Anonymous ID: 04a304 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.3378241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White Hat FLOTUS in Egypt

Something Magical is happening on this abused and used Continent of Africa. Long has been the oppression of these peoples by the Luciferian Cabal - It Ends NOW! Melania will return with the truth; she is wise and intuitive about people, places and things.

Start at 30 seconds and hear how Melania Trump visited Elephant orphans who lost their mothers to poachers in pursuit of Ivory Tusks. Rhinoceroses face extinction because of poachers theft of their horns & leave orphans traumatized and displaced the same as Elephants.

Anonymous ID: 04a304 Oct. 7, 2018, 2:04 a.m. No.3378458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8470 >>8475 >>8501 >>8555

Here’s Where It Starts To Get Weird: The Queer Coincidence of Kek


Soon, it became all the rage on /pol/ to hail Trump as nothing less than god’s chosen candidate.


But which god’s chosen candidate exactly?


The answer is obvious: Kek.


Remember how we learned that “kek” the meme came about from an obscure Korean language onomatopoeia, completely independently from Pepe the Frog?


Well, it turns out Kek is also—and always has been—an ancient Egyptian deity…


A frog-headed one. Excerpt…. go here for whole analysis