Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.3798469   🗄️.is 🔗kun



PASS THE EXAMS 1 has fallen off the catalog (it's what happens to old breads) but can be found at:


QBOARD QUESTIONS QboardTeachings 04/30/18 (Mon) 20:20:56 ID: cd134c No.1254488

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.3801532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627 >>1697 >>8357

Part 1 - please add any other tips you find useful.


>>2407708 lb


Updated Newfag/Normie Operating Procedures for QResearch


Since Pass the Exam #1 fell off the catalog and with all the new visitors QResearch is receiving, I felt it was time for Notable Posts that teach newfags/normies how the board and Qresearch operate. Unless otherwise indicated, all posts are from the old "Pass The Exam #1" thread, which is actually called QBOARD QUESTIONS, located at .




Warning memes for newfags - important info: >>1254934 lb (see pix)


IMPORTANT - BO's (Board Owner's) terms/definitions, rules, and tips: >>1771638 lb


Useful sites and archives:

The Index:

The Catalog:

>>1267491 lb >>1308685 lb >>1606382 lb >>1335348 lb


Abbreviations/definitions for Q posts and anon comments:

Q-related acronyms and

The Phonetic Alphabet:

>>1256484 lb >>1304713 lb >>1265125 lb >>1388949 lb


The Mechanics of Operating within the QResearch Boards


Ads on the boards on 8chan: Necessary evil to support all the IT equipment and costs. Could be much worse.


Bumping and spoiler image discussion: >>1478590 lb >>1481844 lb


Chan culture: >>1335845 lb >>1507247 lb >>3201368 lb


Citing posts located in an earlier bread: Chan etiquette is to Insert lb or pb or previous after the post # (this is especially important/helpful to readers who are phonefagging) >>1266432 lb


Determining how many times an ID has posted within a single bread: >>1326145 lb >>1328314 lb


Determining the bread number that a cited post originates from: >>1255806 lb >>1269872 lb >>1427470 lb >>1262573 lb


Editing posts, removing files, filtering: >>1267223 lb >>1267503 lb


Embedding a video into a post: Go to the Reply box at the top of the bread. Click on "Show post options & limits." Copy the URL of the video into the Embed box.


Features of the board:


Filtering posts that you don't want to see: Click the arrow at the extreme left of the post you don't want to see. Click Add filter. Click ID to hide all posts from that particular ID or click ID+ to also include all replies to the particular ID. Experienced anons don't bother filtering and instead just scroll over to the next post; this is because the annoying ID might have posted something valuable elsewhere in the thread. Also, ID+ filters out all posts of the replying IDs, so the chances of missing something valuable are now far greater.


Finding posts you've made in past breads: Two ways - #1 Keep a running record in an offline place or on your hard drive (e.g., a Word file or .txt file or screencaps or a handwritten record of the bread URL/post #); #2 Do a CTRL-F for (you) in a particular past bread (assumes you can still get to that bread through the catalog or the URL of the bread) [will pull up everyone else's (You) besides your own].


Finding Q's posts: Go to or or . Note that none of these sites work with Internet Explorer or Safari. Use Edge instead.


Formatting text (see pic): . Also, you can make green text by putting one right arrow (>) to the left of the material.


Getting to the next board when the one you're one has 751 posts (you can also use the Index or the Catalog): Hitting the Return link at the top of the bread will take you to the Index, which has a link to the newest bread (hit Reply on the new bread link to travel there). Also, the baker is supposed to post the new bread # near the bottom of the old bread (will say NEW BREAD a couple of times, usually in red text).


Interpreting the Catalog and its entries - what do the numbers mean?: The catalog will show the most recent breads for various threads. Each thread has its own distinctive picture and may have several breads (each bread contains about 750 posts). So, the QResearch thread (Iwo Jima image) will have numerous breads, while other breads will have just a few. At the upper left above the catalog entries is a Sort By box. Choose Bump Order to place the threads in chronological order by last post. Note that the first few threads will contain a black pushpin which indicates they are "pinned" or always located at the top of the catalog regardless of how much activity they've had. The R in the bread image refers to the number of posts in the bread (max of 750). Don't know about the I or P.


[Go to part 2]]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3801627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697

Part 2 - please add any other tips you find useful.



