Anonymous ID: 68a3fb Oct. 7, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.3380773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hypothetically the kind of automated posting software used against us here at q research could be adapted and used by us to propagate objective reality aka the truth.


Perhaps there is even more advanced technology available for doing this over social networks. If so geek anons, time to tune parameters to MAGA


Should anons use robotic narrow "AI" hacks to propagate MAGA?

Yes, such narrow AI application are tools, like guns, licit to use to save lives.


This is now a salvage operation to reclaim the minds of our fellow citizens from 30 years of cult IO.


The more we save the faster, the better for them, their families and for America.


So we should consider all kinds of hacks to get our message to people suffering from MSM's cumulative psyop Information Poisoning.


Hacking telco messaging systems, freeway display messages like Amber Alerts are fair game. We can not be accused of interfering with the safety of children when we know the Amber alert system was created by the cultist to let each other know a successful abductions is underway.

Driving the freeway we will see anon messages: "Think Mirror." "Talk to God." "Fuck satan." Spielberg did it" "DIG, MEME, PRAY"



"DoitQ" on the Amber alert on the freeway, Is just one example. Fake news stories with hot button focus get snatched up and rebroadcast by the nets without question.

This fake ad for a fake mattress co never even ran on cable news yet it was a national news story on every single network.


a cognitive bias easy to exploit by which anons may distribute MAGA over MSMs networks. It's what POTUS does when he allows MSM shill outrage function as a carrier.

Anonymous ID: 68a3fb Oct. 7, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3381156   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This is NOT sauce

it is inchorent not technical raving.


If you don't have sauce do not piss in our ear and tell us it's raining.


gives you up for what you are.