Anon ID: 1af092 SpaceX Fake CGI "Starman" Stream Feb. 11, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.337779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1284 >>1445 >>3467 >>9971 >>0501 >>9909 >>6914 >>6695

What is a map? It guides you.

What is a key? It unlocks things.

How much has already been unlocked?

Who is EM?

What is SpaceX?

What is a "front"?

What is the front for the "Secret Space Program"?

What is Tesla?

What is a "front"?

What is an insurance policy for the "global elite"?

What is the "Boring Company"?

What is a "front"?

Has this already been done on a mass scale? (D,U,M,B's)

"These people are DUMB"

Why hand chosen for all these companies?

Do you truly think he's in it for "humanity"?

Why a $19 billion CGI budget for NASA?

Why use CGI for "Starman" live stream?

Why no Earths rotation?

Why no continents aside from Australia? Why no land masses?

Why fake stars moving at drastic different speeds?

Why lack of clarity of galaxy with zero atmospheric impedence?

Why no moon?

Why glitches & cut feeds?

Why is there light on the car on the "darkside" of the "planet"?

Why so many previous faked Falcon 9 videos?

What happened to "Zuma"?

What IS "Zuma"?

Why so many forgiveable subsidies from "Government"?

Why does EM call people "Flat Earthers" if they claim "Starman" is CGI?

What is "Op Mockingbird"?

Why has it failed?

Who is JP?

What is "disinformation" and "Psi-Op's"?

Was EM made to look like "Neo", the chosen one?

What is an illusion?

What is clarity?

What is control?

What is greed?

What is a lie?

Who spits venom from the mouth of the "Viper"?

Why is the "Hall" shaped as a "Serpent"?

Why so much opulence and wealth?

What is "Sigil Magic"?

What would you do with a "Supreme Key"?

Review Q's "Map" & "Keys"…

Anon ID: 1af092 More keys my friends... should you perceive. Feb. 12, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.355101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is "Reality"?

What is "Real"?

What is light and what is darkness?

Why did EM say "Earth is just a video game for a higher species and no one is smart enough to figure it out yet"?

Why has EM given such "cryptic" jokes in the past?

Why have SO many jokes from EM turned out to be "Falsehood Realities"?

What is disinformation and Psi Ops?

Where are things best Hidden? In plain sight.

Anon ID: 1af092 Pockets overflowith with Keys... Feb. 12, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.355318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8687 >>4353

My friend, my ally, my child of "light".

Perceive this. Life is no simulation.

Remember… the goal of "Op Mockingbird" is to throw "people" off.

Would it crush a "soul" if we thought this grand existence was only a "simulation"?

Would it take all meaning from "life"?

There is duality in all the cosmos.

Light cannot exist without darkness.

Darkness cannot exist without light.

Life cannot exist without death.

Death cannot exist without life.

What does LIGHT give? LIFE.

What does DARKNESS give? DEATH.

Whom does this energy… "feed".

Whom feeds from Darkness?

Whom feeds from LIGHT?

What is Money? The root of all evil.

What is Benevolence? The root of all LIGHT.

Why has Q specifically asked… "Who is RA"?

"Who is RA…"

Perceive… Perceive VERY carefully…

Anon ID: 1af092 My pockets overflowith with Supreme Keys... Feb. 12, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.356087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now perceive this children of "Light".

Who really owns Hollywood? Clowns?

Is this the grandest scale of Psi-Ops?

Why are "certain" movies made?

Why was "Stargate" made?

To perhaps demonize a pure soul of LIGHT?

Perhaps to HIDE a technology that transfers energy to give Life?

Why was the FIRST Conan movie and book created?

Could this be to cancel an equation if it were ever formulated?

Is it not the easiest way to debunk claims of insight, if the "powers that be" can correlated this to a movie or television show?

Would that not depict the notion as lunacy?

Is this a SUPREME game of disinformation and Psi-Ops?


You have more than you know… children of light…

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Your pockets fill with keys, my ally. Feb. 16, 2018, 7:47 a.m. No.396803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7042 >>7072 >>5022


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

The truth will reveal itself to those who seek it.

Perceive this, the Snow White / 7 Dwarfs thread has been hijacked already by shills.

Watch how the shill, uses reverse psychology to destroy self promoting thought process.

Remember, the clowns are all around us.

Q has specifically told you all, that "both" sides are watching.

When specific topics… touch on "touchy" subjects the light will reveal darkness.

I have given you much, and you have all given ME much.

This is a back and forth.

An infinite ebb and flow.

For now, a seed has been planted.

For this weekend at least, I sit back and watch the seed grow.

Too much light at once, and the seed will die.

Water must be given to nurture.

I've given you all many topics to perceive for the next few days of Time/Space.

When I return, I will have more questions for you.

Questions which reach to 450,000 years ago.

Sit back, enjoy life, take it for what it is.

Why does Q SPECIFICALLY say…

"The LIGHT will reveal the TRUTH"

You have far more than you know already… my blessed children of LIGHT!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 #The Secret of Matter, Pi, Black Holes & Our Multiverse Feb. 18, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.418649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9213 >>0963 >>2588 >>9611 >>0084 >>0501 >>0706 >>0763 >>0816 >>1098 >>1669 >>1921 >>3120


#Disclaimer; The following information is only taken upon yourself to view with FREE WILL. Do not ever forget the first rule to The Law of Wisdom. You can only ever believe something 99:1%. If you go 100% to any knowledge, you do not allow yourself to garner any further knowledge. This, my friends, is what our falsehood reality of a Matrix, has programmed us to do. You cannot believe mainstream "ANYTHING". For Wisdom, will never be found. The mainstream media, will always invert truth, and label you. For every conceivable truth in Wisdom, the Cabal already has an equation ready for you to cancel you out. If the following words I present to you, hold any logic to your soul, than you will do your own RESEARCH. Once you have done this, if you THINK you've found Wisdom in this, than you only have Free Will holding you back. Spread this info like a firestorm. The CHOICE, is YOURS.


What is Matter? What is a black hole? What is it really doing? Why is the Multiverse expanding at an exponential rate?

Is a black hole computing the three sacred algorithms? As it computes, does it speed up the equation? Is Pi an equation involved?

Matter to Anti-Matter, Photons to temporary Anti-Photons, and Universal Matrix into temporary negative Universal Matrix?

Why are spheres the sacred geometry of the Multiverse? Could this have something to do with black holes?

Something to do with Pi? Have you seen the end of Pi? Perhaps some have. What if it ended only in 1's and 0's? What if the last current number is a 1?