>>2407708 lb


Updated Newfag/Normie Operating Procedures for QResearch


Unless otherwise indicated, all posts are from the old "Pass The Exam #1" thread, which is actually called QBOARD QUESTIONS, located at .


Locating and collapsing the Index: The index is at . Your desired thread might be quite a ways down the index list. To minimize threads you're not interesting in viewing, click the [-] box at the beginning of the thread entry. It will collapse it into one or two lines and will then display a [+] at the thread. Stays that way until you get around to clicking that box again. Especially useful when phonefagging.


Notifying the baker about notable posts: Reply to the post and insert Notable in bold black text (three apostrophes on both the left and right sides of the word) or in red (similarly, use two equal signs instead of apostrophes; must fit entirely on one line).


Participating in breads that exceed 750 posts: Reply to it by going to the Reply box at the top of the new bread and entering two right arrows (>>) and copypasting the post number and typing in your comment. Note that your new reply WILL NOT show up in the old bread next to the particular post.


Posting from Tor: >>1322412 lb >>1335353 lb >>1330987 lb


Posting memes, graphics, still pics: Go to the Reply box at the top of the bread. Click on "Select/drop/paste files here." That will take you to files stored on your hard drive (Windows Explorer or My Computer). Select the desired file and click on Open. It will then paste the filename into the Reply box under the "Select" box.


Q details, the research process, and the Great Awakening movement: >>1519833 lb - See pix


Q's posts and anons' replies: >>1337130 lb >>1337172 lb >>1337306 lb


Saving graphics, memes, still pix: You can screencap them or else right-click on the pic's filename and then click Save Target As or Save Picture As. Will deposit the material into your harddrive into whatever folder you select.


Searching across multiple breads (not just within a bread): >>1321128 lb >>1322570 lb


Telling time the military way (24-hr clock):


The shock of learning about the degenerate Deep State and redpilling other people: >>1335851 lb >>1358051 lb >>1654920 lb >>1764625 lb >>1830741 lb


Viewing posts that are cited (i.e., the red numbers that follow two right-pointing arrows): >>1408931 lb


What does a BV (board volunteer do)? >>1328453 lb >>1328492 lb


What is shilling? >>1265738 lb >>1335831 lb >>1254774 lb >>1268132 lb >>1265600 lb >>1267151 lb >>1265910 lb >>1271382 lb >>1271543 lb >>1410420 lb >>1849235 lb


What is the mass exodus of resignations all about?: >>1337401 lb >>1337671 lb


What is the significance of the term "suicide watch"?: >>1344356 lb >>1408660 lb >>1352025 lb


Why we leave the Name, Email, and Subject blocks empty when replying or posting: >>1532680 lb >>1539700 lb

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.3801697   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Because Pass the Exam #1 fell off the catalog, the links above don't automatically work. Go to this URL and use CTRL-F to find the link you're interested in. Unless otherwise indicated, all posts are from the old "Pass The Exam #1" thread, which is actually called QBOARD QUESTIONS, located at: .

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.3802242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2264

Part 1


Reposting of GlossaryAnon's work (not mine) from QResearch bread #3865. Apologies - I didn't use GlossaryAnon's bolding and italicizing due to lack of time.


One more tip for newfags and normies: Be sure to have broad shoulders and a thick skin if you're gonna participate in QResearch. It's not for the faint-hearted. Also, as Q says,

"The choice to know will be yours." There are things that, once seen, cannot be unseen.












NEWFAGS - ATTENTION. You'll see people saying things like "Lurk and don't post for 3 months." Don't let this discourage you from posting if you are ready. You don't need to Lurk any longer than necessary to figure out how things work here and develop a little etiquette and understanding of the board humor and culture. As soon as you're ready to make USEFUL posts, we could use your help. Find your niche and Dig in!


For starters, please study the following glossary terms to help you understand what's going on around here. This will protect you from most embarassing Newfag mistakes, help you get up to speed without asking a ton of questions, and prevent you from helping our enemies accomplish their goals. No one can tell you what to do on QResearch, and you won't get banned for anything other than posting illegal content–but if you're on the side of QAnon and the Patriots here who are working to save the world, then I recommend you read and heed the advice contained in this glossary. The veteran users of this board will thank you, Newfag.


