Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 18, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.424331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5298



Thank you for this thread! There is so much that resonates with my path. I have many questions that I will continue to explore and work to understand, but this one, I would like to ask directly.


The law of FREE WILL is clear to me in all except one area. It may be that I am too stuck in my current way of thinking, but as a parent responsible for provide the upbringing or my young children, I feel I must at times impose my experience/will overriding theirs as they learn and grow.


My responsibility here is in conflict with their free will. Is there a clarification or insight you could provide here?


Again thank you for everything here and I look forward to our journey!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 18, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.425973   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Very well put. I hadn't thought of it that way.


That insight is a small recalibration to the way I look at free will and it fits much better in a scalable/universal law.


Thank you!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 19, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.433363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800



My 2 cents here….

I have always believed that if you are truly looking for answers, they will come at the RIGHT time. You are digging and asking and working…. keep going, be patient, and listen.


Mine is a long and difficult path that is not done, but it has made me stronger and brought me the answers I needed. And along that path I have been able to pass help and love to others.


This may help, may not, but I know you have the strength to do whatever YOU need to. Keep working, keep being honest with yourself and never stop. May you learn to love yourself as much as we love you!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 19, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.433975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4379



I struggle with giving direction because your situation is different from mine, however, I feel that there are two points I am compelled to put here.


I made major strides when I completely decoupled religion from spirituality. I re-analysed many foundation after that.


Once spirituality was separated I found meditation a great tool to connect, center and learn.


And to your question on spirituality from within or others…. spirituality is everywhere if you look and listen.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 19, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.435075   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am humbled that you included me in your request for more info.


First, don’t apologize for asking, you did so in a positive way to learn more.


I feel that the conversation should remain here on these boards. There are so many like all of us searching, we all learn more through our collective conversations. My comments were directed to you originally, but my hope is that there may be others that come across them and they help.


As for your specific questions….I’m just a another person like you. Much of this is new and I am learning too. I will be following RAs suggestion and reading those as well. Those questions probably can be given more insight on those boards.


Enjoy the journey! It will take the rest of your life! Much love and support.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 19, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.437876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2713 >>1421



I am me. I am you. "Eye" am all. We are all.



Eye = 3rd?

Eye open = light, closed = dark


I me - -> eye we


I = you = we = all



Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 20, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.447562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067



I believe I understand your point of view properly. This is a familiar perspectives me. I never want to disparage, criticize or sow doubt about people’s views on religion. Religion and spirituality are personal and yours to decide.


From your question to me about what could be so horrific… what if in that vault there was evidence that Jesus’s words were manipulated/changed knowingly by man to support mans agenda?


If there was distortion, should it be corrected? How would it be corrected? Would the voice be clearer if our understanding purer?


This is my inquisitive, challenging mind. I enjoy the search. So please don’t interpret it as an attack on you or your beliefs.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.452713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2997 >>1421



Swann complete. I have, as best I can name, a rage.


Once my hopper works through this “rage” I will re-tool the linked.


Phase lock 3 up.



Deepest thank you for the connection!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 21, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.453874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9718



I am reeling and overwhelmed and rocked to my core. This piece has snapped into place and connected other pieces of a puzzle i didn't know connected. I have questions flying in my head that I am still working through, I….am not sure how to expand. My rage is still there, but it is directed at a very few. I feel like I have been hit with more emotions (strongest being love) over the past few hours and I'm attempting to handle them. I am not, nor every have been an emotional person (autist)


The following is not written for all, I fear that my understanding and ego may tarnish one of the most critical, so this is written for verification and we can expand and normi-fy later.


I would like to first tackle this that started me on this path. I will then take my first stab at the items/crumbs placed before us by RA



>I am me. I am you. "Eye" am all. We are all



This is about the conscience and sub-conscience. The analogy is individual islands in an ocean.


I am an Island, you are an island, all people are islands. There is an ocean connecting and shared by these islands. Our Islands are Conscience, the ocean is our collective Sub-Conscience. This ocean is wisdom, intuition and many other things. This has been hidden, blocked, and actively confused/distorted/controlled.


Ocean = Water = Collective Wisdom = Sub-Conscience.


Me, you and everyone else are connected.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 21, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.454278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4361 >>1421


1 of 2


Again, some may be cryptic or confusing, sorry, I feel I understand, but I fear ego or missing info could cause damage. I will clarify and refine as needed and supported.


>"Blunt and direct time" = “The shills are alive with the sound of bullshit!”


Because of our connected Sub-Conscious we have group think, this is complicated and I wont go deep here, but ultimately the shills are not bad people, they are just part of the group think narrative being fed and misinformation from up the hierarchy. They perpetuate their own group think. They are in thought "phase-lock"


>NSA chatter intercepts ^^^ since we touched on "touchy" subjects = MAJOR DISINFO attempts @ Me

>MANY EYES ON = Me = They know EYE know = "Watch for those who scream the loudest-Q" = Only reinforces my points = More obvious to Autists


Strengthen the dis-info to reinforce the narrative and cover up….. reinforce the phase lock


>IF I was a SHILL they would have BANNED me a long time ago for fame fagging = Only reinforces my points

>No more "Energy" wasted on Cabal bullshit artist extrordinaires = Trust the plan


The Plan brings more people to the group understanding of something being wrong and the true understandings. The more info packets accepted and connected drive more collective sub-conscious in the true direction. THEY can not control.