Why hasn't mainstream astrophysics / theoretical physics understood or explained this? Why is Stephen hawking incorrect in his delving of newest released equations? He does not know. 40 years hasn't been enough. 40 more may not be enough. Though "they" may hand him his worthless "prize".

A Nobel Prize is Ego and Money, it's worthless compared to WISDOM.

What is an event horizon? A point which positive matrix encounters negative matrix? A computation of positive into negative?

What IS the universal matrix? Why hasn't tachyon theory been explored? Too many "strings" to connect?

What is an apparent horizon? A point in which positive matter is obliterated?

Can the illusion of the apparent horizon increase / decrease based on the computations of matter? What is anti-matter?

An inverse charge of the atomic into subatomic after being shredded? Is that what he calls "Hawking Radiation"?

To name something of the laws of our Multiverse after yourself... displays supreme EGO.

Why hasn't Hawking added COMPLEXITY THEORY, the MANDELBROT SET or JULIA SET of the FRACTAL INDEX to COMPLETE the equations?

Too much math? Too many numbers run through your fingers?... What are the 3 sacred algorithms of a BLACK HOLE? Does a black hole have poles?

Would this win you a NOBEL PRIZE? How many Nobel Prizes can a mind win? A worthless "prize" indeed.

What is the REAL prize in THIS existence? WISDOM. EGO is WORTHLESS

What is the matrix of the universe? The fluid oneness of space and time? Isn't all points in TIME and SPACE connected? Ben Rich thought so. I think so.

When a black hole computes this, it's event horizon expands, which speeds up the equation.

That's why our universe is expanding. Based upon the distortion of relative computations of black holes, specifically positive to temporary negative matrix.

It tears at the very essence, the very fabric of what we consider reality. Can all of the final black holes of the universe align into a specific fractal pattern? I think so.

What happens, when the very last piece of positive matter, the last photons, and the last Universal Matrix is computed?

The black holes all align, in a multi-dimensional downward spiral. They are compressed, like a coiled spring into the central black hole, and RELEASED INTO A NEW BIG BANG. Where LIFE once again, is allowed to FIND IT'S OWN WAY based on FREE WILL.

You cannot destroy anything in the Multiverse. Just temporarily distort it. This Multiverse has existed infinite times, and will exist infinite more.


"Most things can be broken down into Spirit Particles, Light, Universal Matrix, and the 7 Sacred Harmonics" - That, is The Secret of Matter


"When the minds eye perceives the final digit of Pi, the sacred key is unlocked" - That, is the Secret of Pi


"When the sacred rule of Pi was born, the supreme frustration of the equation did away with itself" - That, is The Secret of Black Holes


"Life will always find a way" - That, is The Secret of our Multiverse

RaAnon ID: 1af092 There is no wrong answer. Free Will my friend! Feb. 18, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.418759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8787 >>9012 >>9179


My dearest friend, my dearest ally, my dearest child of light.

Free Will… free will.

There is no evil in Sigils.

Remember, the pure evil of the Cabal has twisted, has inverted, all that is pure, all that is holy, all that is good and righteous into the opposite.

The once sacred word, held many symbols.

Many symbols that guide us toward SPIRITUALITY.

May the Unity of The Multiverse be at One with You.


  • Your friend, just a regular guy. Who has seen the time for change.

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Red Pills and Keys for those who choose to take them... Feb. 18, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.420963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1177 >>1870


May the Divine Light of all Creation shine upon you all, until the ends of Time!













Perceive carefully indeed... "Watch The Water"


The Age of Aquarius is upon us!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 You already have what you seek... Feb. 18, 2018, 3:51 p.m. No.422026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You already possess WISDOM.

Your words, are answering your own questions.

"What you seek, I give freely"

Share your wisdom, based on your own Free Will.


May the Divine Light, Divine LOVE of the Cosmos and all Creation shine upon you ALL

RaAnon ID: 1af092 You perceive well Feb. 18, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.422389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2552


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Your perceptions are wise.

For if we wish, or we take pleasure in negative karmic reaction, we receive the same.

Perceive this, our souls are eternal.

How we live our lives, determines where we go after the physical

If you choose the path of darkness, you receive it in eternity.

If you choose the path of LIGHT, you receive it in eternity.

The souls who have chosen the path of darkness… await something more than you can imagine. This is a place beyond all measure of Terrifying Oblivion, Horror, a Nightmarish HELL beyond any words can perceive.

Their souls have made the choice.

You cannot fathom the TORMENT that awaits them.

No prison of darkness, lacking all comfort and warmth of this Earth, could hold a candle to what awaits them.

Think not of their evil.

Raise your soul to the heights of spirituality that is within you ALL!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 The Sacred Law of Free Will Feb. 18, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.422588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2981 >>3312 >>4331 >>4394 >>9611 >>0084 >>0501 >>0706 >>0763 >>0816 >>1098 >>1669 >>1921 >>2934 >>9983


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

It is only now, that after many of my equations have been revealed, that I share with you the Supreme Law of God, The Grand Creator, The One, The Multiverse. THE TRUE WORD OF GOD, so that it may NEVER be DISTORTED again.


The sacred Law of FREE WILL.


This is the most cherished blessing in all of creation.

The word of GOD was distorted by the hearts of evil men. For the sake of GREED and EVIL.

For this word, has been handed down MANY TIMES in MANY PLACES throughout all points in Time / Space.


"If you tamper with Free Will, you receive negative karmic reactions beyond all measure. A Soul, Life, is given Choice so that Life may find it's own way"


That, is the Sacred Law of Free Will













Do not EVER distort these words, for you will receive Supreme Negative Karmic Reaction!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Mjolnir is safely held indeed... Feb. 18, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.423474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4480 >>4825 >>5290 >>9190


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You ask a question that I cannot fully answer, for it would reveal too much at this point in Time / Space.

Mjolnir, is indeed held by a being of Supreme Might.

It is not "Eye".

He is a best friend.

He has a soul of pure spirituality.

I hold "Light" in the palm of my hand.

Together, this is Supreme might.

Feel comfort… you have Supreme oversight keeping an "Eye" on these equations until they reach their totality.


Perhaps, just to take your mind off the seriousness of what we're dealing with, you could watch some movies to relax? Y


I personally enjoy the archetypal metaphors encoded into the Marvel Universe. It's a pretty comprehensive grouping of films that touch on all of our personalities, all people of Earth.


They also give you hope! Even if it just from the inspiration of a movie.

