Anonymous ID: 6acf3e Oct. 7, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.3378270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8281 >>8300 >>8360 >>8463




She didn't kill herself. She was killed by the psychotic marxist scumbags due to their social justice warrior bullshit. They bullied, humiliated, and ruined her over a fucking tweet. Leftists are a Goddamn cancer to society.


I was doing fine tonight until I saw this picture. It's just another reminder of the world that leftists want. I think that they are finally coming to the realization that they will never get to live in that world though. They are fucking batshit crazy and probably won't last much longer. Watching them cry today as Justice Kavanaugh was being confirmed gave me so much joy.