Attention Whoring: Using all CAPS, Red Text, and disruptive or infuriating images including gay porn, gore, disgusting fat women, venereal diseases, and other shit that no one wants to see. This is designed to make people angry and bait them into Replying. The ONLY correct way to combat Attention Whoring is to Filter the posts of the Attention Whore. Do not Reply to them–that's what they want, and when you give it to them, you validate their behavior and ensure they will keep doing it.


Anon: Short for Anonymous. This is the name that most users will use when talking to each other. Since we can't identify each other, we are all known as Anon. Users who violate this principle by adding a Name or a Signature to their posts are known as Namefags and are almost universally despised on the chans. One of the main principles of QResearch and other -chan boards is that we are all anonymous, and that our posts must stand on their own merits every single time we post. Using a Name or a Signature is an attempt to build a recognizable label and stand out from the crowd. Don't do this, or you are Faggot.


Autist: A combination of "Autism" and "Artist." This term refers to the Anons that participate in QResearch Breads and perform the majority of the Digging, research, meme crafting, compilation, and dissemination of information related to our research goals. Anyone can become an Autist by using their individual skills to contribute worthwhile posts to the board.


BO\Board Owner: The administrator of this board. He can see a hash of everyone's IP Address which allows him to identify users across different Breads and helps to vet new Bakers before they are given permission to start new Breads. BO's policy at this time is that he almost NEVER bans anyone, unless they post illegal content like Child Pornography. BO's name is shown in glowing rainbow text whenever he posts.


BV\Board Volunteer: A sub-administrator of this board who helps remove illegal content like Child Pornography, as well as protecting us against super-extreme abuse of the board when Board Owner is not available. BV can see hashes of everyone's IP Addresses which allows him to identify users across different Breads. A BV's name is shown in glowing rainbow text whenever he posts.


Bakers: The Anons that create new QResearch General Breads using Dough, adding the Notables and other crucial details to the first few posts in the Bread. Before becoming a Baker, you must be vetted by the Board Owner and then the current Baker will hand off the Dough to you. Bakers are Anons and should not have a special name shown in their posts. Board Owner is able to identify them based on the hash of their IP Address.


[Go to part 2]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3802264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2333



Part 2, Glossary, continued:


Bread: This is our word for a "thread." Breads can have a maximum of 750 posts–after that, they are locked and a Baker must create a new Bread. Breads can fill up very quickly during prime time, which is why veteran Autists request that you not use QResearch General as a chat room or make too many off-topic posts. This requirement is relaxed during late hours, known as Night Shift, when the board moves more slowly. This generally begins after 10PM Pacific Standard Time when many American Autists have gone to sleep.


Bots: Automated posters who spam a large number of irrelevant, distracting posts. You can usually recognize them by their inability to respond to text in images and their tendency to make awkward replies that do not match the text they're replying to very well. Their purpose is usually to Slide the Bread, wasting space and making it harder for Autists to notice worthwhile posts. You should avoid validating their behavior by NEVER REPLYING TO THEIR POSTS. NEVER EVER. Board Owner does not ban most Bots, so it's important that you help combat them by ignoring their posts.


Boobs: Understand that there will be Boobs posted on QResearch. This is not ever going to change. You may not like it, and you're free to Filter other users that post Boobs if you can't stand seeing them. But before you bitch about users that post Boobs or other legal Porn, remember two things: 1) QResearch began as a clubhouse for men and has its roots in masculine culture. While all people are welcome to participate, don't come into our house and try to tell us what we can and can't post. 2) Remember that no one cares about your Feelings. Boobs are often posted as a reward or pick-me-up for the Bakers who stay up really late doing repetitive work to keep the Breads baking. If you don't like Boobs, or anything else that you see on QResearch or 8Chan, the correct course of action is to ignore it, or if you feel the need, to Filter the posts of the user that posted them. If you complain about it we will Filter you or make fun of you or both.


CAPS: Posting in all CAPS should be used sparingly. Excessive use of CAPS will cause many veteran users to instantly Filter you and therefore not read any of your posts. Attention Whoring is strongly frowned upon.


Cabal: The global organization of international criminals, cannibals, occultists, Pedophiles, journalists, actors, politicians, and other individuals comprising The Dark Powers That Be'. The tentacles of the Cabal reach into nearly every country on Earth, where they are responsible for subversion, political manipulation, human trafficking, and much, much worse. The Swamp is part of the Cabal''.


