Anonymous ID: 476ec1 Oct. 7, 2018, 2:49 a.m. No.3378645   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8725 >>8800

@ Q

Reviewing 43 minute Video.


we have:






Its happening.


Cards (FORCED) on table.

Dems overplayed their hand? ;

Desperate tactics = Fear.

Who wants to be ruled by feal??

No thanks…



Too much?


The ship isnt run so tight any more Q, we have more patriots, some reformed, coming aboard.


I see the angle, you are right to pursue it; the last alignment is the PUBLIC BEING CITIZENS.

Awake and Activated, made into themselves and greater, chains all dropped = Citizen


Dems = taken over and failed; not useful. They will reform but it will be a generation coming; we could argue that they were useful for the 2nd Great Awakening, but they will refuse it, and therefore; we cannot give them even that credit.


GJ and GW Patriots.





Anonymous ID: 476ec1 Oct. 7, 2018, 3:09 a.m. No.3378699   🗄️.is đź”—kun


examine bottom of bottle, some plastics better than others, reuse.


I require top performance at my job; I dont drink out of a plastic bottle that was sitting in the sun for more than an hour, because plastic is made from oil.


Gay frogs?

It's not wrong overall; Im not worried bout gayness as much as


Anonymous ID: 476ec1 Oct. 7, 2018, 3:57 a.m. No.3378840   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Its not necessarily like "that."

Review how many people who are undoubtedly intelligent who are against you, and against The Republic, who are intelligent; they simply "Appealed to Authorities" like CNN; some may have hoped for reconciliation and to avoid violent rhetoric that we are seeing now.


Graham is probably one such person who trusts in our institutions and does not want to believe in evil. Reconcile actions of actors with the stage; see if the pieces fit before you paint with a wide brush.


In November, we dont hold back; we paint with a wide brush: all RED.
