Anonymous ID: 96e0ff Oct. 7, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3382021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2055

Thank you, Baker! In lieu of a bewb pic, here is an "academic grievance study" that is a "2-year participant-observer ethnography" on the allure of Breastaurants. Your taxpayer dollars at work! The website's comments are great; kek!


Science study from Hooters: ‘An Ethnography of Breastaurant Masculinity’


Anthony Watts / 23 hours ago October 6, 2018


This is an actual paper, published in a peer reviewed journal. I wouldn’t call it science, when it’s actually some sort of strange rant like something from a SJW. And what the hell is a “breastaurant”? Hooters maybe? Yep, I had to look it up.


"A breastaurant is a restaurant that has skimpily-dressed female waiting staff. The term “breastaurant” dates from the early 1990s, around the time that the restaurant chain Hooters became popular in the United States."


So now people are conducting “research” in Hooters.


h/t to Willie Soon.


An Ethnography of Breastaurant Masculinity: Themes of Objectification, Sexual Conquest, Male Control, and Masculine Toughness in a Sexually Objectifying Restaurant

•Richard Baldwin


The present study is based on a 2-year participant-observer ethnography of a group of men in a “breastaurant” to characterize the unique masculinity features that environment evokes. Currently, whereas some research examines sexually objectifying restaurant environments regarding their impacts upon women in those spaces, no known scholarly attention has been given to men and masculinities in these environments. Through thematic analysis of table dialogue supplemented by brief unstructured interviews, I identify four major and one minor theme of “breastaurant masculinity” as distinctive to that environment. These include sexual objectification, sexual conquest, male control of women, masculine toughness, and (as a minor theme) rationalizations for why men frequent breastaurants. Following recent trends in masculinities research, my study interprets the breastaurant as a type of male preserve that erects a local pastiche hegemony in which these themes gain protected status. It also theorizes that the unique interactive environment of the breastaurant between (mostly) male patrons and attractive female servers who provide heterosexual aesthetic labor to the patrons, primarily in the form of ersatz sexual availability, produces these masculinity features. Given their current rapid expansion and popularity within masculine subcultures, the breastaurant therefore becomes an important site for critical masculinities research. Practice implications are discussed for management and counseling professionals who aim to improve outcomes in social and professional situations for both women and men.


Published here:


(paywalled, $39.95, which would be better spent at Hooters, I think)


The journal:

Sex Roles – A Journal of Research

ISSN: 0360-0025 (Print) 1573-2762 (Online)


[more at website]