Anonymous ID: 77cdb1 Oct. 7, 2018, 1:18 a.m. No.3378230   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not gonna happen. Most white women of breeding age aren't interested in marriage and family life anymore. They want careers, money, and independence. Increasing numbers of them havecrossed over to extreme and insane forms of man-hating feminism. They (and Hollywood, and the fake media) have messed up the minds of the younger white dudes too. A whole lotof them are beingtold that they should be ashamed of their masculinity and are now experimenting with faggotry.


Unless POTUS does something to fix the border and illegal (and legal) immigration America's future kids are going to be a whole lot more brown than the ones in that pic, and most of them will speak a language other than English as their first language.