>18 Feb 18

>“Re_read crumbs.” – You guys need to!


For sure, future proves past. More new info, knowledge and wisdom in the future turned to past with reinforce itself.


>“Follow the money.” – What I am specifically showing WRT Rothschild / Vatican having the most money (= PINDAR Connection)


There are few that are controlling the narrative and maintaining the artificial "veil" The Money controls people, narrative, etc. They are losing control and can not get it back unless we stop.


>“The Great Awakening.” – It has to be done by the Mandela Effect


We wake because we know. One alone can be stopped, Sub-Conscious awareness can not be stopped.


>17 Feb 18

>“CHATTER^^^^^^^^” – This is the NSA intercepts of Cabal comms, which have spiked now that we’re on to something BIG


We are learning and collectively that is moving the phase lock.


>“RIP JFK – we will succeed.” Q = JFKFAG


Was he exposing them without Mandela Effect? He was stopped to retain control/illusion


>“Pyramid will collapse.” – This references the DRACO REPTILIAN Pyramid, and hierarchy of the Cabal.


Few at the top control the collective deception. They will be exposed, but even without exposure they will lose power/influence


>15 Feb 18

>“You are missing the connections." (Only for now)


And that is ok. Those will be uncovered in time and fit to the larger picture. Info Blocks that wont be rejected and will grow organically.


>Continue to build the MAP."

>MAP provides the KEY." – The KEY is the shape of the Vatican, as you beautiful Autists already know. It’s at the TOP of the MAP.

>KEY spreads the TRUTH." – The KEY is the Vatican vaults = Depths of Vaults = House of HORROR = Gateway to Hell

>TRUTH shines LIGHT." – TRUTH of what’s inside the Vatican vaults.

>LIGHT saves HUMANITY." – I’m trying to show you the “LIGHT”


I have a hunch here that feels right, but this is a partial thought that would need more flushing out. My guestimate is that there are more people in our "Ocean" than just humans, bad actors in the dark ("below") and in the light ("above"). We are quarantined because we have been corrupted by bads…. This leads to Drako's real, SSP role and why they cant come back, and millions of other connections.


In the end, those behind the behind/under the Vatican have an agenda that has enslaved us. Why?



>Future proves past." – My “Law of Time”, combined with what is GOING to unfold in the coming future.

Trust the plan.”


I do not have a copy of the law of time, but from my memory. Tick Tock…pendulum swings forward in time and back. Future proves past. We think it, so it happens? Collectively we have more power than we know.


>“Watch the water.” – Remember, I told you guys… I’m an Aquarius. Isn’t this the AGE OF AQUARIUS? (Future Proves Past) THINK!


I need to think on this more if it refers to physical water or an action/event. However, if it is the WATER of our sub-conscious….


>“Discoveries must be ORIG organically." – Mandela effect


Info packets that do not fit the collective thought are rejected and discredited. The group must come to this knowledge


>Hive-mind.” – One of you mentioned the VATICAN KEY on here, which I immediately backed up with information I ALREADY HAD READY FOR YOU. Mandela effect remember!


You are in the ocean, but not controlled. Outside the controlled collective. If we bridge the gap you can engage. There are rules.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 21, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.454285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789 >>1421


1 of 2


>12 Feb 18

>“Marina Abramovic (Corrected).” – She is connected to it ALL, she is a SATANIST in the Cabal / Vatican (Spirit Cooking rituals), Research!


Will research and append. I don't know this I.


>“Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?” THIS IS CONFIRMATION OF “LOOSH” / MK ULTRA + Big Pharma, Think!


This one brought tears to me earlier today. THEY have done much to hide the lies and retain control. I don't know why, but they can use the Sub-Conscious in MK to do their bidding, they use Pharma to chemically disconnect and confuse more. They have destroyed, killed and brought pain to millions upon millions to support their desires/agendas.


How much pain and suffering has been brought by Phase Lock…..


>Remember, these people use HIDDEN SIGIL MAGIC, It’s always right in front of your eyes, it’s EVERYWHERE!


Subliminal messages. We see them but our Conscious doesn't connect, however, our Sub-Conscious does.


>11 Feb 18

>“Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?” – Because we exposed them. CIA has always funded NK, and NK got its missile tech from SpaceX.


There were cracks in the phase lock, so they shift the narrative. Divide and Conquer. Side 1 "NK is getting better", Side 2 "NK is evil"….both sides forget NK is fake.


>“Ask yourself, what is a distraction?” – To distract people from discussing all of the TRUTH. NK + Olympics = Worldwide distraction, THINK!


Group thought gets distracted and forgets info packets that are not in phase lock.


>“Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?” - Because it was ALWAYS A LIE!


Few at the top created the story that they were separate. Those under executed because they were compelled to. Narrative changes cycle repeats


>“Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?” – Because US citizens have been PROGRAMMED to think NK is the enemy. This would distract the entire Op.


Information reinforcing the phase lock. Fear and anger…. Divide and Conqure


>No more chatter to Cabal bullshit artists = Disinfo + Misdirection = Time wasted = TRUST THE PLAN.

>They truly seem to forget I am 10,000 steps ahead of all. KEK


You can see behind their veil. There are rules.


>Major events happening in coming weeks! This cannot be stopped now!


