Anonymous ID: 196313 Oct. 7, 2018, 2:37 a.m. No.3378598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There will be none of Sarah Jeong's castration events, nor Katy Perry's Interracial Breeding Grounds. Men will not endure compulsory detainment and arousal analysis in the hopes of helping harpies' "predict rape." Instead, it is the Roasties who shall rue this day, the day when Judge Marshal Kavanaugh redpilled even the NPCs on the secrets to fighting bitchy feminist whores: ignore them and if you need to, simply use your masculinity to overpower them. In the shadows of past roastie conquests, Incel hackerspaces have coordinated across continents to develop new sets of tools to better police women and extinguish all hopes for a tyrannical Fempire, chief among them our overclocked shock collars, turning hunting-dog training devices into CNS disruptors destined for the necks of whores and thots alike. With help from chaste Chinese Incels, we soon expect surgery robots that can be built for under $10K and will help us not only trim beef curtains, but also infibulate any roastie, locking down her overused cauliflowered cunt with encrypted RFID locks, ensuring that vagina can only be freed if the penitent prostitutes convince the New Men to build for them enough parallel botnets or quantum computers to crack the device's locks threaded through each roastie's pierced vulvas. With hypergamy stamped out in the civilized world, love, chastity and modesty can return to our empty hearts and society can be a hopeful place once more.