Do we have access to our infinitely connected subconscious.
Can we can ask any question of our infinite source and receive an answer immediately and without fail based on how our cells react to the question. (Strength vs. weakness)
This method has been studied and proven in research done by Dr. David R. Hawkins in "Power vs. Force".
It is One more piece of the puzzle, a guide to practical application of the abstract and the esoteric, and a tool to use the EYE that we all have.
We can raise humanity's collective level of vibration and consciousness closer to that of perfect creator love, and we will break through the walls of this dimension into paradise.
Could the majority of people operating in fear, shame, doubt, disbelief and anger be trapped between worlds?
Is it possible that WE are still in the world between worlds, and that the wall is only an illusion that we have allowed to exist by our own free will?
Could we be the light and the LOVE that our creator made us to be?
Have the lies spread by religion been so effective that the majority of humanity has never reached salvation after leaving this plane of consciousness?
The world has seemed brighter to me lately, the more awake I've become…
Every day I am more grateful that I experience times like these, with people such as you are.
Onward! Ever upward! My friends and allies.