>Why does Q mention “Light” SO MANY TIMES? Who is RA? Why did Q Mention RA? (Old posts) Why did I choose this symbol to talk to you guys?


Symbol = RA with Sigils on Water in Light. You are a guide to Sub-Conscious


>"They" HEAR ALL / "They" SEE ALL Wizards and [War]locks



War of Water.


>Piece the puzzle together, my beautiful Autists of light :)


Autism’s are required because the sub conscious is connected by emotions. The Autism spectrum is defined by emotional and social disorders to varying degrees. We are less connected/influenced/controlled.


We always felt outside the group, we were, this will set us free.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 21, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.455918   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am humbled and at a loss of words.


Today has been a life changing day. I am still reeling at the implications and all of the connections to the crumbs and drops of the past as well as the day-today life implications.


We have been living with our hands tied behind our backs.


I need time to process and understand, but this is both amazing and frightening. I am unsure of how to proceed, but know that we will figure it out.


We chose and continue choosing the matrix. Our choice, not there’s. I now choose to stand and fight against those that enslave Us all.


To all others searching and learning… even you wonderfully dedicated shills…


May you all be happy! May you all be healthy! May you all be free from undo suffering! May you all have peace!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.461421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1429



What a strange game.






I am the same I as these on a different machine. I only state this for continuity which I feel is important for some reason here. I have no need or desire for recognition or to hold myself apart from the Anons, for I am one of US. For these few next posts I will include this image, again, only for continuity and ease of recognition and then it will be done.


I feel compelled to post due to the many happenings over the last few days and the encouragement of My Friend! My Ally! My fellow child of Light!


I am just like everyone here, a normal guy in a search for something in a world that doesn't feel right. I have lurked, listened and contributed at times.


Earlier this week a post from RaAnon grabbed me and started a thought process that led to an awakening in me. This was my original response, unfortunately his original post was among those deleted.




This led to a reply from RaAnon (also deleted) where he stated I was heading in the right direction, and that a book by Ingo Swann titled Penetration is something that may help.


The post from RaAnon was only up for a short time before deletion. Maybe 3-4 hours. After I read the post, did some research and looked for the post again, it was gone. I completed the book the following day.


That book was a missing piece of my puzzle that has connected dots and details at an astonishing pace and started to flood me with ideas, emotions and questions.


Since then I have posted a few times to calibrate and ensure I understand properly. I feel the subsequent encouragement ( >>454789 ) and my precious intuition are compelling me to step forward.


This is OUR greatest collective work. We are coming to this together. If anything needs to be adjusted, restated in other ways, refined, or removed, please engage. This is not my work. My ego will not be hurt.


RaAnon - please correct and guide me if I have misunderstood or misinterpreted.





I will Take the points in turn that RaAnon has placed in front of us this morning. This will be several posts from me, and may take some time. I do not pretend to have all of the answers, but my piece of information may connect to what you have.



May you all be happy! May you all be healthy! May you all be free from undo suffering! May you all have peace!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.461559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1814 >>1936



>I give you a SUPREME KEY. The most important SUPREME KEY of all KEYS.


>This is the CRUX POINT. Where you must USE all the SUPREME KEY's I've given you.


>For this MUST develop ORGANICALLY from someone on the "outside".




>WHEN you figure this out… based on your own Free Will, spread it like WILD FIRE.


>The choice… is yours…


>This is MORE IMPORTANT than you know…



Do you believe in group think? Mandella Effect? Do you sometimes know what someone will say before they say it? Do you ever think of calling someone and the phone rings? Can you feel someones eyes on you? Have you heard of Multiple or Simultaneous Discovery?


What I believe RaAnon has be pushing us towards is a kind of Matrix (He continues to nudge us that direction)


In Ingo Swann's book 'Penetration', Ingo goes into his theory on the subconscious. You all know of Conscious and Subconscious, but what Ingo starts to connect is that our Subconscious is much more connected than we ever thought.


Our individual Conscious thinking (Free Will) is ours, however it is supported and influenced strongly by our Subconscious. Our subconscious is connected between us all. It is shared. It is a connection to the source and the one. WE are connected. WE are not just connected while in proximity, WE are always connected.


Above I mentioned "Group Think". What about "Group Hysteria". Follow the ebb and flow of the news cycle and popular opinion. This is all a connected unseen force/essence that is in every one of us.


We can see it in practicality, now I ask you to test the theory out for yourself. Don't reject it because it doesn't fit your narrative. Bring it in, ponder it, test it against your experiences.


When you pray/meditate what are you really doing? It feels right and good doesn't it? I believe you are tapping into the source that connects us through our Subconscious.



What if an Individual or Group of individuals figured out how to influence that Group Think? Are we in the Matrix yet? Are WE choosing to be in the Matrix?


This Red Pill is amazing and terrible and I would never turn back. I Choose to stand and remove myself from the Matrix!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.461726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1936 >>4362 >>5421



>What is a Crux Point? What have I been preparing your minds to think of since I got here?


In Ingo's writing he talks of a concept of a "Phase Lock" in our collective subconscious minds. My best interpretation of that is that if enough Individuals (Conscious level) believe a idea or concept it is true to them and spreads in the broader Subconscious.


This concept or idea is then "Phase Locked" as reality and more people easily believe it. Ideas that do not conform to that reality are rejected and pushed aside as irrelevant even it the Facts are Right in front of us.