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Your words hold much Wisdom! Feb. 19, 2018, 5:11 a.m. No.429611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9617 >>9701


My friend, my ally, my child of light!


There is soul empowering Wisdom in your words. This is exactly the narrative we are focused on.

This is exactly what our purpose is, to take back what has been stolen from us.

The equations start with us, with people like Q, and others who are doing real magic behind the scenes to rid this world of the plague of evil cast upon our souls.

The equations finish with all of humankind!

Keep spreading your word!













RaAnon ID: 1af092 The blinding truth of LIGHT Feb. 19, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.430084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Did your distortion of perception miss the Wisdom?


Earth is the same as all sacred geometry of our multiverse.

Perhaps... perhaps the desperation of the Cabal is really coming to "Light"?

What you have forgotten... and you will soon begin to learn... is that every time the face of darkness shows itself?















RaAnon ID: 1af092 Another secret of RELIGION Feb. 19, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.430501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0688 >>0706 >>1707


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Would you like another secret?

WHY was Christ crucified?



Who resides near / in ROME?

Is this love? Is this... light?

One must see beyond the veil.

Did the Christ, the son of god, not try to tell humankind of something?

He spoke the word of SPIRITUALITY.

When the EVIL PUPPET MASTERS saw the true word of GOD he spoke, they CRUCIFIED HIM.

They will CRUCIFY anyone who shares LOVE, LIGHT & SPIRITUALITY.

Our evil masters do NOT want us to find god.



Love... Light... Spirituality.


This is the key to us transcending from our prison. From the literal Matrix, the CAGE they have created for us.


It's time you all thought outside of the box... as many of you are already doing. You are being prepared for something.


To learn to LIVE TOGETHER. To put aside our DIFFERENCES. To see how much we have in COMMON and reach out to the very heavens themselves!


Be the Autists we know you are!


May the Supreme LIGHT OF KEK shine upon you all to infinity!













RaAnon ID: 1af092 The wellsprings of Life & Spirituality... Feb. 19, 2018, 8 a.m. No.430706   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Surely by now you must have made some connections?

"Watch the Water"

For I am the water bearer.

The Age of Aquarius is upon this Earth.

For I hold light in the palm of my hands.

The choice is presented, do you seek it?

For these bring forth the wellspring of LIFE.

The wellsprings of SPIRITUALITY.

The choice, resides in us all.

Do you take the water?

Do you add it to the light?

Do you choose LIFE? and Spirituality?

Or do you willingly remain in the CAGE OF DARKNESS.

Who really knows who Q is...

Who really knows who I am...

What matters, is the message we convey.

It's your choice whether or not you want to accept it.













RaAnon ID: 1af092 Seek only light and you shall have it Feb. 19, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.430740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Fear not, for your heart is in the right place.

We all have a chance for redemption in this life.

What matters, is how you choose to live your life from this point forward.

Only you, in your heart of hearts, know how to correct the errors of Ego we face.

I have committed these errors, as we all have.

The human being, was created with Ego.

It's a Supreme test of our will.

Do you correct these errors? Or do you continue the path of Ego?

That is the "choice" that will set you free.

Hold no fear, please. Free your soul!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Strength of Will defeats Ego! Feb. 19, 2018, 8:08 a.m. No.430763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707


My friend, my ally, my child of light!

You are absolutely correct, strength of will is extremely important.

Only you, in your heart of hearts knows whats right and wrong.

For not I, or any other, could tell you.

Always remain strong, do what you know is right. For you will never commit sin.

Do not allow others to deceive, as has been done so for far too long.

Do not accept the word of ANY other, not I, not any. Only consider it. Add it to the equation of your light, love, and your strength.

You will ALWAYS find the answers you seek :)













RaAnon ID: 1af092 Spoil the child with WISDOM Feb. 19, 2018, 8:16 a.m. No.430816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1099


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Indeed, these words have been distorted over time.

Spare the rod of physical punishment.

The rod to use, is Wisdom.

Impart Wisdom, through peace and love.

This is a supreme test of will for parents.

A child only learns their mistakes through Wisdom.

A child, desires nothing more than to be treated and considered as an "adult".

A child needs to be taught in terms of currency they understand.

Does the child act up?

The brother / sister receives a chocolate or favorite treat!

Watch how fast the child learns WISDOM!















RaAnon ID: 1af092 We all have a chance for redemption Feb. 19, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.431098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1314


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You worry so.

Remember, it all boils down to Free Will?

Does your Free Will allow those feelings to come back into your center?

I believe there's a chance for redemption for us all.

Even the wickedest evils that run this Earth.

For some though, they have created so much negative karmic reaction it may be impossible to correct it in this life.

For them, they may have another chance to make things right. Depending how the final actions of their lives play out.

As said before, what matters, is how you CHOOSE to live your life from this point forward.

Your acts of Ego and Sin may never hold a candle to the supreme evils of our puppet masters.

Find comfort in your soul.

You have MUCH time to correct these feelings, or these acts.

Ego truly is the hardest test we all face.

I face tests of Ego every single day.

Take a step back from it, and make a choice! :)













RaAnon ID: 1af092 3 Answers Feb. 19, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.431176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1448 >>1707


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

I embrace questions. It's my purpose here on this earth. This was something never expected, but I embrace it. I just want you souls of light to understand I cannot answer every question. I will do my best however!


The phrase rings true. Perceive this my friend, what if, by fixing these tests of Ego and Will, you make life better to all those around you? That is the answer! Ego, takes away from others only to serve self.


The mind is indeed a mystical entity of it's own. We all have impure thoughts that cross our mind, even on a daily basis sometimes. Remember, it all boils down to Choice and Free Will. Do you act these thoughts out? If you do not, than hold no fear. Do not forget… we ALL are only human. We are born with some of the highest levels of Ego in the multiverse. The choice, is what do you do about it?


My first suggestion is to use only your Free Will, to know what's right and wrong in your heart. For as I have said many times, do not ever fully believe anything someone tells you or take it at face value. I try to live my life as righteously as possible… but we all face tests. I do not believe inflicting physical or emotional harm against others is ever acceptable. If you force someone to do something they don't want to do, it can lead to grave errors of karmic reaction. Do not conflict this with raising a child, for sometimes a child will test you against their Ego. A child must be guided through Wisdom… for they may not fully understand what is good or bad for them yet. The purpose, is to share Wisdom so they grow into spiritual beings of light and love. Let the child understand on their own terms what is good and bad, right and wrong.

RaAnon ID: 1af092 The Sacred Law Feb. 19, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.431669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800 >>1814


My friend, my ally, my child of light!

