In terms of studying China's History:
China is not purely Marxist Communist, or put another way, what we in the USA think of as communism.
China claims they are "Communist with Chinese Characteristics".
Make no mistake (from 1st hand experience):
The Chinese government is made up of Totalitarian, Capitalist, Warlords (Big Brother - 1984). Communism is the control mechanism - Everything State owned & run, that includes ALL schools.
The Chinese people are the most capitalistic people I have ever known. Observe for yourself.
Yes Chinese "Culture" is very group & relationship minded (for the sake of Harmony & Stability - very important with a billion+ people all packed together. Experience a mob in Mainland China. It's scary).
But with an informed view of Chinese history, and personal experience in Mainland China - one sees the motivation toward Power & Prosperity w/ no moral dilemma about deception or trickery, these are admired traits.
This just a very brief and simplified look at the nature of Chinese culture.