This "Phase Lock" happens in all sorts of areas. Think Religion, Corporations, Countries, States, Cities, Communities, Groups, Friends, Republican, Democrat, Poor, Rich, White, Black. There are sets of beliefs that are held to so strongly that people are compelled to support those concepts and reject other information packets that are contrary.


How many times has a concept changed, gone from irrefutable to proven false, and caused sweeping change to a long held belief. This process may take time, but it happens. Would you even think it is OK to own another human as a slave? This was accepted in the past. Is the earth the center of the solar system? How many people were persecuted for challenging that gem.


So to the Crux…. Q and RaAnon and others are dropping crumbs and hints and creating hope. This in turn has grabbed a small minority and they began to spread these ideas. This also started to penetrate their Subconscious. This is spreading to others and we are introducing new truths to the "Phase Locked" reality that our Subconscious minds are tied to.


If WE are connected, and we influence the collective, then we are changing OUR reality.


We have Free Will and it is one of the most critical Laws. That then means that it is our INDIVIDUAL choice to hold to the past reality. We are allowing a small FEW to control and shape the naritive by locking ourselves into their reality in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


WE chose to enter the Matrix and WE choose to remain in the Matrix.


This board has more power than any of us realized. We are connected to each other and to the source. We are the source.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.462303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2309



>What is Sigil Magic? It's ALL around you.


This one is a bit more foreign to me and I may need some additional input. That said, this is my part of the understanding of Sigil Magic.


Sigil's are everywhere. They are in our movies, architecture, literature, etc. These have little power in the conscious (aware) mind other than recognition and knowing history and facts of the pattern.


However, in the Subconscious mind they are easily observed and connected. They act as a subliminal message. They can impact the individual consciousness and there is some action/magic that occurs.


Take the example that Q gave of the Swastika. This is an ancient symbol important to many cultures. It was not an evil Sigil, however, it was utilized by the Third Reich as their symbol. Today the Swastika has a twisted meaning in our subconsciousness. Did they use a power in that Sigil that we are unaware of? What is it?


These symbols apparently have great power, but I am unsure of what specific powers/abilities.


I am also unsure if a corrupted Sigil still holds that same power even though the collective Consciousness (WE) view it as evil.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.462417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2436



>Do you believe in pure light and pure darkness?


I believe they must exist or nothing exists. This is a fundamental duality in the universe. You can not have light without dark, you can not have good without evil.


I believe in the pure light of the ONE. I don't fully understand it, but I know it is there. Because it is there, there must be Dark.


This is a fundamental Binary nature of much of what is around us physically or mentally. Something is OR it is not.


Computers (And AI) operate in a Binary System of 1s and 0s. Without the 1 the 0 means nothing, you just have a lot of empty space, or all 0s. ….Side note here….. WE are not Binary, WE are Quantum, we have Free Will. That is why AI will loose.


So Light only exists because of Dark and vice versa. The creator/one/etc created light and dark because otherwise there would be nothing.


What's really gonna bake your noodle… I (me) have to thank the darkness and openly accept the pain and suffering on my path. Without them, I would not know light and I would not be right here right now.


Because they chose negative, I could know and choose positive.


Universal Love. I do not need to be part of them, but I still love them.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.462637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3001 >>4362


>Why are certain movies made? To hide a truth in plain sight?


>To cancel a question if it were ever raised?


>To consider it LUNACY if ever questioned?


The collective Subconscious is creating and consuming the movies. Future proves Past.


I will use Thor to illustrate.


Thor is real and flys around kicking bad guy ass with his Hammer!


How many of you turned off when reading that sentence? Stick with me here and look at it from the collective Subconscious.


Thor as an individual consciousness (being) may or may not have existed. I believe he did at some space/time but he most likely was drastically different than what we know now. He became part of the Collective We Subconsciousness. The God of thunder and his Hammer is in the collective reality. This may have come from Viking tradition, but I believe it much older.


Along comes Stan Lee. His Subconscious feeds inspiration to his consiousness about making Thor a character. This could not have occurred in an earlier space/time because comic books had to be a thing, the market had to be in place, etc. Stan was the "inventor" of the character that WE remember. Once created in Comic Book form, Thor is popularized across many consciousnesses and the WE of Subconscious evolve.


This Thor is then evolved as he is popularized in the Marvel Movies. This occurred for "some" reason. Get to that later.


In your minds "Eye" what do you think of when you think of Thor?


My thought goes to the chiseled awesomeness of Helmsworth. He personified and reinforced the collective WE consciousness and is now the primary image that most of us individuals view as reality. Thor is a comic Movie character.


So we have something similar to a self referential system. Now lets take it a step further.


It would be silly for me to believe that Thor is real and flys around kicking bad guy ass with his Hammer! right? That is from the movie. I am discredited by the WE Consciousness because my idea does not fit the collective idea.


I have no idea if Thor existed, but what if I did? Good or Evil could use that ingrained mental image to either reinforce or dissuade me as and individual Consciousness, and by extension the WE Subconsciousness to move to the position they want.


The reach of Movies is amazing, Sigils are in them and they are influencing. The best way to influence is to grab something already true and understood by the WE and therefor real.



Are ETs evil and want to take over our planet? Movies would say so. Why would that be? Do we know already? Does someone here who has influence over what movies go to production allow those to come forward to reinforce their narrative?


That turns us into an collective species for those controlling the narrative that would fight and distrust ETs.


