Anonymous ID: dc6204 Oct. 7, 2018, 8 a.m. No.3380421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I want to share my realization of RED OCTOBER. Many know by now that in Russia the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 is called Red October because it occurred on October 25 by the old calendar.

And just like in Russia in the beginning of the 20th century, the Rothschilds, Schiffs etc. launched a smear campaign against Tzar Nicolas II. They used the WWI and other things to turn the public opinion, called him bloody dictator, etc.

You know what happened after the revolution. Lenin-Trotsky killed tens of millions of Christians, demolished churches, killed priests, and instituted a totalitarian government. Then there was a bloody civil war between the monarchists and communists. It was a real holocaust.

And 100 years later the same people with their puppet media are running a smear campaign against democratically elected President Trump with the intention to remove him from power and throw our country into an abyss.

But now things are different. The US population is armed. There is internet and access to alternative information. There is Q who reveals what is happening behind the scenes. And by Divine Grace anyone who has eyes can recognize the evilness of the left.

By electing Donald Trump we avoided a great danger. They already had FEMA camps prepared for us with millions of plastic caskets and made-in-China guillotines to dispose of millions of us.

So we should not be complacent and realize the great danger still hanging over our republic, thanks to the Russian example, if we ever allow the leftists/Marxists/anarchists/fascists whatever you want to call them to take back control.

We need to forcefully remove them from power by prosecuting the traitors and criminals and by voting them out in November.