Concern Trolls: Users who constantly post things that create doubt about QAnon or spend all their energy attacking QAnon, Bakers, Board Owner, Board Volunteer, President Trump, and anyone else that's on our side. Their reasoning for doing what they do varies, but they are ultimately an unwelcome distraction and you should avoid validating their behavior by NEVER REPLYING' TO THEIR POSTS. NEVER EVER. Board Owner does not ban Concern Trolls'', so it's important that you help combat them by ignoring their posts.


Clowns: Shills working for intelligence agencies such as the American CIA, British MI-6, and Israeli Mossad. These kind of Shills are often said to "glow in the dark" because their posting objectives and styles make them extremely recognizable even from a large distance. It's better that you don't Reply to their posts for any reason, or your name might end up on a list somewhere. (I'm kidding. Maybe. Probably not, though.)


CP: Child pornography. If you see posts containing CP, do not Reply to them. Click the small grey arrow in the upper-left corner of the post and choose "Global Report." This will notify 8chan administrators who will remove the CP and notify federal authorities of the poster's IP Address and other information so they can attempt to prosecute the crime. I also strongly recommend against clicking on the thumbnails, because once you do, the full image is downloaded into your temporary internet files cache. Nobody needs to see naked children or teenagers.


[Go to part 3]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3802333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2376



Part 3, Glossary, continued:


Dark Powers That Be: Also called DPTB. Also called The Powers That Be or TPTB. This refers to the evil secret masters that pull the strings behind the scenes and are responsible for some or all of the evil, corruption, chaos, violence, death, and sorrow in the world. Notable figures under this umbrella include the Rothschilds, Koch Brothers, Clintons, George Soros and his minions, and pretty much all globalist elitist subversives that are working to destroy the middle class and western society in general. Sometimes simply called (((Them))). See (((Triple Parentheses))).


Digging: Research. Sometimes Autists will find something interesting and post it to QResearch General, asking other users to Dig. How you go about Digging is up to you. Honestly, I'm not very good at it. But we all contribute how we can! If you're good at Digging, congratulations–you are the stuff Legendary Autists are made of. Do your part and we'll all thank you–you are Q!


Division: Trying to drive wedges between people based on racial ancestry, religion, color, gender, sex, sexual preference, national origin, or other aspects of identity. Countered by unifying forces such as Pepe and the fact that Where We Go One, We Go All. Shills love trying to divide us, especially by conflating regular Jews with Zionists in order to make it look like this is an anti-semitic board, which is a powerful means of discrediting us and reducing our accessibility to Normies.


Dough: The raw materials used by Bakers to create new Breads, usually stored in a website called Pastebin.


Doxxing: Revealing an anonymous user's identity by posting their name, address, phone number, email address, or anything else that could allow unfriendly people to identify them. Doxxing is extremely dangerous for the victim, so don't do it unless you really, really know what you're doing and are prepared for the consequences it may cause you or the victim. Be careful not to Doxx yourself by being careless. Make sure that any screenshots, photos, or posts that you make have been carefully scrubbed of details like your email address, name, phone number, IP Address, workplace, or anything else that could link strangers to discovering your identity. This can be a life and death issue. Take it VERY seriously, or else I advise that you only Lurk.


EBot: An extremely prolific Bot which makes upwards of 50 posts per Bread, wasting about 7% of the total space, not counting the idiots who Reply to it. Why its presence is tolerated by Board Owner, I can't be sure, but it's usually pretty harmless as it mostly just posts stupid videos and images of fake Trump tweets. You can identify Ebot by its username, which contains some variant of the text "MaxResDefault" with numbers replacing some of the letters. There is also a normal user who imitates Ebot but who is not a Bot. I recommend you Filter them both because they are a waste of Bread and never make worthwhile posts.


Email Field: The 2nd field from the top in a new post dialog. Leave this (and the Name Field) blank for your protection, unless you're purposely trying to Doxx yourself or be a Namefag, in which case, neck yourself and go back to Reddit. Namefagging should be reserved for QAnon, Board Owner, and Board Volunteer, who need to be identified by name every time they post.


Fag: Does not refer to actual homosexuals, but to Faggots such as OP. It's just a generic pejorative term for anyone you don't like or want to give some shit for being a Faggot. Homosexual Anons are welcome here and should not be put off by seeing us call each other Faggots.


