China Building New Coal Plants Equal to Entire US Capacity
China is building hundreds of new coal-fired power plants capable of generating a total of 259 gigawatts (GW) of electricity—that’s equal to the entire existing U.S. coal fleet of around 266 GW, findings by advocacy and research group CoalSwarm show.
Most of the new developments owe to a rapid rise in coal plant permit approvals by China’s provincial authorities from late 2014 to early 2016, according to the report, released Sept. 20. As much as a three-fold increase in coal plant permits were observed in 2015 compared to 2013.
“Guaranteed tariffs, easy access to cheap credit, and a recent permitting spree by provincial authorities have led to a rapid build-up of coal power capacity in China,” the report said.
As of 2018, China’s coal capacity sits at 993 GW. The country is responsible for 48 percent of the world’s coal-fired power supply.
The new developments, once completed, would increase the country’s coal capacity by 25 percent to 1252 GW.
This would exceed China’s own coal power cap of 1100 GW as stated in the country’s 13th five-year economic plan for 2016-2020.
Oversupply From Central Planning
From 2005 to 2016, China added 618 GW of new coal power capacity, equivalent to about 15 GW of new coal power every three months, or “one coal plant a week.”
The boom in the number of coal plants in the country reached overcapacity. By 2015, the average coal plant use rate was at 49 percent, according to CoalSwarm.
Central authorities sought to address the situation by devolving power to permit new coal plant construction to provincial levels in Sept. 2014—however, this only resulted in an even faster rate of permits.
In 2016 and 2017, China’s central authorities issued new regulations and suspension orders to curb new coal plant developments by cancelling or postponing them.
But loopholes and loose enforcement have rendered such measures only “partially effective,” according to CoalSwarm.