Anonymous ID: 3e6884 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.3379981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0423

/patriotsfight/346 - VP Pence speech ref. China Threat



Now that POTUS & Q have seen fit to address the China Problem:

More food for thought.


Here's some sauce on a historic Chinese connection w/ New Zealand (FVEY)(with a strange pizza-related connection):


Rewi Alley:

Expat New Zealander who defected to Communist China & became a huge propaganda tool of Mao - A prized foreigner who lauded the Chinese Communist Party. Prolific writer of ChiCom propaganda.

His biography is named "Gung Ho: Rewi Alley of China"


Contemporary NZ - CN connection - pizza shop, Goldman Sachs related:

Gung Ho Pizza, owned by two New Zealanders, opened in Beijing in 2010.

Co-owner: John O’Loghlen

Auckland-born John O’Loghlen first came to China in 2005 with Goldman Sachs as part of the the China Netcom IPO team before a stint as Asia Development Manager for gobal pizza giant Dominos.


Could be nothing. Found the connections interesting NZ > CN > Pizza > Goldman Sachs > John O'Loghlen - Another connection on the Cabal Map?


China connection to NZ. So who are these guys from a FVEY country, big finance connection & why a pizza shop?—rewi-alley-of-china-1979

Anonymous ID: 3e6884 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.3380161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0369

ref. Justice Kavanaugh


How many of these crazed, triggered celebrities are members of:


The Black Eye Club? I wonder.

I saw Reese Witherspoon sporting a black eye.