Famefag: Famefagging is trying to become famous on an anonymous message board. See Namefag.


[Go to part 4]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3802376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2444



Part 4, Glossary, continued:


Feelings: Nobody cares about your Feelings. Replying to other users to tell them they have offended you, you don't like what they posted, or that they should change their behavior is a complete waste of your time and will get you made fun of relentlessly and probably Filtered by a lot of users. This is one of the most important lessons for Newfags to learn about 8chan and similar-style message boards. The phrase "None of us is as cruel as all of us" is a popular reference to the fact that no one cares about your Feelings on the internet. You are not special. You are nothing more than another Anon with no more power than the rest of us–act accordingly.


Filter: Since there is no persistent way for users to identify each other on 8chan, the only way to "block" someone is to Filter their posts. This will hide all posts from the same User ID for the remainder of the current Bread. To Filter a user, click the grey arrow in the upper-left corner of their post, then click on "Filter", and then click on either "ID" or "ID+." Choosing "ID" will only Filter that user's posts, while choosing "ID+" will also Filter any replies to that user's posts. Using ID+ is very heavy-handed, as you'll miss some good posts from normal users who can't resist replying to Bots, Concern Trolls, and Shills. But maybe that's better–you decide! You must filter the same users again each time a new Bread begins, though it's possible to set up permanent Filters, this is an advanced technique outside the scope of his glossary.


Flat Earth Anon or FEAnon: A "special" member of our community who spends most of his time posting images–full of spelling and grammar mistakes–intended to convince you that the Earth is flat. This is QResearch, not FEResearch. You might want to Filter this user because he is ultimately a distraction from our goals and I've never seen him post anything except Flat Earth theories.


Greentext: Greentext is created by placing a single right angle bracket before the text. This is useful for quoting someone else's text or otherwise offsetting text in a different color to differentiate it from the main body of your post. Don't overdo it, Newfag.


Highest Raning Anon: Complete bullshit. There are no ranks here and anyone claiming to be Highest Ranking Anon is either joking (which is fine), stupid, or trying to Famefag. Make sure you understand this. The only rank for Anons is Anon.


IP Address: The unique internet address from which each internet user's communications originate. On 8chan, the Board Owner and Board Volunteers can see a hash of users' IP Addresses which allows them to identify users across Breads. Everyone else will simply see a User ID which will be the same for all posts originating from the same IP Address in the same Bread. Note that some tech-savvy users are able to change their IP Address and that Bots and Clowns typically have access to more than one, maybe even dozens.


Linking: To Link to another post, place two right-facing angle brackets followed by the Post ID. The Post ID can be found at the end of the first line of the post which includes the date and time, after the text "No." If you are Linking to a post in an older Bread, it's customary to place the text (pb) after the post link, denoting that it's from a previous Bread.


Lurking: Reading the board without ever posting. This is a good idea for Newfags or for users who are concerned about being identified (Doxxed) as a result of posting here. Make no mistake–the mainstream media, intelligence agencies, governments, and other scary people are reading QResearch General. If you are scared of these people, it's a good idea to Lurk.


Name Field: The topmost field on the new post dialog. Leave this (and the Email Field) blank for your protection, unless you're purposely trying to Doxx yourself or be a Namefag, in which case, neck yourself and go back to Reddit. Namefagging should be reserved for QAnon, Board Owner, and Board Volunteer, who need to be identified by name every time they post.


Namefag: Also called a Famefag. A user who refuses to post anonymously, instead adding a handle in the Name Field or Email Field when posting or adding a signature at the end of their posts. Namefagging is extremely frowned upon and a great way to get Filtered by veteran users, because it is an attempt to stand out from the sea of Anons and build name recognition, rather than letting the merit of your individual posts determine your worth or notability.


[Go to part 5]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.3802444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2470



Part 5, Glossary, continued:


Newfag: New users who are not yet familiar with the etiquette and culture of the board. Newfags are well-known for stomping into the board and telling other people what they can and cannot post, arguing about information they don't even understand, misuing memes, misunderstanding common board tropes, and generally shitting things up. Many veteran Autists request that Newfags Lurk for a period of time before they begin posting, to give themselves time to understand how things work before they shit everything up.