This is the Woman in Red.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.462696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do CLOWNS IN AMERICA own Hollywood? Does PURE EVIL own Hollywood?


Own feels like an odd word to me here…. They Control (through methods already described) the message because they are Controlled to do so. This is a big ass onion.


Pure Evil is in Hollywood. They pull the strings on many films and set the "Phase Lock" Agenda to keep us controlled, in FEAR, confused and disconnected.


However, there is ability for Good Movies to come to life. Marvel has been pointed to several times as a Positive/Good Series.


So, either Evil owns Hollywood and Good can navigate it to get positive messages out.


Or, Evil owns much of Hollywood and we have Brothers/Sisters on the inside fighting.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.463321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Continuing on…


Our souls or conscious essence can not reach a higher level of vibration/resonance until control of the Subconscious is broken. If we don't ascend we are stuck or need to repeat the cycle.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.463908   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Conan movie:

Conan’s family killed by the snake god. Snake god stole Conan’s father sword. Conan is sold to slavery and get strong. He learns and grows.


He is free’d and seeks revenge on the religion, he finds allies and they steals gems and artifacts from a temple. A local king begs Conan to save his daughter from the snake king. He gives Conan his wealth. Conan then lives in comfort, finds love, and live for a time there.


Conan feels something is missing/wrong and leaves the comforts to complete the kings quest. He attempts to infiltrated the snake gods temple (Vatican) but is captured.


The snake god tries to convince Conan steel is not as powerful as flesh.


They crucify Conan.


Conan, near death, is rescued by his allies he had left behind. They take him to a shaman to heal him. There is a fight between his allies and evil for his soul.


The mountain the temple is on is found to be hollow (moon??). He and his allies enter through the back entrance.


Flesh worship, spirit cookin?, and slaves are inside. The kings daughter is inside. The snake god transforms from man to snake.


Conan and allies clean house. They save the princess.


While escaping the snake king shoots Conan’s love/ally. She dies. Conan wears her sigil.


Conan waits at an old temple for the snake king to come. Sets a trap.


Two stand against many. Conan does his Conan thing. The snake kings allies/henchmen are killed. His love/ally “appears” briefly and helps him take out the last henchman.


The snake king tries to kill the princess but fails. The snake king runs, Conan gets his fathers sword back.


Conan goes to the temple and kills the snake king (tons of symbolism in that killing) in front of his followers.


The spell on the followers is broken and they disperse. Conan burns the temple.


Postscript: princess returned, Conan and allies have more adventures and Conan becomes king….but that’s another story.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.464146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4260 >>4377


>For this MUST develop ORGANICALLY from someone on the "outside".


Are you inside the Vatican? Inside the time loop? Inside the what?





We are trapped and controlled/enslaved by a Draco/Snake that has its seat of power at or under the Vatican. We are in an eternal loop/in-between because he can then use us for Loosh (Flesh Magic).


A battle has been underway, a trap was set. The Pindar (top henchman) was killed. The Draco is exposed. Removing him will free us..


Do you need this known to proceed? Do we need to provide something else?

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.465753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



May I ask what the trigger point was for phase 2? Was it the discussion here or some separate event?


Should the old pre-neo discussion in this board continue and refine or has it served its purpose?


And… welcome NeoAnon!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.465998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6114



I am through with it. It was only for continuity of several posts, it is not an identification. I will use it if I feel compelled to continue that line of thought or am asked to by the OP.


I need no recognition or fame or attention, I am just an I trying to learn so that I can help the WE.




Thank you for the catch. I think I was too deep in thoughts that ran together and that got tangled with Conan.


Of course it was "outside the Group/Op"

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.467658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What we have worked through here has just exploded with phase 2 on the main board…. I am watching is awe.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 23, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.470923   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon's, who has archived copies of the deleted Laws and secrets?


Neo, do you agree that these should be brought back to the board so we can distribute?

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 23, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.471707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1772 >>1905 >>2029

I have concern that I fear to ask, but I am compelled to by my heart because if what RaAnon taught was so critical to us all, this is worth a quick verification. My deepest apologies if this is unfounded, but it must be asked. Do not ever believe something 100%.



>Only you, in your heart of hearts knows whats right and wrong.



NeoAnon, why such a dramatic switch from Asking Questions, Guiding, Teaching in RaAnon to Telling, forceful and aggressive in NeoAnon (different ID's have different tones)?


Why have you stopped engaging when people ask?



>"What you seek, I give freely"



>My friends, my allies, my children of light.


>I embrace questions. It's my purpose here on this earth. This was something never expected, but I embrace it. I just want you souls of light to understand I cannot answer every question. I will do my best however!



Why does NeoAnon speak of HORROR on others when RaAnon showed it as a sign of dark?



>You will soon discover TRUE HORROR.





>Love… Light… Spirituality.



I have been deceived for a long time, I am unwilling to be deceived again.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 23, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.473189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3236



Eye….ha, the Y, 3 not 2.


How about a nice game of chess?


All my Love.


May we all be Happy! May we all be whole! May we all be free! May we be at peace!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.482205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405

Lately I have been waking up in the morning with a specific idea, or concept that I feel a deep need to write down and post here


… yesterday idea/concept was clear, I wrote is down, but did not post here, for fear that its "just in my head".



