Anonymous ID: ef176e Oct. 7, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3381479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Baker, Notable

Maybe needs a seconding, but I think this might be significant, especially in light of what we know about the Cabal's 16-year plan. Scary shit when you think about it.

>>3381241 Anon connects Chinese chips, foreign-made military matériel, and 'smart guns'


A little dig:

Hussein was a big fan of the 'smart gun' idea. He started pushing it towards the end of his 2nd term in 2016. Not hard to see HRC picking it up and running with it after a few 'coincidental' mass shootings.



The US Army was involved in the development, but federal funding was cut in 2010 and the Army seems to have lost interest in 2015 (subtle white hat intervention?). Hussein looked to be setting up to 'create a market' by 'encouraging' law enforcement to adopt them for 'safety' purposes. The thin end of the wedge to implement across the board?

Imagine a US where all firearms were chipped. People's 2nd Amendment rights could be remotely revoked, selectively, at any time. They wouldn't even need to pry them from your cold, dead hands.

Imagine a US military where all firearms were chipped. And where China/Israel/the Cabal also had backdoor access. All I can think of is an unbalanced game of Civ where mechanised infantry squares up against cavemen with clubs.

Hell, China wouldn't even need to invade. Another few 'migrant caravans' could have done the job for them.