Night Shift: After 10PM Pacific Standard Time, most U.S. posters are asleep and the board tends to move more slowly. During this time, it's generally more acceptable to engage in "social" posting–but be reasonable, and remember that even during Night Shift it's a very, very bad idea to Reply to Bots, Shills, or Concern Trolls. Do not debate these people–you cannot win, and your Replies only fuel and encourage their bullshit.


NO OUTSIDE COMMS: A frequent reminder posted by QAnon that anyone outside of the 8Chan boards /PatriotsFight/ and /QResearch/ claiming to be QAnon is a fucking liar that should be shunned with all possible force. The QAnon posters will NEVER allow outsiders to speak for or represent them, and anyone claiming to do so is trying to damage our movement or make money off of us.


Notables: At the end of each Bread, the Baker will collate posts that are of interest to QResearch, and will add them to the Notables section of the next Bread. If you see a post that you feel is super valuable and important, you can call attention to it for the Baker' to consider by Replying and saying "BAKER: NOTABLE". Some users put these notifications in Red Text, but I can't advocate doing that. Notables are sometimes jokingly called "No tables." Calling something worthless a Notable is known as a "Not Able".


OC: Original Content, meaning images, video, or text that you created yourself, rather than reposting from somewhere else. Pictures of the tits of female Anons are a valuable form of OC. Thank you for your service, femanons! But remember: There are no girls on the internet. Tits or GTFO!


OP: Original Poster, who created the Bread. OP is always a Faggot. It's a law.


Pedophile: A broad term we apply to people who are sexually attracted to babies, children, or young teenagers, who molest babies, children, or young teengers, who engage in statutory rape of minors, who create, collect, or distribute pictures and videos depicting babies, children, or young teenagers in a sexual manner, or who advocate for any of the above behaviors or defend those who engage in them. Pedophiles are even more reviled than the Dark Powers That Be around here, and could be called our #1 enemy. Pedophiles are NOT WELCOME on QResearch, or anywhere else, for that matter. If you are a Pedophile–regardless of whether or not you've ever actually molested a child–I strongly recommend you keep it to yourself, get psychological and\or medical help, and stay the fuck away from children. It doesn't matter how you became a Pedophile or what sob story you tell. You will find no welcome and no quarter here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


[Go to part 6]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.3802470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2498



Part 6, Glossary, continued:


Pedovore: Cabalists who engage in cannibalistic rituals, most often victimizing children. It is theorized that they enjoy torturing children and then consuming their blood because it contains high levels of a chemical called AdrenoChrome, the oxidized form of Adrenaline, which causes a unique high. This is the really dark, scary shit that may cause you to lose sleep once you start learning the details. Tread carefully.


Pepe: Our favorite smug frog buddy. You might have heard that Pepe is a White Supremacist or Nazi. That's bullshit. Pepe wears a billion different costumes and represents a billion different emotions and ideas. His green skin unifies Autists of many different colors, races, and nationalities. Rather than a Divisive symbol, he is a symbol of our unity in the battle against the Dark Powers that Be. Pepe is kryptonite to the forces of evil, who have tried their best to have him outlawed as a hate symbol across the world. Creating new Pepes is a favored passtime of many Autists. If you see a rare Pepe, make sure to steal it as fast as you can! In the glorious world to come, individual worth will be determined by the size of one's Pepe collection.


Planefagging: Using online radar tracking sites to observe global air traffic in real time, looking for anomalies that might indicate something strange is going on. It takes time to get good at Planefagging, but it's very fun and can be a good activity for Newfags who don't know how to help. Every Bread contains a link to a thread teaching new users how to Planefag. Planefags have a chance of spotting unusual military air traffic which may indicate that shit's happening or that Cabal members are trying to escape from justice.


Porn: See Boobs. Don't waste your time complaining about Porn on QResearch. If you don't like it, ignore it, or if you feel the need, Filter the posts of the user that posted it. If you complain about it we will Filter you or make fun of you or both.


Post ID: The 7-digit numerical ID of each individual post. It's found after the text "No." near the end of the first line of the post, which includes the date and time. Replies to the post will be shown after the Post ID. You can click on the Post ID to add a Reply link to your new post dialog, or you can create one by typing two right angle brackets followed by the Post ID number.


Protocols of Zion: Really fucking evil shit. It's like the Bible for Zionists and details their plans to fuck over and kill everyone who isn't part of their tribe.


