President merchandise site takes aim at kneelers with 'Stand Up' jerseys
President merchandise site takes aim at kneelers with 'Stand Up' jerseys
All of them were in on an attempt to assassinate a duly elected president of the US.
Keep in mind, kids are not the most graceful things on this planet when they hit growth spurts.
They become clumsy and get bruised.
Just saying, don't jump to conclusions without FACTS first.
Clumsiness makes for bruises in odd places.
Kid hits a growth spurt they tend to have a rough time with walking, so tripping and leg banging up against something can create the same types of bruising.
The only thing of real interest in that photo to me, was the red shoes.
Fuck you asshat.
This bitch just doesn't know when to shut up and #Walkaway! KEK!
Julie Swetnick unloads on media, GOP: 'I am disgusted and appalled by the way that I have been re-victimized'
>>>3381789 (You) Swetnick bitching about her 15 minutes of fame not going as planned
I like the way you worded that! KEK!