Anonymous ID: 0cfa19 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.3378251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8266

If some Congress members were given the option to cooperate, not seek re-election, and leave the public eye with their reputation intact, then it's safe to say there a few ways this thing goes.


The FISAs declass prior to the midterms = no current members of Congress are implicated in the FISA or the members of Congress implicated in the FISAs were not offered deals.


The FISA declass soon after midterms = there were members of Congress that came to a deal to not seek re-election and get the hell out of Dodge after the midterms.


FISA declass well after midterms, or possibly never make it out to the public = We are going to get the most out if the FISA and pressure international bad actors out of office in other countries. This is the most opprotune option. We have Patriots all over the globe that need to replace entire segments of their own Government. We HAVE IT ALL, expand your thinking, we are in control. We have ALL the cards. Internationally. Around the Globe.


I will not be a little bitch about wanting the FISA so I can wave it around at all my neighbors for my told ya so moment. Their are too many other Patriots around the world that need our help and I get it.


Q+ Do your thing sir! If you need us, you know where to find us.

Anonymous ID: 0cfa19 Oct. 7, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.3378830   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm telling you Anons we need to run with this cult idea. Just like Pepe, we need a mascot for the cult. All the projections the left tried to label Trump during the elections, Pepe would take on that persona and throw it back at them. They may not have understood, but he was the mirror of their projections, he was them staring back at themselves at times. That's why it triggered the fuck out of them and they were busy attacking a cartoon frog rather than setting an opposing agenda for voters to actually vote on.


The midterms for the left only have one message, we will impeach Trump when we get the House. Ok, so what are your agenda goals, what policy do you want to set if you get the House? Nothing. Nada. They have no answers or solutions, they only want to destroy. They are already getting sidetracked by this movement, no reason not to bait the fuck out of them chasing a cartoon OWL!!