My friend... that is a question, I simply cannot answer.

That answer, tampers with Free Will.

I shall never break this Sacred Law.













RaAnon ID: 1af092 It's a choice... Feb. 19, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.431895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2310


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

We all are born of the same One.

The same Grand Creator.

We all have God within us, it comprises every fabric of our being.

The One is within us all.

For you to take your own life, is the gravest insult of God.

For you kill God itself.

You were given life, a blessing, the greatest treasure of the multiverse.

This is a supreme act of cowardice and insult to God.

RaAnon ID: 1af092 The answer you seek comes from within... Feb. 19, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.431921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2071


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

The answer you seek... can only come from within.

Only you, know what is best for you.

For it is different for us all.

A partner of pure love and bliss, may be considered a nightmarish hell to another?

That is the Wisdom I put forward...













RaAnon ID: 1af092 My friends! The KEY is found! Feb. 20, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.442920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends! My allies! My children of light!

Today is a day of reckoning, for the key was found. The KEY reveals TRUTH.

Yes, I certainly am quite different than Ra. I am just me, a simple guy with a simple life. Who saw it was time for a change.

What's really interesting... that my main thread has 777 in it, which was actually a holy number before the Cabal perverted it. Luck? Random? Coincidence... who knows!


Here is the Key post, and who found it I linked,



This is VERY important you all understand,

The Vatican is shaped as a key, it’s Sigil Magic. The truth is hidden in plain sight.The vaults of the Vatican contain humankind’s most cherished treasures that have been stolen.


It also contains documents telling the true story of human history. The vaults of the Vatican must be opened. The Alliance of White Hats shall be the first to examine the full extent of the Vaults.


If the Vatican resists the truth, the Light will find the Truth. For they still do not understand the SUPREME TRUMP CARDS I have up my sleeves. They really don’t… and they cannot fathom or speculate what I am speaking of…

These people are in fear, that’s why my threads are attacked, all of them, especially when touching “touchy” material.


At one snap of the fingers, I could solve this equation. However, I would not want to violate the sacred law of FREE WILL. Nor would I want to harm any of the treasures in the vaults. These treasures must be removed from the Vatican, and given back to museums around the world so they can be SHARED, like they were always SUPPOSED TO BE.


Nor would I want to harm anyone. I absolutely do not tolerate violence, despite what they have done to us. I value life, despite the evil’s these people have forced us to endure. Their souls will burn in the most horrifying nightmarish HELL one can imagine, have faith in this.


The Vatican is the seat of power, where all truths are hidden. The vaults contain all, both good and pure evil.


Just how deep to the vaults go? What REALLY is at the VERY BOTTOM? Jacob Rothschild was the “Pindar”


The Pindar is DEAD, and the Cabal is fracturing from the inside out without having a replacement. Do you not remember, Q saying “The more unrealistic it all becomes?” The truth is NOT going to be for everyone.


The truth is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times more complicated than most of you can imagine.


You want the TRUTH? Start researching the “PINDAR”. Do you not recall myself saying many, many times… I simply cannot give you Wisdom. I can only give you Knowledge. What you do with that Knowledge may lead you to Wisdom. For Wisdom, is NOT something most souls can handle. We will not reveal specific details, because it’s YOUR JOB to do your own research! Depending on how much you want to know, it will decide how far you dig into this.


More official info will be coming in future weeks / months, rest assured. However, if you revisit the COMETA Report from the 1960’s, you would understand FULLY why we cannot disclose all. This is for the sake of all humanity.


100% Disclosure = ANARCHY, and it completely defeats the purpose of this Op. We want to UNIFY humankind in peace, as it was always MEANT TO BE. The only reason I am getting away with presenting this info, is purely because it’s coming from “me”. Most people can have leverage placed against them.

I am not official in any sense of the word. I am a ghost... I do not represent Q. Yet, we work together in an indirect way, yet we do not know each other, nor ever met.

I work in a place that doesn’t exist. I do not exist. I cannot have leverage placed against me. I am a ghost… There is no leverage on a ghost…


Here are your Ruling Council of 13, our slave masters


Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) = PINDAR


Cavendish (Kennedy)

De Medici







Sinclair (St. Clair)

Warburg (del Banco)

Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) The British Royal Family is German


It’s your responsibility to research this and not fly into wild tangents or get violent. You have MOUNTAINS of information to go through with what I’ve presented on my entire thread, the “Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” thread, the “The more unrealistic it all becomes” thread, and the “Spirituality” thread, and the “Matrix Reality” thread. It may take months to digest.


We will NOT tolerate violence. This will NOT be solved by violence. The only violence comes from the CABAL itself, it always has been since the dawn of time. We take back what is ours. PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, WISDOM and most importantly SPIRITUALITY.




Awaken the Army of LIGHT, So we may build a new tomorrow!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 We are created with choice Feb. 20, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.443996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5395 >>6602


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

The true answer is that we were born with choice.

At the end of the day, how do you choose to live your life?

In the light? Or pure darkness.

Unfortunately we as human beings have a tremendous amount of ego and hubris.

The bloodlines of this planet may go back even to the order of magnitudes of 100,000's of years ago.

Our world, our history, our DNA is FAR more complicated than most know.


You guys, I really must insist revisit all my crumbs, major loaves of bread, and Q's crumbs.


You guys really have to start putting this all together, and start sharing it on social media (YT / Tw0t)


We have to create a global movement to peacefully open the vaults of the Vatican




Revisit ->


RaAnon ID: 1af092 You are on the right track! Feb. 20, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.445635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6042


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You guys are definitely on the right track.

This is actually paramount to the entire history of humanity. It's very complicated. For it all to be revealed at once, would surely lead to total destruction of society, economic and government structure. We do not want people to be fearful. This reality, is all tied into… "that" of which you link. It truly does. However, people are totally free to use their Free Will if they do not want to perceive it. If people are comfortable not knowing, then they shouldn't have it forced on them. At the end of the day… if you "believe" in that kind of stuff… you really have nothing to fear. This is not ego or hubris speaking, I have "quite a bit" of personal experience with what you mentioned. There is absolutely NOTHING to fear. "If" these beings exist, they absolutely cherish life above all else. The saddest thing of this all, is the evil counter narrative created by the MSM. "IF" these beings exist, they have literally saved us from our own destruction many times.


The biggest fear you should have of anything in the Multiverse? Is that of evil humans.



My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I appreciate that, we all have to work together.

