Anonymous ID: 665edb Oct. 7, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.3381742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Warning: this will be long.




This is not about Muslims - this is about the institution of ISLAM and the fundamental tenants upon which it is constructed. And, moreover, how they relate to the global conflict.


I am a Canadian anon - I support all endeavors for uncovering truth including all anons here pursuing the same. My own experience has led me to research the fundamental claims of Islam and how they reflect in the global conflict which, it being a conflict, is preventing a pathway toward true PEACE.


I must first propose the following definitions of terms:


SCIENCE: A discipline which involves the construction of a question(s) that, when pursued, yield answer(s) that inform the questioner(s) as to what is true or untrue.

CON: As applied to the self.

CONSCIENCE: Ongoing state of question/answer as applied to (and/or from) the self.


As such consciousness is directly related to any given individual's ability to construct meaningful questions; seek out methods to place them in a test environment; and subsequently derive information that yields a better understanding of what is, or is not, true.


ISLAM as an institution claims the following:

  1. That the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word of the creator of the universe as dictated to the central figure of ISLAM (Muhammad) via an angel known as Jabriel.

  2. That the central figure of ISLAM (Muhammad) is the final messenger of the creator of the universe - denoted in ISLAM as 'ALLAH'.

  3. That ISLAM means 'peace'.


The three fundamental tenants are adopted in the mandatory testimony known as the SHAHADA: that there is no god but ALLAH and Muhammad is the final messenger.


A TESTIMONY can only be one of two: either TRUE or UNTRUE. It is TRUE that every single Muslim that has ever lived, is living, or will ever live must make the above TESTIMONY in order to join ISLAM. This testimony is either TRUE or FALSE.


If TRUE - no change. All that is, simply "is".

If FALSE - ISLAM (independent of Muslims) as a "religion" and/or sociopolitical entity is a false institution.


Now I do assert that it is TRUE that the SHAHADA is a FALSE testimony. The reasons (in brief) are as follows:

  1. The Qur'an is forged from preexisting Christian strophic hymns which were originally in the language of Syro-Aramaic. These were translated into Arabic to form the basis of the Qur'an. This is precisely why Jesus (whom Islam names Isa Ibm Miriam) is the most mentioned person/prophet in the Qur'an.

  2. Muhammad thus lied about receiving revelations from an angel Jabriel - a claim that is impossible to corroborate in and of itself.

  3. Islam is man-made and, rather than working toward PEACE creates its counterpart: CONFLICT.


This conflict is generated by the fundamental division the Qur'an outlines: "believers" (Muslims) vs. "unbelievers" (non-Muslims). This principle division is carried over by similar divisions which existed within Christianity - ISLAM itself being a Christian heresy which utilizes Christian writings that maintains Jesus/Isa will return.


ISLAM is thus central to the global conflict, and it is either being used as a vehicle to sow "us" vs. "them" mentalities or is itself the source of it. It certainly is related to the entire notion of "globalism" as the main goal of ISLAM is to establish the Sharia across the entire planet which is simply this:


  1. Nobody can criticize the Qur'an.

  2. Nobody can criticize Muhammad.

  3. Nobody can criticize ISLAM.


This is the basis of Sharia and requires forcible suppression of dissenting voices, which is FASCISM:



What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?

Define 'Fascism'.

Forcible suppression of opposition?

Define 'Censorship'.

The institution, system, or practice of censoring?

Define 'Narrative'.

A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?


ISLAM is inherently FASCIST and TOTALITARIAN. Much of the censorship in the media, social platforms, political, judicial etc. are in defense of ISLAM and/or Muslims. This is particularly evident in the numerous attempts for Muslim-majority nations within the UN to criminalize criticisms of Islam and/or Muhammad. This is the basis of the Sharia.


As such it is clear that WW3 will be fought over ISLAM, whether or not people realize ISLAM as being the root is based upon how successfully the Deep State has taken all attention away from ISLAM via censorship as noted above.