Anonymous ID: 3823b6 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.3378137   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8141 >>8171 >>8240



I think the power POTUS refers to is hypersonic re-entry vehicles for Intercontinental missiles. When Putin announced these, I figured out how it was done within days, mind you I read about all their new weapon systems and the technique used is also being used on torpedoes.

Bottom line is that US military designers must have figured this out fast and built similar.

Basically how it works, is you fire a long haul missile into space. The re-entry vehicles (and there may be two or three per missile


And they do it at hypersonic speed.

There is not enough time to figure out what they are targeting and to launch a defense. And no defense that CHASES them can work.

Bottom line, hypersonic missiles break through ALL DEFENSES. There is NO PROTECTION.




Of course MAD still works. But that requires leadership that is NOT mad.


Russia can still win a nuclear war, almost guaranteed. Both sides will destroy the other back to the 18th century. But Russia has a large scattered population that still lives a primitive lifestyle so their society will recover more quickly. In the USA all the farm families will starve to death because without gasoline they cannot produce anything. Make a mistake in autumn, and you will end up eating everything to survive winter. Next spring, you have to migrate and look for someplace to survive next winter. There is only so much game to hunt before everyone dies. Russia, is a much bigger country too. And even though it is very cold, the people live there, like it there, and know how to survive there.


Watch this film in two parts

It gives you a glimpse into the lives of people living a subsistence lifestyle in the Taiga

Happy People

Anonymous ID: 3823b6 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.3378219   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8244 >>8264 >>8299 >>8472 >>8496 >>8517 >>8601



Armageddon and the TV series Salvation.

Most importantly was the info in Men in Black


K tells J to read the supermarket tabloids

To know what is really going on.

They are the only ones that tell the truth.


This is not literally true

But is a clue that tells all of us

To watch Hollywood movies

Hollywood TV series

and Hollywood pop music videos

If we want to know what is going on in the world

The truth is there for Autists who have eyes to see it.

The stuff in the news media and history books

Is all lies, pure fiction, and totally misleading.


Anons on here are in an uproar because some pop singer

Uses satanic symbolism

They want those people stopped.

Not me. As long as the media is full of lies

I rely on movies TV and pop videos

To tell me what is going on.


For instance the Cabal know about us

They want to lead us to destruction like lemmings

They want our Reeing to be ineffective.


Se Pepe reeing?

Go back and watch again. He is in his Lemming disguise

This whole video is about current events

Released 13 July this year

The Monarch programmers even gave her

A whole new persona to perform this

They made her into a black woman

Gave her a different voice

Look at old Ariana Grande pictures

Compare skin color and voice

She is one of the most advanced models of Mind Control slave

Using the latest techniques developed by a former US military psyop psychologist

His work is, however, highly illegal

Which is why he keeps hidden

Maybe even successfully, using VPNs

all over the world to communicate

Fascinating guy. He is a sociopath

And I think he does not like the Illuminati psychopaths he works for.

Anonymous ID: 3823b6 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.3378288   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8342



He's not an idiot.

This is how MAGICK works.

If you want to hide the fact that you are a liar

Then you have to frequently tell people to watch out for liars

That falsus in uno falsus in omnibus statement

Was that kind of magical statement.

Same reason that Pelosi talked about

The wrap-up smear


This is fundamental to satanic magic

To the art of the con

To deceiving the mark

You tell the mark what you will do

But you do it in a way, that he thinks it is a joke

In a way he doesn't believe you

In a way so that he misses what you really mean.

Then, when you do what you said, you are not sinning

You are not committing a crime

You get no karma


The mark has CONSENTED

To you taking all his money, his business and his ferrari.

He agreed to it.

Satan will smile on you, and you have successfully tricked God so that God puts no Karma on you.


At least that is what they believe.

It is true that there is magic in the technique

And it really does bamboozle people and enable them to be robbed, pickpocketed, etc.

But Satan is deceiving his worshippers

Because God sees all (sound like Q?)

And they really do get Karma because they did it.

So if you trick someone into killing themselves

By leading them into a dangerous situation

God still sees you as a murderer.


These people need to be ELIMINATED

Because they have been passing on this deception to new generations for thousands of years.


Anonymous ID: 3823b6 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:53 a.m. No.3378406   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8448




He started telling his story on God-Like Productions

You had to be an autist to recognize his voice

And distinguish him from the shills on that board.

Then he moved to this board which was more orderly

And gave him accounts to use so we could tell more easily that it was him.


He has pretty much laid low since the Trump campaign gathered steam.

You might want to read the CIA MK Ultra docs first

Or the Springmeier Mind Control slave stuff.

Jos steers clear from talking about the torture that starts the process

Because it is gruesome, does leave some physical scars along with the mental shattering

and is HIGHLY illegal.

They use military enhanced interrogation techniques

Basically, torture them until they can't stand it

Then kill them

Then bring them back to life, hopefully.


But there is much to learn from the programming. And compare to the SELF PROGRAMMING that this attached book talks about.

Anonymous ID: 3823b6 Oct. 7, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.3378451   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Did you catch the part where she modifies the weather

Mucking with a cyclone in the north

Around Hudson Bay?

Perhaps that is where one of their weather satellites was located

By blocking the jetstream in about that location

You push the cold Arctic air down into the central US

Causing cold snaps and blizzard conditions down in the Great Plains.