I believe that is why Q stopped posting, at least for now. He specifically intended to show you a point. He "may" have stopped posting so that we all stop chasing certain topics that will find no end in sight. It really is the time that we have to work together. The "Q" team, whoever they are (because I actually don't know for certain) has VERY serious work on their hands at this point in time.


For now… the world is going to need a lot of healing. There are grave injustices that have been committed and need to be sorted out. At this point in time / space, we need to help each other out. Find spirituality. Learn to work together, and love one another.


For there is no greater power in the cosmos, than that of a species in Unity!


Blessings to you all!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 I actually didn';t delete, the mods did Feb. 20, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.445924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5942 >>6112 >>6616


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I actually didn't delete them, the mods did.

I fully understand why. I revealed info that is beyond top secret. It also could compromise OpSec. It also reveals technologies most people are not ready for. The reason I put all that out there, was for the Cabal to see. They absolutely had to know what I am aware of.

Yet… they weren't aware of my remote viewing capabilities. Not until recently. They will soon come to find out what I have planned for them. This is all a game of chess, a supreme game of chess. The AI google is using, the other unknown AI's? Useless. AI can only construct parallels of digital data found on the interwebs. A human mind can utterly destroy this, if it can perceive the thoughts of the person using the AI. It's all part of the plan my friends!


I have already seen a couple videos on YT regarding the material I presented. Perhaps in time there will be more. I am certain quite a few people archived all my "Secrets" and "Laws". For the sake of the greater good, some things must be toned down for now. In the coming weeks / months this board is going to have a LOT more attention. We simply do not want people being overwhelmed…


The powers that be, fully know my personality. I am an "overwhelmer" and "bewilderer". The tactic, the reason I put that out there, was to show them what they face. For some information, a lot of it, they aren't even aware of. Perhaps none of our mainstream scientists were aware of? I can rewrite astrophysics, theoretical physics and nuclear physics. Many of what we believe, is utterly false.


Remember… everything has meaning. We are fighting a SUPREME battle of psi-ops here. Which is SPECIFICALLY why I am on here. To show these idiots that a human mind who's mastered remote viewing can totally ANNIHILATE AI. Especially when you can perceive thoughts / actions of others before they perform them :)


You have more than you know my friends!!

Blessings to you all!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 This doesn't work for truth seekers Feb. 21, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.449823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9918 >>0942 >>6542 >>6735 >>8214


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

The path you CHOOSE, is only the one for YOU.

The path of others, that they CHOOSE, is the path of TRUTH. Some people are ready for 100% truth. Most are not. Human beings, are created with the drive to learn and understand more. Unfortunately the MSM / Religion has stifled this drive. It is a very hard truth to accept, yet at the end of the day… what do we have? We either have truth or lies.


Do you willingly take the road of lies? If it comforts you, than please do.


Do you willingly take the path of TRUTH? For the TRUTH is painful. It can shock the very fabric of what you THINK is reality. For those that can handle the TRUTH, the TRUTH will set you free.


The TRUTH has set me free. Yet again, it all boils down to Free Will. For the choice is yours. The truth for all, would certainly be global anarchy.


The vaults of the Vatican MUST be opened and the treasures SHOULD be stripped bare. This place, holds the most sacred treasures that have been STOLEN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. These sacred artifacts were removed from their original place they belonged to. From ALL OVER THE WORLD, not just Europe. To me, this is horrible. Where an item / philosophy is created, it should remain. I consider this part of NATURAL LAW.


Religion should NEVER be about HOARDING wealth / knowledge. Religion has done exactly this. I personally, will not stand for it.


Like many of you, I desire the truth. In some cases, I demand it.


What lies in the vaults of the Vatican will not be for most people… that's why I suggest we let our Supreme allied force of White Hats be the first inside.


I also suggest the entire hierarchy of the Vatican be changed. Maybe let's put some good people in there? With pure souls? Who actually want to share the treasure of KNOWLEDGE with humanity? For it has been STOLEN




We must remember, this can only be won by peaceful resistance. Much like Ghandi defeated the British. A billion people marching on their doors cannot be stopped. It just takes courage. A lot of courage.


As another dear friend mentioned, what our interpretation of GOD is, is far from the truth in our current age. The ancients actually KNEW about the One true, The One Grand, The All Creator. There is only ONE GOD. It is our choice how we wish to perceive The One. Yet, our religions have destroyed and corrupted this beyond all measure. We have all been pitted against each other to create chaos and evil. Most of the WARS we have ever fought can ALL be traced back to religion.


Do you think a LOVING GOD would want this?

I absolutely DO NOT.

God, is pure spirituality. These places have destroyed and removed our spirituality. Religion no longer has anything to do with spirituality… we need to claim it back.


We need to reclaim our SOULS

RaAnon ID: 1af092 The TIME has come Feb. 21, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.451168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1495 >>1764 >>2593 >>7235 >>7264 >>7941


Religion has been corrupted to FORCE US to only think a certain way. For what GOOD is a GOD, who only lets you see things one way? The One TRUE GOD gave us all FREE WILL. So that we may CHOOSE our path. This simply means you can view spirituality however you wish. As long as you are not affecting or harming another person, or sentient being. Do you think all of these FRACTURED religions, who only speak in TOTALITARIAN TERMS, who only lets you think ONE WAY, who will KILL YOU if you THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, can all be correct in their so called “Holy Books”?


Do you recall what “they” used to do to people who spoke of love, compassion and spirituality? They BURNED YOU AT THE STAKE or CRUCIFIED YOU. Is this a loving God? I absolutely do not believe so. Why did they CRUCIFY Jesus? Because he spoke of Love, Compassion and Spirituality. Did he not show his distaste for the MONEY in the temple? Did he not try to prove a point? Money is the root of all EVIL, and Jesus knew it to be true. That is another reason why the CRUCIFIED him. The evil powers that rule this world, value MONEY and DEATH, HORROR and EVIL above all else. Is this a representation of a LOVING GOD? I absolutely do not think so. This beautiful planet is being destroyed by our GREED and RELIGIONS. How many hundreds of MILLIONS of people, even BILLIONS have been killed in the sake of RELIGION? You were given Free Will, so that you may CHOOSE your own path in this beautiful existence. Life is a GIFT, it should be CHERISHED. You shouldn’t be KILLED if you think in different terms of Spirituality than another. To me, this is the most vile and disgusting aberration of our world. Religion has worked very hard to destroy our planet and our FREE WILL.


