanie, and I sorta misunderstood what you were saying. Plus, I had not yet recognized that you were the Anon from above whose contributions I greatly appreciated.


CLEARY we are on the same side, and as you can tell by my posts, the scorched earth theory of war ala' Sherman, sometimes finds me shooting first and asking questions never.


"When You're born a Hammer…"


Peace, Love, Strength and Courage to ALL Workers and Children of Light.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.458337   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No way are you shit posting. I shall shit post on posts made of shit before all is said and done. Believe THAT!!


GodSpeed & Drive On Soldiers of Light!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 21, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.458554   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who taught you that you were "imperfect"?? What is "perfect"?? Why do you regard yourself as a teacher??

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.465421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5998



Thank You Dear Brother/Sister of The Light. I Honor You.


Please keep using your Sigil, or another one, I LOVE this one and it inspires me.


What you say about a breaking through of belief, and mass consciousness (And here I will once again apologize for my lack of words such as the ones you and Ra possess, I'm sorta a bumpkin) is FACT. And here is my FAVORITE example.


The "4 minute mile" was LONG considered by all involved to be "IMPOSSIBLE" on every level, by all. It just could not, and WOULD NOT, EVER happen.


Until it did. Roger Bannister was the first to break it, and then very quickly, many others did as well. Now we have kids in Jr. High who knock out sub 4's. Coincidence?? No.


Once, I was lifting weights, and I am very perceptive/scientific about my workouts, I also have a very weak back. So… I took a break from a set of machine pulls, and without my knowledge, RIGHT BEHIND me, somehow, a strong guy snuck in and changed the pin and did a set. So I sat back down and I was knocking out these rows, and I noticed about 5-6 reps in that the stack was WAY bigger (Almost TWICE would I could HOPE to rep out for ONE REP, much less many with ease) than I ever had. I was KILLING those reps, I was even shocked that I was doing so well, with what I THOUGHT, and what HAD been, about 100 pounds. My 1-Rep-Max for that lift was 140 or so, with a LOT of struggle.


And here I was, pulling 265 (or so, the exact # escapes me) with EASE. Then I REAL-ized how much weight was on there and BOOM!! I couldn't lift another.


I believe that part of the "Problem" with "choice", is what do we CHOOSE to believe?? But you cannot "fake" the system out. I had NO idea anyone else had been on that machine, and in fact, if I had known, I bet I wouldn't have been able to lift even 1 Rep.


What are "limitations"?? Who teaches us these things?? Are they true??


I say they are not.


Strength & Blessings to All of Those of The Light!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.465621   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I PROMISE You I will NOT lose focus. I have had that shit hole locked in my Crosshairs my WHOLE life. IF WE REALLY want to give Humanity a chance, THIS shit hole must GO.


God as My Witness.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.466055   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Time to get on YOUR Level. Been trending and tracking. Needed the energy of "the crowd" to energize and leadership. I knew I wasn't meant to be a "leader", which is a role that everyone has insisted for me since birth. I'm not that.


These people, their machines and iron fists are going to be turned into dust and scattered to the winds.


God as My Witness.


I Honor You NeoAnon and my prayers to ALL workers of THE Light.


Time to read a book that a Teacher assigned to me.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.466114   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Please feel free to rock your style. For me, I know nobody is faming or attention whoring. NOT US.


WE all KNOW that the POWER is with US. Which I LOVE.


I Honor Your Contributions and Your Heart.


GodSpeed & DRIVE ON!!!


"Gloria in excelsis Deo"

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.466877   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NeoAnon, before I chew through this book and a couple of other studies, is there a particular Sigil You would like Us, or rather, can you suggest a Sigil, a thought, an emotion, that you feel would most serve to harness our energies??


I suspect there will be a few different "targets" along the way, but what can we zone in on right now that would best serve US?!?!


Your words and guidance are a Gift, and I Honor You. If I may be of any additional service…


Time to Shut 'em Down!!


Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 22, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.468346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8467



"And a little child shall lead them all."


"Truly I say to You, until you become as you were when you were a child once again, You shall surely not enter The Kingdom of Heaven."


You have forgotten how to PLAY.

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.472141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184 >>2370



This!! We are gaining mass consciousness at a VERY rapid rate. At one point Q said, "Maybe we OVER-estimated" your abilities, but NQW…I think even our leaders are somewhat surprised at our ferocity.


It is apparent that We The People of Planet Earth are CHARGED and amassing like crazy. For instance…Last night in QResearch, we saw GrannyFag & NanaFag jump on board, and millions more like them are on coming online and will be surfacing themselves in public. Once the Grandmas and Moms wake up to what WE are doing here in the name of Truth and Love…Oh boy!!!!!


Plus…these people/bullies are REALLY dumb. They are playing into our hands and WE are doing a very good job of red-pilling.


Also…if your questions are sincere…The "HORROR" these filthy folks are to fear is that if they try to pull any more of their wicked shit on us from the dark, as is (((their))) M.O.


(((They))) are going to get it. Their technology is worthless now, and it's time THEY realize this. Whether it be NeoAnon or NSA or whomever, the HORROR they must be feeling, KNOWING that they cannot run and they cannot hide from THE LIGHT….


Ahhhhh…So sweet.


GQQD MQRNING Children and Workers of The Light!! I honor you and your hearts.


NeoAnon, guidance HEARD with great thanks. Makes sense. Gonna go finish that book now. I honor you!!