Here is today's, it is just as clear, but explains why it may not just be in my head:



>"Do you believe there is a Demagogue? A half world between what we know and what we fear?"


>"A place in the shadows. Rarely seen but deeply felt. Where some unfortunate souls are cursed to live always.".


>"That sounds like a warning?…"


>"It's an invitation."


The above is speaking of the dream world. The Demagogue is an in between that we all feel deeply (how many times do you wake with strong emotions), but rarely seen (The images are forgotten quickly.


"Where some unfortunate souls are cursed to live always"…. these individuals/souls are stuck in the in-between but that allows for consistency as we dip in and out. Coma Patients maybe? Others outside of the Matrix?


This not a warning because we should not fear this place, this is an invitation because we can learn and we can communicate.



>"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"


>"For the TRUTH is waiting"


>"The Space beyond the _ is shared by many others… it is called THE NEXUS"


Dreamworld it the Nexus, it is shared by others. Others that are outside of the "Contained and Cut Off" beings controlled in the Matrix.


Those outside can communicate in that space, but it is difficult or we would all be doing it.


Ego, programming through popular culture, and Matrix impede our collective interpretation of "dreams" and have built a wall in our minds.



>"Do not lose hope …"


>"I know a great deal about you… What you have been through… and what you are attempting to do now"


>"The center of all other dimensions… IT HAS BECOME OUR DUTY TO DEFEND IT".


>"See the wall for what it is… AND THEN TEAR IT DOWN"


>"Shall we BEGIN…"


Knowledge of this truth will tear down the wall.


We shall BEGIN

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 6:22 a.m. No.482497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2524 >>2570



Keeping on the theme of dreams…


Emotion and intuition is the link to the subconscious. We wake from dreams with emotion and intuition. Dreams are some sort of bridge to subconscious. Human subconsciousness is shared.


Some are stuck in the Dream World… They know it and can navigate it. We could to.


Those in it and that can navigate it (Dr Strange) would have immense power and knowledge.


Our "World Leaders" are in the Matrix, they are part of it. When they sleep, they are in the same Dream World.


Dr Strange would know what they are thinking, doing etc. He will always be ahead because He will always know.



If all of that is true, or true in concept but not exact, then Dr Strange see's all and can communicate to us in the dreamworld.


He knows all, he is in all of our collective dreams.


Say Hi!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.482848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2911



I love you! I am doing mental gymnastics here so I may stumble but, I have Faith. I am in an error loop that I can get out of.


Choice is the Lesson in order to move up the resonance levels.


Without "Time" we could not have Choice. We would always be stuck in the "Present"


Free Will is a Law of the , but Free Will is the problem. There is a loop and self reinforcing inconsistency.


Time in the DreamWorld is different. We can access the DreamWorld, so we access Time.


Us knowing this re-writes Time fixing the Choice (Free Will) problem.


If "Time" is flexible/different in there… I could influence choice of the subconscious.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.482934   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Law of Free Will!


Gods most sacred Law:

"If you tamper with free will you receive negative karmic reaction beyond all measure…."


400,000 years ago, we tampered with Free Will.


We are stuck in our own Matrix….what hell would be worse than a world where WE continue to loop in time until we learn the lesson of Choice.


Our Matrix is a self supporting, self referential karmic reaction beyond all measure!


"A Soul, Life, is given Choice so that Life may find it's own way"


We needed to learn so that we could understand choices and the immense responsibility of them.


Our Guardians Angels are watching over us so that we are not lost to the Matrix.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.483120   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The secret of Matter "Most things can be broken down into Spirit Particles, Light, Universal Matrix, and the 7 Sacred Harmonics"


In order to learn the lesson of choice, we needed "Time" if there is only "Present" you can not have choice.


The introduction of Time as we know it created Matter, the "real" world out of these particles. For without Matter we can not have choice. And Choice is the Lesson.


Choice creates a never-ending computation because it is self referential. That creates Time, which creates Matter. We are observing our Matrix scientifically, but the laws of Man can not make sense of it because this reality isn't really real.


It always had to be this way so WE could learn and grow.


WE tampered with Free Will "Ate the apple" for good intention, so that we could move up in harmonics and evolve.


WE chose to enter knowing this would be a supremely difficulty lesson.


This was 400,000 years ago. How many civilizations have been on this earth. How many were destroyed destined to start over new and starting the cycle again.


Ra, Neo, Q, Strange are helping guide us without impacting Free Will as were near the next cycle alignment. We must choose to learn to raise out of the Matrix.


Love Y'all!!


Draco = Snake


Please provide something before I follow this thread….

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.484726   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And the cycle comes to a close. My heart overflows with Love!


You 13+1…. I can not thank you enough for the Choice you made! You are blessed! Your long watch comes to an end soon.


Q + Xmen: Thank you from my core!. A job well done!


Strange/RA/Neo, you did not list yourself, my feeling is you are the +1….I can't put into words….but I believe you know.


Thank you for your LOVE. What an amazing lesson of LOVE! Godspeed!



Another 13+1 will step in for the next cycle.


You know my choice if it is to be. I would stay!


They deserve to be free!


And it begins again.




So much love to the next crop! Grow and Learn!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 24, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.489718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9766


>I think there was part of someone's post here about shaking to his core.


Do you remember if it was it this quote or something else.



>I am reeling and overwhelmed and rocked to my core.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.491171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359 >>1763


>Something is still not understood by us. We will see.