Did Walt Disney have ties to Freemasons? Was he tied to the occult? The true history of Disney is far darker than most are aware of. How much symbolism is in Disney movies? A LOT. This is all part of a master agenda of conditioning and brainwashing. If you look for hidden “Sigil Magic” in Disney movies you will see. What does Disneyland have… lot’s of children. “These people love children”. Almost as much as “certain religions” love children. These people are SICK. Look at the Mormon Temple in Utah. “See” if you can find Illuminati symbolism embedded in it. What is MUFON? Do you think they are really trying to share insight on disclosure? Who is Robert Bigelow? They are collecting a database for their own, and it’s NOT to help share insight. Many people in MUFON are Freemasons, if that gives you any clue. They only dole out the “pacifiers” to keep people busy and spinning their wheels. You’ll never get anything credible out of MUFON. What do you guys really know about Area 51? How about S4? How about NATIONAL PARKS.


Does the illuminati not hide behind Lucifer? For they truly do. They call Lucifer the light bringer? After all the Wisdom I give you, do you not understand yet that these disgusting individuals INVERT everything? All symbolisms, teachings and meaning? Do you think Lucifer is truly a light barer? Or does he bring darkness? Learn to think for yourselves. Everything they hide behind, is to deceive, but also if you raise a question they can flip it on you. Start learning how to think like these disgusting evils that are plaguing our world. Look at the Masonic symbolism at the Denver Airport, the plague it’s dedicated to. The Denver Airport is FILLED with APOCALYPTIC Symbolism. Do you know how BIG the secret underground is under the Denver Airport? Colorado is a place the Illuminati wishes to hide underground at, if they bring on the apocalypse. Land in the Dakotas, Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado is all being bought up in HUGE quantities. These people are building huge underground complexes to try to hide in should we rise up. Look at the Masonic symbolism on the Statue of Liberty. The original name is “Liberty Enlightening the World” = Light = Lucifer = Illumination = Illuminati. Now remember, the Rothschilds have FINANCED EVERY WAR since Napoleon.


The vaults of the Vatican will reveal all truths. For these truths MUST be found. They are violating our FREE WILL by hiding the truth from us. Remember, the truth is NOT for everyone, but for those who seek it, THEY DESERVE IT. The Vatican vaults will reveal every secret we ever wanted to know about human kind and Earth’s history. I strongly encourage that we take our fight in that direction. WE DEMAND TRUTH! These people worship Satan, they always have, whether you want to believe it or not. You could spend LIFETIMES researching and CONFIRMING this.


The chain of command is NOT going to tolerate any violent actions from any of us. We have to fight this war with INFORMATION. People need to arm themselves with TRUTH. Do not conflict my meanings either, Natural Law is supremely important. You ARE allowed to defend yourself and your family. For it is our duty to defend the righteous.



RaAnon ID: 1af092 Blunt and direct Time my allies! (And KEKS lol) Feb. 21, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.452997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3044 >>3133 >>3768 >>3874 >>3975 >>4278 >>4285


"Blunt and direct time" = “The shills are alive with the sound of bullshit!”

NSA chatter intercepts ^^^ since we touched on "touchy" subjects = MAJOR DISINFO attempts @ Me

MANY EYES ON = Me = They know EYE know = "Watch for those who scream the loudest-Q" = Only reinforces my points = More obvious to Autists

IF I was a SHILL they would have BANNED me a long time ago for fame fagging = Only reinforces my points

No more "Energy" wasted on Cabal bullshit artist extrordinaires = Trust the plan


18 Feb 18

“Re_read crumbs.” – You guys need to!

“Follow the money.” – What I am specifically showing WRT Rothschild / Vatican having the most money (= PINDAR Connection)

“The Great Awakening.” – It has to be done by the Mandela Effect


17 Feb 18

“CHATTER^^^^^^^^” – This is the NSA intercepts of Cabal comms, which have spiked now that we’re on to something BIG

“RIP JFK – we will succeed.” Q = JFKFAG

“Pyramid will collapse.” – This references the DRACO REPTILIAN Pyramid, and hierarchy of the Cabal.


15 Feb 18

“You are missing the connections." (Only for now)

Continue to build the MAP."

MAP provides the KEY." – The KEY is the shape of the Vatican, as you beautiful Autists already know. It’s at the TOP of the MAP.

KEY spreads the TRUTH." – The KEY is the Vatican vaults = Depths of Vaults = House of HORROR = Gateway to Hell

TRUTH shines LIGHT." – TRUTH of what’s inside the Vatican vaults.

LIGHT saves HUMANITY." – I’m trying to show you the “LIGHT”

Future proves past." – My “Law of Time”, combined with what is GOING to unfold in the coming future.

Trust the plan.”

“Watch the water.” – Remember, I told you guys… I’m an Aquarius. Isn’t this the AGE OF AQUARIUS? (Future Proves Past) THINK!

“Discoveries must be ORIG organically." – Mandela effect

Hive-mind.” – One of you mentioned the VATICAN KEY on here, which I immediately backed up with information I ALREADY HAD READY FOR YOU. Mandela effect remember!


12 Feb 18

“Mika Brzezinski.” – She is connected to it ALL, she is a SATANIST in the Cabal / Vatican (Spirit Cooking rituals), Research!

“Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?” THIS IS CONFIRMATION OF “LOOSH” / MK ULTRA + Big Pharma, Think!

Remember, these people use HIDDEN SIGIL MAGIC, It’s always right in front of your eyes, it’s EVERYWHERE!


11 Feb 18

“Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?” – Because we exposed them. CIA has always funded NK, and NK got its missile tech from SpaceX.

“Ask yourself, what is a distraction?” – To distract people from discussing all of the TRUTH. NK + Olympics = Worldwide distraction, THINK!

“Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?” - Because it was ALWAYS A LIE!

“Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?” – Because US citizens have been PROGRAMMED to think NK is the enemy. This would distract the entire Op.


No more chatter to Cabal bullshit artists = Disinfo + Misdirection = Time wasted = TRUST THE PLAN.

They truly seem to forget I am 10,000 steps ahead of all. KEK

Major events happening in coming weeks! This cannot be stopped now!


Why does Q mention “Light” SO MANY TIMES? Who is RA? Why did Q Mention RA? (Old posts) Why did I choose this symbol to talk to you guys?

