Anonymous ID: f8c9fd Oct. 7, 2018, 6:34 a.m. No.3379714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9895

Red October, Red Red, Follow the White Rabbit, Child Trafficking and the Vatican.


Red Cross has history of issuing Travel Papers with no research beyond the Vatican's stamp of approval ie The Nazi Ratlines La Vista Documents.


The Red Cross also has a history of willingly turning a blind eye to corruption ie Jews who were used as human lab rats in the death camps were called Rabbits. The Red Cross knew about these atrocities but kept it quiet.


Another interesting article I found in the OCTOBER 1966 International Review of the Red Cross showed Catholic Relief Services donating 18 Giant White Rabbits to orphans for food. They called it an experiment?


Now in modern times we see Catholic Relief Services working hand in hand with the Clinton Foundation and The Red Cross in Haiti. So we have our most trusted Catholic Church and Red Cross who can issue travel documents without any pushback working with orphans/refugees.

Firm connections? This is a deep rabbit hole, including the Muslim Red Crescent Foundation (Islamic Red Cross branch). Is the Catholic Church also funding the trafficking operations? I am Catholic and every year they have a huge presentation during Mass on donating to the Catholic Relief Services with pledge envelopes, little money boxes to collect coins at businesses etc. This infuriates me now to know that they were partners with the Clinton Foundation.


Been with Q since beginning, My Catholic Awakening has been the hardest pill to swallow personally, now I am questioning ALL. Thank you Q for opening my eyes, it took awhile but I now accept the Church for what it is.



La Vista Document


Red Cross Nazi Rabbit Experiments