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 7:36 a.m. No.472186   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In the Name of Light, Love & Peace, I PRAY that ALL workers of darkness and wickedness STAND DOWN!! ONCE AGAIN!!!


I WILL, as promised, advocate for your rehabilitation and a chance at redemption IF you stand down and HELP. But the hour has drawn close, and the clock has struck, the bells have tolled…and they toll for THEE.


But…If you can PROVE that there is something in your supposed hearts to be redeemed, if you SHOW Us, and WE SEE ALL, then I will advocate for you.


What a sweet deal huh?? BUT…I am about the ONLY one who feels this way, I suggest you take the offer. Show Us that (((you))) aren't so dumb. We do NOT want a battle, not because we will lose, for WE cannot now, but because We hate war and battle, no matter how GREAT we are at it.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.472211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2278 >>2344



Is it possible to be…both?? And I'm NOT speaking for NeoAnon, as I do not know him. Just throwing it out there.


What if we have thousands of Beings who could amass "outside" their bodies as NeoAnon does??





What do you know about the INHERENT ability of Humans to leave their bodies??

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.472295   🗄️.is 🔗kun



YES!!!! I swear we KNEW y'all were around, just playing your cards right, waiting for the right time. And the time IS right!!


I welcome you Sister of The Light. My Blessings and Strength I send to You and I am humbled that you are here.


These people are so dumb…Grandmas are showing up and are ready to roll…Oh boy!!


Please have a couple of KEK's on US!!


Shadilay & Jubilee!!!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 7:58 a.m. No.472377   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We Need a board similar to what was suggested, such as the one Q has. This is NOT my forte, but I can lend my energies in whatever way.


In fact, I am sure he knows it, but I'm going to take to Youtube once WE have all of his posts in one place. Our VERY busy and tired "normie" friends are already overwhelmed and scared and confused…and we MUST do everything in our power to streamline our Ops as they show up.


Drive ON Workers of The Light!!

Drive ON Children of The Most High!!

Drive ON ANONS!!!



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:22 a.m. No.472631   🗄️.is 🔗kun



THIS is where ALL true Yoga and Dream Yoga takes us.


Lucid dreaming, MILD, WILD…


We have been tampered with, stripped of our Humanity, lied to and robbed.


What can (((they))) do to those who can move in and out of our bodies willingly??


And we have LEADERS and SAINTS who are now guiding us and pulling us in that direction. Also, we are gaining knowledge and acceptance of these gifts and talents that we ALL have, and we ALL know….


Where we go ONE…We Go ALL.


What can you do to a "ghost"??


Blessings, Strength, and Honor!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.472648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2703



Don't you LOVE how it ALL ties in?? LOLOLOLOL!!! KEK!!! I cannot wait to see the WHOLE story of all of this revealed someday, I'm sure I don't pick up 5% of it.


POTUS studied film and cinema. Maybe that is in part why he OWNS the "Theater of War"??

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.472766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2874



True…But he HAS trained for this his whole life. God Bless ALL of the Light Workers!! WE have ALWAYS been here…Patiently waiting…


GQQD Morning NONADULTAnon (LOL!!!!)


I Honor You!!!

Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.472809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2839



Greetings MemeFag!! I honor YOU!!


All of my life, I have pondered…Why don't the children just walk out of school?? Would that NOT shut it ALL down?? What can be done to children??


We have (((them))) in the CROSSFIRE now. Patton's favorite move.


School sucks, it's EVIL. It is ROOTED in evil. I could go on.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.472937   🗄️.is 🔗kun



YES!! I could go on about what waking children up SO damn early does to their development (maybe they are "moody" because they are being deprived of the NECESSARY chemicals that lead to proper development?? They ARE) and the CRAZY amounts of FLU-oride they put in school water (Ever noticed that all school's water has a certain "taste"?? Hmmmm)


But I won't. The FBI leaves them in these death zones to DIE…And school fucking sucks except for those few honest souls who want education and community, or for the ones who wish to LORD over the rest ala' "Lord of the Flies."


They are PURE evil and a decaying artifact of a time LONG since passed. The kids aren't even getting EDUCATED at these shit holes.




I promise.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.472978   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes!! People are REFUSING to let VETERANS guard them. Kids HATE school. And they SHOULD. SOOOOOOOO evil. I waged war with (((them))) all of my life, and by the Grace of God, I won.


I want these Temples of Deception SHUT DOWN NOW!!!





Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.473216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3227



Perfection. LOLOLOL!! KEK!! I AM HONORED!!!


Here's how I see it…We start peppering the Vatican AND it's time to start waking the kids up to WALK OUT.


I'm thinking of Memes such as the classrooms with "This is a DeathTrap" & "Do You LIKE going here??" and other lines of that nature with #WalkOut for the hashtag on the bottom.



Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.473226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How about quotes from Einstein, and the others who KNEW school was corrupt??


Once our children are free and feel empowered, as they will not be exhausted, then what can (((they))) do??


More CROSSFIRE!! Every angle…Until we SEIZE the KEY!!!




Anonymous ID: 15225d Feb. 23, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.479103   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I pray Divine grace and rapid healing to be upon him/her, and I DEEPLY Honor their courage. May Cosmic Love transform and cleanse them.


YAY!! This is GREAT NEWS!! I look forward to having a new friend and ally once their work is complete however it goes. Please let them know they are in our prayers.