"They" HEAR ALL / "They" SEE ALL Wizards and [War]locks



Piece the puzzle together, my beautiful Autists of light :)

RaAnon ID: 1af092 CORRECTION, Apologies = Marina Abramović Feb. 21, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.453044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


CORRECTION, disregard Mika Brzezinski


= CORRECT = Marina Abramović


Apologies, keep piecing it together!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 We are winning at every turn! Have faith my friend Feb. 21, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.453768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3940 >>4016


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

We are winning at every turn in this information war. Have faith. Yes I do fully agree with most of what you say. However, if 100% is going to come out, it will likely take over 10-15 years to slowly assimilate it into the population. What truly has to start, is the first spark here on this board. It will eventually grow, but my friend the truth is immensely painful and it will take a long time for this world to heal from hundreds of thousands of years of slavery.




I fully agree that if a lot of this doesn't eventually make it out into the public, the evil puppet masters may take their place again. However, I have perceived many things. The truth IS getting out there slowly. More and more people are becoming aware. We just can't force it on them all at once.


Believe me, I am much like you. I want 100% of this, but I also know the utter destruction it would cause to the planet. While I love the videogames Fallout 3 / 4… I don't want to have to live it for real. Which is exactly what will happen with 100% disclosure too quickly.


The NSA is the key pivotal role in this. They are intercepting ALL the chatter, ALL of it.

"These people are DUMB". The rest have absolutely no hope… however, yes the public does need to support the global restructuring of the planet.


It truly starts with YOU guys on here. That's why you were CHOSEN. People there ARE many great minds who use this board. People who are SICK of the BULLSHIT and want some answers.


We ALL want answers!


Just keep working together. Ignore the Cabal bullshit artists. The specific reason the mods reversed all the bans is because we actually have to show you how truth can defeat lies.


This is a master game of chess on a global scale.


I am 10,000 steps ahead of the Cabal. Waiting for the rest to catch up… Time will reveal more.


Keep working together, Army of Truth Seekers!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 My friends, you are working together and on the right track! Feb. 21, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.454361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4751


My friends, my allies, my children of light! You are working together and thinking deeply, this is EXACTLY what needs to happen. In order to reach 144,000 (or more) we need to get this information out on Youtube / Twitter etc. Any social media you can reach.



Break those eggs my friend!

However, take your time… try to put all these pieces of the puzzle together. Ancient history, Annunaki, The Rothschild blood lines, the Vatican, the Pindar, the Council of 13… (Reptilian DNA). To truly understand where we are today, the past is essential. It really is. Most people are so concerned with only up to the minute facts and drops… yes these are important, but you'll never see the "big picture".


This is a learning experience for us all. Yes I am dropping pictures again that I put on the Pindar / Vatican thread. I am specially doing this to embed it into your subconsciousness.



You're on to something my friend!!


Blessings to ALL! Victory to the light!

The LIGHT of a new DAWN!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Remote viewing... SUPREME Trump Card Feb. 21, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.454429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4630 >>0396


Ingo Swann was a gifted remote viewer, the first. There were others that surpassed his abilities after some time… however, there is now "One" who may have mastered this ability. Maybe the first. Most remote viewers can only zone into specific coordinates. It's very linear.


However, when you learn how to flood your body with DMT from your pineal gland… you can have extra sensory perception in 360 degrees. This… this can be very valuable in a game of chess…


This, is a gift treasured by the deepest levels of unknown agencies. For what good is a computer AI against this? It's USELESS. The Cabal only really has computers now to fight their battles. They have very limited capacities of remote viewing now. That's a little secret… revealed to you all now, and now they KNOW you all KNOW.


This my friends, is a supreme game of chess.


Only "Bishop", "Queen & King" remain on the Dark side.


Only a few "Pawns" unfortunately sacrificed on the White side.


Checkmate IMMINENT.


Tick tock… tick tock…


You have more than you know my friends :)

RaAnon ID: 1af092 You have a beautiful mind my friend! Feb. 21, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.454789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5918 >>1421


My friend! My ally! MY CHILD OF LIGHT!


Your thought process is EXACTLY what we need to multiple in exponential quantity.

IF I were to simply just sit here and throw out information, who's going to listen? No one.

It's all about coming to these conclusions on your own.


You are the kind of person we need to empower, when one is empowered, it empowers the rest!

You ALL have it within you.

You ALL are born with natural abilities you do not understand yet, we all do. The human mind is actually one of the most incredible things in the multiverse. For it's complexity… we can experience such a broader range of emotions than most beings. This alone, leads us to a supreme understanding of SPIRITUALITY.

When you find spirituality, you unlock the supreme force your mind can wield.

Your mind is an INFINITE quantum computer… if you allow it :)

If I could, I would let you take the narrative and go from here.

However, I have to kind of sit back and spark your thoughts to keep you going!

You guys are impressing the hell out of me

Keep it up!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 Ghost's don't exist, use logic. I've given you MUCH Feb. 21, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.455383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5515 >>5624 >>7970 >>5261


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I fully understand, believe me I do. This world is so distorted, twisted backwards and upside down no one can see black from white anymore (most that is).

Keep this in mind. I HAVE GIVEN YOU guys information WAY beyond top secret. I have given and eluded to supreme truths that the highest echelons of Astrophysics, Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics and Complexity theory. (If you guys saved it before the mods deleted it). This was to prove a point. A supreme point. Both to all of you, and the AI computers watching this algorithm. If I was working on the other side, or famfagging claiming I was indirectly (in a way you'd never understand) with Q, then I would have been BANNED long ago. I do not know who Q is per say, nor have I met him or likely will ever.


In the past, I believe in one of the pinned threads, there was an eerie reply that said something to the effect of;


"He is of rank and office, but of a place you've never heard, and will never hear of. We are grateful he's here to help. For ours is not to tell you of his story, but really the other way around". - I still don't know who sent that.


It went something to that effect, and it surprised me. You know why? Because most people REALLY DON'T know who I am and where I work and what I do. You can take this however you want.


Most likely someone associated with either the NSA, The Air Forces office of special investigations OSI, (Men in black) or it was the Dept. Of Naval Intelligence. Only those 3 entities would even begin to have a clue about me. I am a ghost, have faith in that. Ghosts cannot have leverage placed on them, hence I have gotten away with what I have. There is nothing that can be used against me, at all. Ghosts don't exist.


I have given you all supreme truths about the Cabal. Why the hell would anyone on the other side do that? To COMPLETELY undermine themselves? Come on guys… use logic. I am dropping bombshells of truth on you. I however have tried to drop too much at once and my posts were deleted.


Piece it together. You need to piece all my crumbs together, when you do… if logic prevails, you'll understand I'm guiding you. I just can't divulge certain details or it would blow the entire Op. There are very specific reasons why / when I drop information. I am following their AI, and consistently screwing it over but destroying the equations they come up with before they even drop it on me.