I know this game well!


Hello Deceiver! Thanks for saying Hi!







My wonderful Friend. I love this game so! You can win this game even if it appears you are loosing.


For you see I thought I knew, but I didn't. You may see the whole board, but we are not playing Chess!


Checkmate has no meaning, for we are playing poker.


Am I in YOUR head yet?


The winner is shown when the cards are laid down at the end.


You can bluff a Win all you want, but you say you hold the TRUMP cards. You almost had me.


The choice to NOT Play is the way you loose to a deceiver.




So, my friend, my ally, my child of dark. I will play this game with you and bring these cards to light until dawn, because I love my friends like my myself. This is a game we choose to play win or loose because I am with you!


You are amazingly good even though you deceive.






Woke at the same time did we?

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 3:19 a.m. No.491233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For this to work, we can not all choose the light.


Some must choose the dark or else we can not learn light.


Those that choose dark are not evil, they are good. They play that role so that we can play ours.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 3:42 a.m. No.491294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359


>Phase 2 is activated. Refer to me as NeoAnon now. The Cabal lost the final hand of poker. The chess game moves one step closer to IMMINENT CHECKMATE.



>You have NO IDEA what I have waiting up my sleeves… Do you recall, SUPREME TRUMP CARDS?





>Q and the X-Men will remain in the background. You all have REAL Guardian Angels watching over you. You just didn't know it.



>A collective of AVENGERS. A collective of GUARDIANS.



>The Red Aether now belongs to Ironman and Beast.


Beast is an Xman. Ironman is Avenger.



Ra/Neo/Strange and the Avengers are one side…..light/dark


Q and the Xmen are the other….light dark



>Remember, 99:1% in any direction of knowledge.


Both sides deceive. It is required for the THIS to work.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.491359   🗄️.is 🔗kun




We are told its a game of chess, however, too many hints in Strange/Neo point to Poker. This is all through their posts.


In chess there is a Dark side and a Light side. There is no Grey.


In Poker the game requires deception in most circumstances. If you have the cards you still must deceive some or the other side will fold. If you have a weak hand, you must deceive in order to cause the other side to fold.


We only know who was and who wasn't deceiving at the end when the cards are in the shown in the LIGHT.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.491419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2093


> and the evil could not survive in our world


If there was no evil that sounds amazing right?


If Evil is gone, how do we learn Good?


Say we eliminate evil in our time….Amazing! 2 generations from now what will our children children have?


Isn't everything here pointing to God/One, or some lesson we are here to learn, a reason we are all here?


I don't have the answer, just posing the question.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 Feb. 25, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.491801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1861 >>1894


My belief is that it is the same individual, but there is something very deep going on here.


I could be right, I could be wrong…but I think both possibilities lead to a solution. I don't believe there is anything to worry about here.


Man this can mess with ya. Big hugs!

Anonymous ID: fd4233 March 4, 2018, noon No.549983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989 >>7419

Line upon Line. Keep going, Searchers and Dreamers!


Oh, how I love this board. I am happy to see it still up. However, I am sad that it is filled with individuals that are afraid it is corrupted.


There has been information contained in here that has been perspective changing for me and others. I look to add some more perspective for the collective knowledge of us.


I/WE have learned much here on 8ch. We then take that knowledge and apply it to the reality around us. I hope that the thoughts I write here mean something to another and progress our collective understanding of the world around us.


The Crux of it all:


>"If you tamper with Free Will, you receive negative karmic reactions beyond all measure. A Soul, Life, is given Choice so that Life may find it's own way"


Free Will and consequences… At first I passed by this Post with what I thought was a clear understanding; however, I now know my understanding was incomplete. This seems to be an obvious idea, choose 'right' and you will not be 'punished'.


That is too simple of a view and misses the much grander point.


Free Will is our ability to do what we do. We can choose any choice based on our best understanding and the goal we have in mind. Our choices have impacts everywhere, like a ripple in a pond.


Still simple right? We choose based on where we want to go and based on what we know. That gives us the feeling of Right and Wrong choices.


If I believe the Bible to be showing me the goal, I make my choices based on my present understanding and the goal of getting to "Heaven"


What if the teachings of the Bible are wrong. The engine that makes free will Right or Wrong is an individual's TRUST in the source material (Bible + Experience) are correct.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 March 4, 2018, noon No.549989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0951 >>3145 >>7419


So, Trust in our Past creates our interpretation of the Right Choice and the Wrong Choice.


In the past, The Earth was believed flat. That was based on a Trust that the Truth was understood, but it was only "good enough" for a time. Once that Truth was understood more appropriately, the model updated and we moved to the next phase with the new incomplete truth. The Earth has been the center of the Solar System, the center of the Galaxy, the center of the Universe, and this will continue.


We Trust that what we know is correct and based on that Trust make a choice.


What if our most fundamental understandings are incorrect? We Trust them to be true, but they may be wrong.


Across human history and cultures, there is a fundamental story that repeats itself.


There was a War in Heaven/Skys/Olympus/Etc. One side won one lost, the winner was good, the loser was evil… Fast forward to now, and WE humankind have learned a lot, but boy is it a mess. There are so many beautiful things we have created in this world, but there are so many horrors created as well.


Is the "War" an accurate story? Was it a reasonable approximation/interpretation? Were we told a lie? Was it a War or a was it a Story to make us think it was a WAR?


