Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:09 a.m. No.3378182   🗄️.is 🔗kun



former, myself as well.

whole place is so corrupt I won't even go anywhere on the west coast at ALL out of fear of JUST washingtons ties & reach.

those crooked ass cops, task force dea funded and ran out of the sheriffs office, lawyers and prosecutors do business from Idaho to norcal all the way to fucking Colorado.

no matter what, could never ever ever go back.

fuckers tried framing me as a highschooler multiple times as it is, now good god I don't even want to think about it.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:17 a.m. No.3378224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8232 >>8242 >>8461


kek. my favorite was the "I won the coastal cities, where everyones more forward progessive blah blah blah, Trump just won the rest…"


rest of the fucking Country!? as in in the entire land mass between the Oceans?? god that bitch is dumb.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:23 a.m. No.3378259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


litterally still brings a tear to my eye looking back at that.

i can't tell you how many rooms ive been laughed out of or threatened over. i remember saying i thought he would win in 2013, when the clowns and logistics boys i spoke of earlier said they thought Jeb Bush was the shoe in, guarantee in there eyes. laughable at anything to the contrary.


i was grabbing intel on a clown mason wayyy up in general dynamics making him think he was grabbing intel off me about my own agency connections.


sweet, sweet reciprocity.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:37 a.m. No.3378326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8329



right?? what i never could wrap my head around was that the bitch is just literally not personable. at all. ive even heard liberals and democrats say it themselves. one was like ya know, even with that c[]a stuff, the thing about bill and bush, even his kid, were that they were "personable", like youd meet them, kind of forget their bullshit, kinda funny.


my way to close for comfort ties describe Barbara bush as being hilarious with a "keen wit" and her, senior, and their right hand at the agency and his wife were all "great friends" "sitting out on the porch laughing for hours."


seems a LOT more sinister looking back.. ugh.


i met the latter way way way back, all i knew was he was a war vet and top clown, none of their misdeeds, without knowing… sadly i gotta admit, thought he was a pretty cool laid back dude.


guess there in lies the beauty of it though.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:42 a.m. No.3378340   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well, i can tell you his dad was exactly how they portrayed him in team America, to the T in person.

but even from the get go way before Q dude just seemed different.


maybe it was the hair.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.3378362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8394 >>8396




those fuckers really did control everything.

and i mean everything.


i know people that have been in that room 23 shit, or whatever its called, the thing right by the dmz all hush hush n shit, it is all one big money & power driven, and drug funded net.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 1:50 a.m. No.3378394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8423


sorry room 39. honestly they said its all so propped up tho that thing itself is a sideshow anyway id bet.


the one thing i never was able to get a straight answer on, and i got some nudges on 9/11, was i always figured there was some people WAY higher up than anyone will ever know, probably own financial structure or complete lack there of, but i always asked em like, no no no, higher than the roths, higher than the Saudis, there HAS to be people that not one single one of us has ever heard of and could never find even the names of.


how would we ever even know?

no one ever spoke on that, not one time.

and these people would talk about there end games for the entire world.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 2:06 a.m. No.3378465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8535


oh i could show you where it is, right by the dmz, you get enough whiskey in old old oldschool clowns they lovvvve to fucking talk, and even show pictures. its what goes on or what i think goes on somewhere else thats for more interesting.

another tidbit i forgot before, i didnt know til a few days later, and gotta tread lightly with all the doxing worrys going on..

but the clowns in america have a DIRECT, direct connection to lawrence/andover, down to and within the evac zones, right where everything was exploding and burning down.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.3378533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573


kekekek honestly i wouldn't be able to give anything to juicy, either i don't know or i could get myself and a lot of people in a LOT of trouble.

but they knew since fall 2001 that i knew, so they kept there distance from me

i can tell you its one half the family business, and im in all essence ex-comminqued from them, mostly by choice, but also disownment on there part.


i don't fuck around when it comes to America.

i tried getting them to go on record in 2015 right before all this shit started catching fire, that's when i found out where there allegiance really lied, and what they were really capable of and the lengths they would go to keep it that way.


also they have zero allegiance to themselves, no fucking brotherly comradery or sense of duty or country what. so. ever. because within hours of finding out how alone i was in that regard, i started finding obituaries, so specific that i made who was targerted report it straight back to the clown inside, i still don't think it was them specifically, but your boss finds out your family is trying to expose your Company and the entire bush heirarchery, they have ZERO regard for human life or personal, even their right hands blood onnections (shit goes back to Korean war, usurping of the Tokyo field office)


follow groups that "leave" the intelligence "service" yet even keep the names "group" and "intelligence" NOT FLYNN NEVER WOULD DISRESPECT THAT GODLY WARRIOR FOR AN INSTANT.

^that in itself probably just got me a new ticket punched right there.


and the drug stuff is all 100% true as is phone calls keeping family and friends out of the city on the fateful morning of September 11th.



i should probably take a nap before my computer blows up or someshit, see yall in about 3 hours.


for what it's worth, i hold ZERO allegeince and even respect to ANYof these people, i gave them 17 years to come around, and a direct offer of engagement to help US 3 years ago.


almost got myself and someone very very cloes to me suicided.


i;ve had a hit out on me while inside a state prison, had a iron bar rackclosing save me within 10 ft of a shank, still not nearly as scared and alone as i felt the day i found out what side [they] were really on. was in a diner in Honolulu of all places.

Anonymous ID: ec78fe Oct. 7, 2018, 2:24 a.m. No.3378546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


clowns in neighborhood. huge bioindustry and tech conglomerates all around.


night, nightanons!


i love you fuckers more than my own life, if anything i could do to help this movement along or expose it, just know i give it my all and will do anything in my power, and have been since i found out i shook the hand of the devil on a new jersey victorian porch.


ill see yall in a little bit.