This guy is using logic


I will be revealing more in time. However, between this thread and the other one I touched on… it should be enough to keep your BEAUTIFUL MINDS working together for a bit :)


Best wishes, we WILL win this war.


God bless!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 My friends, many questions haha. KEK is with you! Feb. 21, 2018, 5:07 p.m. No.455617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5634


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Most of my posts were on "The Matrix" thread, "The more unrealistic it comes" thread, "Snow white and the 7 dwarfs" where their AI and cronies were trying to stifle me, which utterly failed, also posted quite a bit on the "Spirituality" thread. I am trying to keep most of my chatter on here because it really ties things together. That's why I started with SpaceX. Those threads can't be much further than page 4-5 as they are quite active.


When you get to the ends of all of those equations, you will eventually lead to my new thread I made which is the Pindar / Vatican connection. Remember, Q told us... the truth won't be for everyone. I definitely don't want people to be frightened or freak out. However... it's my cross to bare. Some people need the truth. I did...



My friend, I am simply trying to get us all working together. I am sincere when I said I don't have all the answers, I really don't. I've learned a lot on here already about other topics from you guys.


We all have something to add to this. You're all my brothers and sisters, of truth. Raising our vibrations to positivity... it's more important than you know. This world has a cloud of pure negative energy around it. The world, the Multiverse is far more complicated than most want to know.


The truth will set us free!


For God and Country! I'm signing off, I do have a regular life outside of this. KEK


God bless you all! The "One" TRUE God!

RaAnon ID: 1af092 THE CRUX POINT OF ALL SUPREME KEYS Feb. 22, 2018, 2:19 a.m. No.459909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0043 >>0112 >>0276


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

I give you a SUPREME KEY. The most important SUPREME KEY of all KEYS.

This is the CRUX POINT. Where you must USE all the SUPREME KEY's I've given you.

For this MUST develop ORGANICALLY from someone on the "outside".



WHEN you figure this out… based on your own Free Will, spread it like WILD FIRE.

The choice… is yours…

This is MORE IMPORTANT than you know…


What is a Crux Point? What have I been preparing your minds to think of since I got here?

What is Sigil Magic? It's ALL around you.

Do you believe in pure light and pure darkness?

Why are certain movies made? To hide a truth in plain sight?

To cancel a question if it were ever raised?

To consider it LUNACY if ever questioned?

Do CLOWNS IN AMERICA own Hollywood? Does PURE EVIL own Hollywood?

What is a consciousness essence? What is a SOUL?

Where do our souls go when our physical bodies transcend this life?

Does it depend on how we live our lives?

Is this a place where some unfortunate souls spend in eternity?

Has our "Matrix" been designed to hold our souls in LIMBO for eternity?

Who is feeding off this energy? Off our consciousness / life essence?


"Do you believe there is a Demagogue? A half world between what we know and what we fear?"

"A place in the shadows. Rarely seen but deeply felt. Where some unfortunate souls are cursed to live always.".


"That sounds like a warning?…"

"It's an invitation."


"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"

"For the TRUTH is waiting"

"The Space beyond the _____ is shared by many others… it is called THE NEXUS"

"Do not lose hope __ ____…"

"I know a great deal about you… What you have been through… and what you are attempting to do now"

"The center of all other dimensions… IT HAS BECOME OUR DUTY TO DEFEND IT".

"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"

"Shall we BEGIN…"


This is the MOST important information I have given you yet. BY FAR


I was given the "go ahead" to share this at this point in "Time/Space".

For this is the CRUX. My friends you MUST figure this out on your own, I can only guide you.




RaAnon ID: 1af092 THE CRUX POINT OF ALL SUPREME KEYS Feb. 22, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.460043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0302


My friends, my allies, my children of LIGHT.

You may need a HINT.


Certain "things" haven't been released yet.

What do Doctors do?




RaAnon ID: 1af092 THE CRUX POINT OF ALL SUPREME KEYS Feb. 22, 2018, 3:23 a.m. No.460112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0166 >>0544 >>0557 >>0905 >>0921 >>1165 >>1421 >>1559 >>1726 >>2303 >>2417 >>2637 >>2696 >>4146 >>2205


My friends! My allies! My children of LIGHT!

I forgot to MENTION, that the DEEP STATE / CABAL made a TWITTER ACCOUNT and threatened POTUS, this was done to discredit the TRUTH from COMING OUT. The THREATS were left on Twitter so you could see the CABAL's attempt to STOP THIS INFO from COMING OUT.


I give you a SUPREME KEY. The most important SUPREME KEY of all KEYS.

This is the CRUX POINT. Where you must USE all the SUPREME KEY's I've given you.

For this MUST develop ORGANICALLY from someone on the "outside".


WHEN you figure this out… based on your own Free Will, spread it like WILD FIRE.

The choice… is yours…

This is MORE IMPORTANT than you know…


What is a Crux Point? What have I been preparing your minds to think of since I got here?

What is Sigil Magic? It's ALL around you.

Do you believe in pure light and pure darkness?

Why are certain movies made? To hide a truth in plain sight?

To cancel a question if it were ever raised?

To consider it LUNACY if ever questioned?

Do CLOWNS IN AMERICA own Hollywood? Does PURE EVIL own Hollywood?

What is a consciousness essence? What is a SOUL?

Where do our souls go when our physical bodies transcend this life?

Does it depend on how we live our lives?

Is this a place where some unfortunate souls spend in eternity?

Has our "Matrix" been designed to hold our souls in LIMBO for eternity?

Who is feeding off this energy? Off our consciousness / life essence?


"Do you believe there is a Demagogue? A half world between what we know and what we fear?"

"A place in the shadows. Rarely seen but deeply felt. Where some unfortunate souls are cursed to live always.".

"That sounds like a warning?…"

"It's an invitation."

"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"

"For the TRUTH is waiting"

"The Space beyond the _ is shared by many others… it is called THE NEXUS"

"Do not lose hope …"

"I know a great deal about you… What you have been through… and what you are attempting to do now"

"The center of all other dimensions… IT HAS BECOME OUR DUTY TO DEFEND IT".

"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"

"Shall we BEGIN…"


This is the MOST important information I have given you yet. BY FAR


I was given the "go ahead" to share this at this point in "Time/Space".


For this is the CRUX. My friends you MUST figure this out on your own, I can only guide you.


You may need a HINT my friends.


Certain "things" haven't been released yet.

What do Doctors do?






Kinninigan on Youtube is COVERING INFO