Anonymous ID: 5d1bed Oct. 7, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.3379129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9151 >>9163 >>9180 >>9493


I watched this movie the other day, and nobody else has commented on it, so I will.


It is the Global News video of the Sen. Jud. Comm. after the CBF/BK fiasco.


I say it's a movie, I wasn't there to verify. Just like I didn't see the towers fall. I watched it on TV. Which I inherently don't trust. My computer screen ain't much different.


I have been wondering about Stzrok's horns on the forehead for days. Were they added realtime CGI? Possible. Were they evidence of an alien being in his body? Was he alien? If he's an alien, are they losing their ability to masquarade as humans? Made me think.


What caught my attention in the movie was that the director kept the camera on the vacated chair of the unnamed D Senator after he spoke. Interesting choice. Dead air is bad, there must be a reason.


Then Kennedy speaks. And the camera naturally swings to— Blumenthal? Huh…


I grab a pen. A clue has been given.


At 3:39:38 Sen K. says, “Two people, two HUMAN BEINGS in pain…” Contrast to what he says later.


At 3:39:57 or so, he says, “Blinkered perspective,” and the camera zooms in on B. Why? So watch the blinking? Is he not human?


At 3:40:05 I notice how deeply furrowed the brows of B's forehead are, and they don't go away while the camera is upon him? Why?


At 3:41:17, the Sen. utters “Intergalactic Freak Show.” Are we really watching others from not-earth? Why did he choose those words? His speech is careful, measured.


To be continued.

Anonymous ID: 5d1bed Oct. 7, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.3379163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9172



3:42:28 Sen. K. says, “Creepy old men.” Sen. B takes a sip and his hands are shaking. His jaw juts out pretty far. If you watch the video when he speaks, you will notice that he has a pronounced underbite when speaking certain syllables. Why?


3:43:10 You really need to watch the movie at this point. You will notice a facial expression that is either amazing CGI or just pure evil. You decide. The words spoken are, “To the person who leaked Dr. Ford's letter, to the person who breached Dr. Ford's anonymity…” Watch the man's face.


Here it gets really good. 3:43:50 Pay attention to what is really said. “You should bow your head in shame in my opinion, and you should HANG, your hide, YOUR HEAD IN A BAG every day for the rest of your natural life.” I wonder what Senator Kennedy has in mind…. My guess is gallows humor.


The camera then shifts to the speaker, but there is a Max Headroom digital moment. You'll hear it.


The quote from Matt. 16:26 is surely appropriate. “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world….

Anonymous ID: 5d1bed Oct. 7, 2018, 5:12 a.m. No.3379172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9177



Sen Blumenthal speaks next.


His forehead wrinkles sure do smooth out when speaking. See 3:45:33 Why? How?


He says these words, “Families later walk back.” What does that really mean?


At 3:48:54 I believe he utters the true agenda of the swamp. (Kavanaugh) “will chip away if not overturn Roe v Wade and the guarantees that allow women to decide when and whether they become pregnant and have children the decision by millions of Americans to marry the person they love CONSUMERS RIGHTS…???? Why run on the sentence?


At 3:49:14 he mentions an “Imperial Presidency.” Is that a reference to the Intergalactic from before?


3:57:00 Speaking re CBF: “To your son…” At 3:57:48 he says, “her two sons.”


He mentions “Profile in Courage” as a title for CBF, not once, but twice. Interesting comment made in response to a Kennedy? (JFK wrote the book…).


The camera pans at 4:08:42 to either a doddering or sleeping “White House.” What's the director up to?

Anonymous ID: 5d1bed Oct. 7, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.3379199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9299

Lastly, there are three screenshots of people whose eyes either did wild things, or in one case, looked like a character from Star Wars.


I am asking anons to look at this part of the movie with me, paying attention to whom the camera focuses in on. I noticed many pixellations surrounding certain people. Are they filter effects? Are they caused by a field that makes the subject look human?


Well, here's some crumbs, or just a crummy observation.


May the world be rid of evil in our day!