Anonymous ID: 5e5b2b Oct. 7, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.3382367   🗄️.is 🔗kun



David Rothschild, who is not even American, called the American senate "our senate"


Ok, so that's some feedback on who actually put the senate into power (or at least the Democrat side of it.) Here are his tweets on the topic, and they could not possibly be any better. They prove America got what it needed to resist their tyranny and show in only a few words what type of people were really behind blocking Kavanaugh:


From Sir Rothschild:

"Our senate is now as useful and meaningful as the senate in imperial Rome: it has fully abdicated its responsibility to oversee the executive branch. This is how democracy dies.


New SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh is a degenerate liar, fringe right-wing judicial activist, and has a string of possible sexual assaults. He was confirmed by a senate where 51 members are living in right-wing conspiracy world, accepting an absurd, easily debunked alternate reality.


America will be hampered by right-wing activist Supreme Court for decades, rights of: women, voters, workers, minorities. And, SCOTUS will likely overturn social safety net such as expanded healthcare. Not to mention possible direct anti-democracy measures by delegitimized court.


My comment: I'm glad that's how you see it, because you are an unabashed scamming liar who tried to overthrow the American political process with scams and lies, especially by using Christine Ford and even illegal immigrants the way you did, And you, in this very statement, took your own type of lying and projected it onto the side of the equation that did not lie at all. As if you have not screwed the world over enough already. Sorry to see a section of track is missing ahead of your gravy train. Glad to see you are having a bad day.