Anonymous ID: 2d59d8 The More You Know... Oct. 7, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.3378255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8279 >>8284 >>8294 >>8313

An interesting bit of 'programming' caught my attention today, in the form of a new TV drama that spouse-anon insisted I watch. I do from time to time have to drag myself away from this place to be around others.


So this show, A Million Little Things, is about a seemingly normal successful white-collar guy (Ron Livingston from Office Space) who has it all but unexpectedly kills himself right at the beginning. The rest of the people in his life try to figure out why, and as it unfolds, it turns out the people closest to him have been keeping all kinds of big secrets.


At one point a psychologist characters brings up JFK Jr and his death, and makes the subtle suggestion that his death may have been tied to depression (using the nosedive that his plane took as the metaphor). My spidey sense at that point was buzzing, and right as I was ready to dismiss it the credits roll (in both episodes) and the actors do a PSA with Chester Benningtons wife and former bandmate. And guess what number pops up on the screen…




Tell me that I'm crazy for making connections to people keeping secrets so big they'd rather kill themselves than be exposed.

Anonymous ID: 2d59d8 Oct. 7, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.3378736   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I'm not great at meme-making, but here's a couple of CBF meme ideas if anyone wants to make them…


F.O.R.D. Found on Road Dead (after testimony didn't achieve desired results)


Democrats leasing a Ford (max miles reached, time to turn it in)