What if they already hat if they already have boobs
ThanQ baker
Yup, we did it
That was yesterday
Yeah, sorry I was pointing it out in respect of POTUS saying that
Good day
Congrats on getting married, I wish he could have come here, we not all nutty like our politicians. God Bless you and your family, I'm truly sorry for your loss
I've been noticing pic like these toonefore you click on the gif, look at POTUS, Theres a glitch, I had a pic from a rally but I can't find it at the moment
It does look like him, there is someone still around that we thought was said to be no longer with us, also Cruz's wife was on a panel that was working on the North American Union (something like that) during the GWB admin. I have the file archived. Anyway it wasn't turning US, Mexico and Canada into one nation
Nite anon
Theses people ARE sick, karma is not (((their))) friend
That happened to me last night