Anonymous ID: a9c58f Oct. 7, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.3379891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9920 >>9931 >>0145


"We believe Survivors" …


… Unless she's the former girlfriend of the Deputy Chairman of the DNC, keith 'muslim brotherhood" ellison, who has photographic evidence (as discovered by her sons on her computer), contemporary notes from two doctors and a slew of women eager to testify that she told them immediately after the abuse occurred…


"We believe Survivors" … unless you're one of the woman our former president, william jefferson clinton, raped and/or assaulted.


… unless you were raped at 12 by a man in his forties that our former 'first lady' hillary clinton defended all the while laughing that she knew her client had lied.


"Yeah, muh We believe Survivors"


If however you DIED, then will elevate the perpetrator into 'The Lion of the Senate' or, at the very least, be sure he has a nice gig on msnbc every morning alongside his wife.

Anonymous ID: a9c58f Oct. 7, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.3380027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0074 >>0120


It certainly, in Alinski fashion, is intended to try to prevent anyone from suggesting it could be a false accusation. It also implies it was a very severe encounter.


Even if CBF' thirty six year old vague allegation were true, (though I've never believed it), I think it's safe to say most women would not still be traumatized by it. They truly have gone through worse, and this sordid ordeal only makes it harder for real victims to be believed.


I think more women are angry about what feinstein/ the dems and chrisine ford did then men are.

Anonymous ID: a9c58f Oct. 7, 2018, 7:33 a.m. No.3380197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262


I have my Alinski RfR on the other computer, so I'll paraphrase a tactic or two. And though the Bible arguments can often be circular, I don't think my original comment was.


That said. According to Alinski YOU define your opposition, including with lies if need be (all the better really).




Now, he's busy trying to refute the false allegations (rather than delivering his own story), AND you've poisoned the well. HE'S UNFIT TO BE ON THE SC! Abusers don't deserve to sit on the highest court in the land!


Another tactic, to add to the first…you NEVER LET UP! You make the accusations 24/7…on tv, with mobs at restaurants and their offices!!! ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR HIM WILL PAY A PRICE!


You NEVER walk back the allegations, in fact you double-down. HE WAS GANG RAPING THE GIRLS…THEY LINED THEM UP/TRAINS IN THE HALLWAY!!! You are trying to wear the opposition down. Most will do anything to make it stop. It also takes it's toll on the families.


Study up on Alinski's RfR. Though they were around earlier, his took root here. SA was HRC's mentor. The left plays by those rules. Once you understand, it's akin to having the other team's playbook.

Anonymous ID: a9c58f Oct. 7, 2018, 7:52 a.m. No.3380339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0361


Well said. Agree down the line. A smart and wise general strives to learn the ways of their adversary. As you point out, information isn't 'bad' because a 'bad' man said it. It stands on its own. Trust me (as I'm sure you know), many of the white hats/leaders we admire are well versed, and utilize, lessons from Machevelli (sic?), Alinsky and Captain Kurtz (such?)…Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now.


"If I only had a hundred men able to do that (savage warfare against the Vietcong), this war would be over, quickly." Something like that.