Anonymous ID: a2851e Oct. 7, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3381075   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I see in some cities the left was 'protesting' the Kavanaugh confirmation with 'die-ins,' laying in the street blocking traffic.


Look at the damage the obama (the fraud) years had on America. Sure, the cultural rot predates his administration, but the left really jumped the shark during his 'radical transformation' of the country. We have 'safe-spaces,' 'gender fluidity,' 'white privilege,' 'non binary / non-cisgendered' genders and all sorts of wonderful new concepts.


So they protest. They couldn't tell you the first thing Kavanaugh has written in a judicial opinion, what he did during his time in the Bush White House or as part of Ken Starr's Special Counsel staff but they're so upset it brings them to tears and they need to block traffic…to protest yet again.


Candidate Trump was raked over the coals for two weeks by the fake news because he didn't state during a presidential debate that he would unequivocally accept the election results but the lunatic-left, 'la resistance' is still resisting two years later.


America, please don't drop the ball in November! Everyone has to help drive the stake through the heart of this madness once and for all. If we miss this opportunity it will be me that's crying.



The picture with the three 'protesters,' mouths wide open, seems perfect for memes.

Anonymous ID: a2851e Oct. 7, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3381200   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Starting to realize the sheer power of Jew media control? Full spectrum domination over the Goy. It was why the Military created the internet. To destroy ZOG. How can you fight and defeat a power your not even allowed to NAME?



This is probably my favorite all-time slide on chan. They moron who WRITES about total media control, calls it (by the name) ZOG, then 'pretends' nobody has the ability to penetrate 'the sheer power' and 'full spectrum domination' of 'Jew media' by POSTING A COMMENT whereby he TRANSMITS HIS CONCERN which he has identified by NAME.


Brock, raise the pay! Attract more qualified trolls. This pathetic fucking loser actually gives pathetic fucking losers a bad name. Give me a fucking break.