Anonymous ID: 43c597 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.3379821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>9955




could be Rom , gypsies have highly developed coms - pose as illiterate, compete as families tribes and individuals below radar, have and enormous database on human populations aquired through Mitt parlor operation they use to screen suckers in every city in the US.

They have practised deception and illusion and cons on ye normies for thousands of years. They are free. They were original copper and tine smith and many Kalderash still do a bit of work in the line.

The Rom networks are important, would be allies, but are they kenites ? IDK

Anonymous ID: 43c597 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.3379955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9987


Replying to self


The Rom believe they have permission from Christ to steal from the gadjo, the non gypsies because a gypsy stole nails which were intended to crucify Christ, who blessed the gypsy for it and gave the gypsies the right to rob the gadjo until the time He should return.


Kenites, copper and tinsmiths, Kalderash largest and most prosperous of the clans in the US .


There are many Romani groups, but only one Law. (Romen isy but, a Zakono yekh in Ruska Roma's and Kaldarash dialects)

Rules of Romani Code describe relationships inside the Romani community and set limits for customs, behavior and other aspects of life.


The Romani Code is not written; the Romani people keep it alive in oral tradition.


The kris is a traditional institution for upholding and enforcing the Romani Code.


The Rom do ritual magic. Occult anons will know more.


Kenites? Still possible.

Anonymous ID: 43c597 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:41 a.m. No.3380258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0267 >>0283 >>0285



Yes there is substantial literature on gypsies - as a criminal con artist operation in the US Joe Mitchell wrote about them in the 1930s

the current expert on crimes and cons is a detective on SFPD - blanking on name.


Gypsie operate like the mafia, HQ is a "Mitt parlor" usually. The family assigned the territory will protect it - encroachment by other gypsies result in a "kris" or trial if not dealt with on the spot by the authorized gypsy.

Usually the head of the family, a "rom baro" gets involved and soaks both parties so they have incentive to not escalate disputes.


Some of the kriss imposed penalties are meta physical. Rom report witness people die as a result of an oath taken before witness in the open forum of a kris.


People are offered the opportunity at trial to take an oath affirming their innocence of the crime in question. Refusal is considered confession. Some guilty people try to take the oath.

The usual oaths are gruesome specific about consequences like a fatal heart attack and something like that often happens according to those present.


Gypsies have been running around our psychic infrastructure operating intelligence networks, maintaining databases, feigning illiteracy and practising occult rituals.


we haven't had reason to dig them, Q hasn't mentioned them, but given the above and their own legendary connection to Jesus Christ we might find some connection in time.


IDK Biblefags or Hermeticanons may know.

Anonymous ID: 43c597 Oct. 7, 2018, 7:44 a.m. No.3380283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3380258 self replying on gypsies

nuttin here for you shills