Anonymous ID: c9a38f Oct. 7, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.3382045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2086

>>3381887 (lb)


Pyschology 101. We call that Projection....basic undergrad here, though maybe as a Freudian concept, you might have to wait until second semester. I'll try to apologize using language you know. I AM DEEPLY SORRY FOR TRIGGERING YOU! Had no idea I would hit such a raw nerve. That said, don't give up hope...there are plenty of fish in the seas. She's out there waiting for you, you just have to #WalkAway from the computer for a few hours to meet her. I know it's a tall order, but I have faith in you.


>>3381894 (lb)


Going to have to try harder. The ol' pilpul meme is going on two years old now...I must have eight copies of it myself. Odd, appearantly such an important concept and the first I've ever heard it was on /pol – would have thought a Jew might have said it once or twice, but no such luck.

Anonymous ID: c9a38f Oct. 7, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.3382383   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Now denoting 'last bread' as a courtesy to those not wanting their browser's to leave the page AND because it signifies that there WERE NO SPACES REMAINING IN THE PREVIOUS BREAD, is a JDIF tactic?


A 'trick' to 'track' across the breads. "A trick…to track, eat, a tic-tac. Let's…

Sing a song of sixpence,

A pocket full of rye.

Four and twenty blackbirds,

Baked in a pie”


What happened to your staunch defense of exposing instances of pilpul?


PilPul, the word a rag-tag bunch of Brock's buttboys came up with to use when feeling so utterly backed into a corner and desperately wanting to BTFO with a modicum of dignity.