Anonymous ID: 3cdbad Oct. 7, 2018, 6:58 a.m. No.3379915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>google salt


Cult warriors (that is, all who identify as SJW's)

play their virtue signaling cards on the media table with unconscious irony: these symbolic virtues are gathered like participation trophies from all the cringy social “events” to which they brought their specialness and then used on (anti)social media, to mark safe spaces for unthinking feelers to assemble and reinforce the MKUltra programming, without the need of direct handlers.


Ex: “I’m a (victim group A) and a (socially approved “minority”) and I think this shit, so agree or join the irredeemable list!”


Stand up on your own, if given half a chance? Divine design

Cling and drag everyone with you? Infernal way