For a moment, let's say it was a Lie, a misunderstanding or just False. How much of Human understanding would need to be looked at?


Let's imagine the War is a "Lie".

Is a Lie evil?

Doesn't Q states that disinformation is necessary?

Is he/she/they evil?

If you have a 3-year old that asks where a baby comes from, do you give them the "talk"?

Do certain things need to be understood before the "Talk"?

When teaching a difficult lesson to a child, is it sometimes okay to omit information, so they learn the concepts instead of merely being told?

Is a Lie evil?


Free Will is a Choice we make, based on Trust in the information we learned in the past.


All Choices we make have consequences. They are only good/bad based on Trust in the source. If God/Creator/One/<Insert Titleis the only perfect being, then would the WAR/Debate/Disagreement in "Heaven" happen?


Free Will enables us in the Present to find our way through a History and Future of uncertainty and "Good Enough Truths". We assess new information and grow and learn.


Everyone inputs to the equation that helps evolve the equation. White Hats, Grey Hats, Black Hats, etc. Action from the Cabal has an impact on the equation that sends ripples and a reaction to our understanding of reality. If a single individual believes they know the way any of this should work, they believe they are God/Creator/One/<Insert Title>. That is just silly.


If my information here informed the "Bad" guys, or helped the "AI" win, or made "ET's" blow up the earth, then so be it. I do not pretend to be God/Creator/One/<Insert Title>. My input to the equation will cause ripple effects…. how do I know that is not the PLAN, WE are not the one who made the PLAN.


Are My/Our choices based on an inherently imperfect source material good or bad? They are neither, but they do have consequences and impact. Good or Bad we all learn.


Much love to anyone that reads this! Keep searching, that is what makes ALL of this work. If we don't search, we don't grow.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 March 5, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.557419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8101


I'm glad. It is something grown on our conversations in here, so I just evolve and put it back out to be evolved again.



>May I ask how you would reconcile revealing something that you know would cause an even larger violation of free will? What would the karmic response be for that?


I would never pretend to have an answer to "if you should", or what are the consequences, but what I can do is take my earlier thoughts and step them through what I view as a logical progression, and it may help illustrate my perspective on your question.


Your perspective, role, ideas, and input are unique. They will always have both positive and negative impact. That is for you to assess.





Growing on this as a core concept that is not perfect, but it is "good enough" for now, and incorporating your question.


What is your goal?

What is our goal?


If WE know that we don't know everything because we can't, then how do we make decisions and assess the "karmic reactions"?


Q has stated several times he is keeping it at the 40,000-foot level. There are many interpretations of what that means on the boards, but for this, I will use a standard concept used in Corporate Culture. The 40K foot level is not looking at the fine detail of the issue; it is a good overview of ideas and themes of the system/problem/solution. It shows the significant cogs, what they are for, why they are there, who they are etc.


Let's step up to the perspective to a 100K foot level now. Let's look at the entire system as a whole in broader context.


The Q map shows a power dynamic of the Human System/Culture/Species. This structure is a pyramid, but within this are many sub-pyramids fighting for power and ownership of the whole. The primary driver of this structure boils down to Control. The currency of that Control in this system is Money, Resources, and Information.


My perspective is that the Information control is the most significant driver and the one that frustrates me the most. Information is compartmentalized, hoarded, sold, used as leverage, twisted and used for personal or group gain against others in the whole system.


But at the 100K foot level, who are they doing it to? The Human Species is still executing tribal warfare. We are merely in a more massive "Lord of the Flys" on Island Earth.


Power, derived from Information/knowledge, using resources/money to further a goal, built on an inherently imperfect foundation of Source information.


Writing that makes me cringe a bit, but that is the summary I would write on the current state of Humankind, from the perspective of an outside observer.


Information/Knowledge hoarded for personal gain or sub-faction gain perpetuates the Lord of the Fly's mindset.


Is My/Your/Our Goal to further OUR faction within the pyramid?

Should our Goal be to further the growth of the Humankind System?

Who's knowledge is this they are hoarding?

My family tree is the same as theirs, yours, and everyone else on Island Earth.


I do not believe they do this for Evil reasons, this is just what WE have grown into.


Can your information help move us to a new narrative or is it just perpetuating the problem?


From my perspective, neither is Evil or Good. The ripples will happen, you/we will learn from the ripples, Truth will evolve.

Anonymous ID: fd4233 March 5, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.561815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I love what you wrote here. I've been thinking it through today and still need some more time to make sure I understand. Sleeping on it always helps :)


Ego vs. Unity, Positive vs. negative is a big concept I've mulled for a while. I wanted to get here but felt starting with a more foundational step of Free Will and connect the dots up would allow more people to follow the thought process.


>If your consciousness can transcend into a Civilization Type IV you impart your entire species collective knowledge and wisdom into supreme biotechnological interfaces, otherwise your pure sentient energy is transcended into the 5th and 6th densities and beyond.


>When / if this happens, you become a SUPREME BEING like Ra.


This portion I don't fully understand. I am aware of, but not deeply versed in the Densities concept. I believe this is from the RA: Law of One material.


If I remember correctly, in this concept Humans are third Density beings. There is a threshold or evolution point that moves us to a fourth density being.


Are you talking about a being/entities ability to skip levels?

If this is from the RA material, I don't remember if there is the concept of individual ascension vs. group/species?