Anonymous ID: 74e2be Oct. 7, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.3380096   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0311

SEOUL, South Korea — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he had a “good trip” to North Korea, meeting with its leader, Kim Jong-un, on Sunday and making progress in diplomatic efforts to denuclearize the country.


Later, the office of President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, who was briefed by Mr. Pompeo on his North Korea trip, said that the United States and the North had agreed to hold a new summit meeting between their leaders as early as possible.


The two sides are expected to soon hold working-level talks to set the details of the planned meeting, such as the date and venue, said Yoon Young-chan, a spokesman for Mr. Moon.


In Pyongyang, Mr. Pompeo held a two-hour meeting with Mr. Kim, followed by a 90-minute luncheon hosted by the North’s leader.

Anonymous ID: 74e2be Oct. 7, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.3380189   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0215

The globalist/establishment in all its forms (lodged in the media, both major political parties, the intelligence community, and Internet providers) now dominate most of the information from which we derive opinion. We are at risk of not having all the information necessary to insure responsible thought or action.


Because Trump took “their White House,” he is universally hated by all globalists whose intent is to squeeze him out by any means necessary. Seemingly all the major medias except Fox News and some radio talk shows spew a continuous hate Trump line and vilify everyone defending or associated with him. No good is mentioned from their array of media outlets. No one in U.S. political history has been vilified more.


The intelligence community with Obama administration holdovers, now referred to as the Deep State, targeted a duly elected president with what is now known as the “Russia Hoax.” Finding no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion after a two year Special Council Mueller probe; all in an effort to impeach their hated president as a traitor. This, while completely ignoring — even covering up — a real Russian/Clinton collusion story and the Russian Uranium One deal giving Russia 20 percent of America’s uranium profiting the Clintons by millions. This, with the bleach-bitted 35,000 Hillary Clinton emails (a copy discovered on the Anthony Weiner laptop) so attesting to this deal, many of which were classified documents sent over her unsecured server. Most of this information is absent in globalist-controlled mediums.


Trump supporters, called “deplorables” by Hillary Clinton, do not see equal justice under the law and thus continue chanting “lock-her-up” at Trump rallies. Some Trump supporters have concluded that this never could happen with the existing information block on globalist controlled/influenced mediums. Hence some supporters are showing up at these rallies in Q T-shirts to bring attention to QAnon (hereafter cited as Q), a new defensive phenomenon in the present establishment war against Trump and patriots.


The Washington Post on Aug. 1, 2018, fairly accurately described the movement: Q is ”an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president." “Q” feeds disciples, or “bakers,” scraps of intelligence, or “bread crumbs,” that they scramble to bake into an understanding of the “storm” — the community’s term, drawn from Trump’s cryptic reference last year to “the calm before the storm”— for the president’s final conquest over elites, globalists and deep-state saboteurs.” Q followers are those attempting to decode the vague messages found on the 4chan and 8chan message boards.

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