>403624 >4041472
Listen little youngsters who are right out of the new mindless school system…
Once you fight with real bullets, on the front lines, in oath and wearing the uniform, you see MEN and you have Talkers who only talk. Trump only 100% talks. End 3rd year and nothing. Guess you never heard of domestic enemies and enemies within now have you?
Patience is one thing but you are clueless and brainwashed to think their is a never ending so will you be just as happy in say year 5 and nothing? See how you are trained and brainwashed to NOT THINK using COMMON SENSE that God given you. You have to blindly follow words with not one factual based fact and will follow someone forever, without a single physical fact nor evidence now won't you?
Everyone promises stuff so what about Trump saying he'll use military funds for the Wall, and now enter year 3 and still not 1 penny as his word said? Or criminal.
Sorry but I just don't get you men wearing pussy outfits and acting like little girls, but thats the school system you were taught. Military is just too hard and you just want to stay in your mama's basement…. Guess you can't comprehend stuff you never experienced not can you? Like BW TV, no computers, videos, cell phones, downloads, information… But how do you explain something you can't comprehend?
Words are only words and anyone can spew lies… So you never care to see any evidence now do you and you follow blindly and mindlessly on dreams? No wonder you are single, living in your parents basement and cross dressing and you think thats all normal…
Time for Trump to man up and prove he's a man who values my and your parents and granchildren… Again, how can you understand family generations when you are single and a cross dresser? We given him faith but like these boards, Bread and baking is 100% fake, and your Clockfag are just a elementary game where nothing is real and you can make up any rules you want to get the outcome you want…
Guess theirs few men left to protect our future generations lives…. But one has to question and think if they are being played, when not one fact comes out in 2+ years.. But your brain stops evaluating why not a single shred of evidence ever provided in year 3 now… With brainless ones like you, the US has no future but for crossdressers and brainwashed nonthinkers who were never taught morals and values, nor common sense to see they could actually be fooled…