Anonymous ID: 93af6a Oct. 7, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3382679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705



HW Bush was ambassador to China:




The Rothschild, and the Rockefeller families have a very high respect for the Chinese and Japanese people in relation to some of the other peoples in the world. That is one reason why China and Japan are being given the chance to be important players in the New World Order.


The powerful Li family in Hong Kong is part of the Illuminati This family maintains a good public relations. They are philanthropists. Billionaire Li Ka-shing donated money to create a University in Shantou in South China. The cost of the University & its teaching hospital were reported at 85 million U.S. dollars In Fortune Magazine 7/13/92, p. 107.




General Li Mi fled to the Golden Triangle and was provided via CIA agents supplies. It was Li Mi who started up the poppy fields to produce drugs that would be marketed by the other top Illuminati families. It was not chance that Li began opium production. The whole affair was a carefully calculated event by the Illuminati who have made millions running drugs for centuries. In the 1960, another Li took over after Li Mi died. His name was Li Wen-huan.


The elite made room for the Li’s to open the Li Commercial Bank for business on Long Island, N.Y.


After Bush was ambassador to China, Carter selected 6° (Pilgrim Soc. mmbr) Thomas S. Gates to represent the U.S. to China. David Rockefeller gave his O.K. to the selection of Gates, and Gates was transferred directly from working on the board of J.P. Morgan & Co. to Peking. The Illuminati’s banks have been lining up over the years making loans to Red China.


One of the articles that I read to understand where Clinton was going with Red China was in the Jan-Feb ’93 issue of The China Business which had on its cover a picture of Clinton and Li Peng with the question “A NEW ERA?” As many of the elite’s articles are it was long on rhetoric, propaganda. etc. I think the bottom line was that Clinton is going to follow the advice of his China advisors and that Clinton does not want to rock the boat in our relations with Communist China.


The idea that is being planted by the question on the cover is about the size of things, the elite are moving us closer to their "new era."