Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.430173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0298


Other guesses.


  1. Ra came to us from 'higher dimensions' long time ago to help humanity, and is still helping. Thor did the same thing. And they are friends.


  1. Ra and Thor are people close to POTUS who play different roles. People from the NSA and Military.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.430549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0729




I am worried after your words on what will happen to people who choose the path of darkness. You described hell, will they have no chance for rehabilitation, forgiveness?


Are there sins? Are there simple sins, like adultery or tattooing?


Or sins are complicated like 'tampering with somebody's free will', being led by ego and choosing the path of darkness?


You say "EGO". There is a 'piece of understanding' in your mind that you try to convey with this word. But other people may understand this word differently than you mean.


Ego is serving oneself? Sometimes people do things for themselves, they take pleasure, they deny others services if they feel they have such right. Sometimes people are selfish, not many people are rushing to Africa to save other people from hunger and diseases.


Is being bossy and in command - 'tampering with free will'? What if you have charisma and personal influence, power which you exercise. Sorry for making the discussion more and more detailed and technical.


Relying on feelings and intuition to figure out what's right and what's wrong doesn't always work. Being a naive, trusting and kind human, one may be manipulated by others to fight for wrong causes, to fight against some people and he will feel guilt and shame if he rejects those who ask him.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.430729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0763




You say "LIGHT" and "LOVE". But should there also be strength?


Strength may look and seem like ego. It may look and seem like evil. But can there be real harmony in life without strength of character? Without it even searching for the truth is hard or impossible. Because without it you may be manipulated by other people and your thoughts and thinking may be guided and exploited by other people. They will pressure you and use your intelligence to justify their opinions and believes, and to fight against opposing believes. It happens very often in today's world where many bright people are manipulated into defending falsehoods and fighting against what could be truthful. If pressure doesn't work they use humor, if that doesn't work they use inspiration, if that doesn't work they use compassion, if that doesn't work they use humiliation and shaming. They may use subtlety or they may use the entire might of the media, film, music, internet, politics and religions.


Strength, in my opinion is in one's mind. It is impartiality to other people, their weaknesses and your own weaknesses, impartiality to their wishes and your own wished, taming down your own desires. Strength is being impartial to the flaws of other people, even if they look evil to you. Strength may lead to rejection of what other people want from you, but at the same time understanding other people is needed. It may mean refusing to cater to weaknesses and wishes of other people, refusing to pity their weaknesses. Without it you may be like a puppy.


Not being a puppy means not barking at those who look bad, not defending without thinking those who look attacked. It may mean not responding to calls to play of other people, it means not accepting other people's rules. The 'puppy' must stay still and strong.


But it may seem evil, it may seem like betrayal, like not being a good boy.


A person needs time and opportunity to understand what's going on. And that is why strength of character is needed.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.431099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1176



I have three questions, RaAnon.




You wrote:

>Do you want to live this life, only to make it better for yourself?

>Or do you want to make it better for EVERYONE?


What do you think about this saying: "The Sun doesn't know the righteous. The Sun doesn't know the unrighteous. The Sun doesn't shine to give warmth. He who finds himself is like the Sun"


I am on the path of knowing myself which is also the path of healing myself. I do it for myself. It is the only right way to live life in my opinion. But I think that towards the end of the path love and warmth will emit from me naturally, unintentionally. Like joy, ingenuousness and innocence of a child, which give happiness to people around him.




Is it OK in your opinion to experiment in one's own mind and imagination, even if one imagines doing things that are bad.




Do you have advises for life, like what is helpful practically and what in your opinion is not good morally.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.431203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1314



No matter how difficult your life is, there is one thing you may try to do. Every day of your life try to turn things to the better and prevent them from getting worse. It doesn't matter how bad your situation is, or how far you need to go reach some goal. Simply make steps in the right direction.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.431448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1669 >>1801



One more thing that I'd like to ask today.


Recently important question for me is finding my soulmate. What to look for? Qualities, principles or feelings? What is the most important? Do you think women with conservative principles are better wives and mothers? Are considerations like that important at all?

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.431814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1907 >>1921



Funny. If that's "tampering with free will" then standards of this "Sacred Law" are not clear and hard to understand. I thought that you only had to not force others to do something that they didn't want to.


I am not asking you to choose me a wife, heh. I am asking for your opinion and you personal experience. It's OK if you don't answer. I kinda understand your philosophy.

Anonymous ID: 4b1e82 Feb. 19, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.432071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Lucky you. This is one of the most important questions in life and it looks like you found a supremely good answer, and she found you too!


Control… We want to control reality (outside of our mind) to get easy pleasure, to stop abuse that is happening on us, to keep our simplistic worldview from evolving…


Giving up this control induces suffering on me, my soul. But I tell to myself to consume it, to feel it in my body and get used to it to the point when I don't care and don't notice it anymore. With small steps, over many years, the burden on my soul and body becomes smaller and smaller. I am not as angry and irritable as before, and my worldview and mood have changed dramatically. Take it or leave it, but this is what works for me.




I like this answer. Rings true to me.




Thank you. Right, perhaps life is really supposed to work like magic.




Thank you for your wisdom, RaAnon!


Wish you all the best!