Anonymous ID: dda907 Oct. 7, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.3378547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Future Proves the Past.

Enron sends billions in government subsidies overseas and creates the “Carbon Credit”. Million of dollars are hidden in shell companies all over the world.

Eventually collapses in December or 2001 because of “complicated and hard to understand accounting practices”.

America is too dumb to understand the complexity of it and the news media never explains the scandal.

Also, the biggest terrorist attack on our country just happened and nobody even cares about some accounting scandal.

Who were the prosecutors involved in taking down the employees of Enron? (Some are deputy staff but involved)

Robert Mueller, James Comey, Chris Wray, Sally Yates, Leslie Caldwell, Andrew Weissman, Lisa Monaco, John P. Carlin, Kathryn Reummler,

Define projection:

Arthur Andersen employees are labeled by media as greedy and employees earned millions of dollars illegally.

They dug so deep into the past of the employees and forced them to take plea deals. More than 20,000 Americans lost there jobs but the media covered it as "complicated and difficult to understand".

Sound familiar?

“Russian Collusion Witch Hunt”

Enron Scandal = don’t get caught sending tax payer dollars out of the country to enrich the Clintons and also start a carbon crisis (that does not exist.)

Trump Russia Scandal = don’t get caught trying to spy on a presidential campaign, during the 2016 United States Election!

Andrew Weissman destroyed Arthur Andersen and its 85,000 jobs worldwide.

He was caught 7 years later misrepresenting phrases and what people said.

The ruling were reversed unanimously by the Supreme Court!


They play the same game with the same players from before.

We lose.

They win.

They don’t care who stands in their way.