Anonymous ID: 378963 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:59 a.m. No.3379921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9992

parentanon/symbolismfag here

watched a older movie w kidanon last night so many spoopy things in it.

movie is call Chicken run (2000) mel/ourguy/ gibson

the "farm" looks just like a nazi camp right down to the jack booted women running the place

the chickens gather in the hut #17 to plan the getaway.. i wont ruin the end but coup#17 is involved

lots of other things from /our/ guys in there too.

these days its hard to find ok things for kidanons to watch /knowing/ what we know.. disney has always been F'd most of us knew that

but every thing kidanons watch needs to be checked out by us parentanons frist imo..

the kids are our the future and must be protected

teen titans go! to the movies! symbolism recap coming next.. /our/ guys symbols are all over that movie. the show too

is there a better thread to post this type of stuff in? i post here in gen cause its where the action is

love ya'll anons (nohomo)

Anonymous ID: 378963 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.3380064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0072



i know many of us here have children and see though the bs propaganda that our kids are subjected to daily. its been on going for many gens (imo even before tv)

i stopped kidanon from habing that tablet right around the time all the pedo grooming videos where exposed..

i see other anons post movie symbolism stuff here too

yo bo/bv is there already a thread for stuff like this

i thought we had one before.. it might have gotten bumped w how fast the boards move

300-350mm world wide was a while ago. bet its even more now

(pic not really related)