QAnon \ Q Clearance Patriot: One or more anonymous individuals who appear to have high-ranking security clearance in the U.S. Government. This board was created to aggregate, study, research, and collate information based on clues provided by QAnon posts. The identity of Q is not known, though there are many popular theories which I'll leave you to discover and evaluate on your own.


Race Realism: Discussing empirical evidence or anecdotes about the differences between racial groups of humans. It is often conflated with Racism or bigotry, but they are not the same thing. Discussion that hurts people's Feelings and discussions of Race Realism are among the many forms of free speech exercised by 8chan and QResearch users. Like everything else you see here, if you don't like it, ignore it or Filter the user that posted it. Do not bitch or complain or try to make other people stop being themselves. You will only make a fool of yourself and waste space in the Bread. This will cause us to Filter you, make fun of you, or both.


Racism: Racial discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, whatever you want to call it. You're going to encounter it here, and I recommend that if you don't like it, you ignore it or Filter the user that's posting it. Please don't attempt to change people's minds or get them to stop doing what you don't like. Nobody cares about your Feelings and there are ultimately no rules on this board. You will only make a fool of yourself and waste space in the Bread. This will cause us to Filter you, make fun of you, or both.


Red Text: Posting in Red Text should be used sparingly. The main VALID reason to use Red Text is to call out Notables to the Baker, but this isn't totally necessary. Excessive use of Red Text will cause many veteran users to instantly Filter you and therefore not read any of your posts. Attention Whoring is strongly frowned upon. I'm not going to teach you how to make Red Text because I fucking hate it. If you really need to do it, figure it out yourself, Newfag!


[Go to part 7]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3802498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2529



Part 7, Glossary, continued:


Replies: The Replies to a given post are shown as Links at the end of the first line of a post, starting with two right angle brackets. You can click on these Links to jump to the Reply. You can also click on post Links in the body of a post to jump to the Linked post.


Shills: Users who work for governments, social media workshops like ShareBlue and CorrectTheRecord, intelligence agencies, or Cabalist political parties. They try to disrupt the board in a variety of ways, including by posting extremely bigoted materials, false and misleading information, and theories friendly to The Swamp which usually aren't reinforced with facts or good reasoning. They are ultimately an unwelcome distraction and you should avoid validating their behavior by NEVER REPLYING TO THEIR POSTS. NEVER EVER. Board Owner does not ban Shills, so it's important that you help combat them by ignoring their posts. It's also worth mentioning that some Shills are being paid a commission for each post they make, AND FOR EACH REPLY TO THOSE POSTS, no matter what the Reply says. Ignore Shills!


Slide: Making useless posts to cause the good posts to Slide away. Since each Bread can only have 750 posts before it's locked, Sliding is one of the main ways that anti-Q posters try to hurt QResearch. It's important that you use discipline when you post–do not reply to Bots, Concern Trolls, or Shills, as this will help them Slide the Bread. This is what they WANT you to do. Ignore and\or Filter those who are trying to Slide. There's no need to call them out or point out that they're Sliding–this only helps them. All veteran users know a Slide when they see one and are smart enough not to Reply to it. It's also wise to use discretion and avoid making useless posts yourself. This is less important during Night Shift, when the board moves slower, but be reasonable in either case.


Single Parentheses (You): Whenever you make a post, your own posts as well as any Links to your posts in other people's Replies will have the text (You) next to them. When someone Replies to you, you can find the Reply by searching the Bread for (You). Some users also like to put the text (You) in their posts to cause other people to notice those posts when searching for their Replies. This is obnoxious–don't do this unless you have a good reason or you may end up Filtered. Older Autists in particular hate when people spam (you)s. It's an Attention Whoring tactic most commonly used by Shills who are being paid to get others to Reply to them.


Shitposting: The best kind of posting. Shitposting is difficult to explain in words–it's flippant, sarcastic, irreverent, irresponsible, ironic, and many other things. Shitposting is a powerful weapon against those who have no sense of humor, can't understand irony, or are too preoccupied with following rules or being offended all the time. Posting memes that hilariously rip holes in hypocritical or foolish ideas is a prevalent and powerful form of Shitposting. Like all other tools, use it wisely and make sure you aren't shitting up the Bread without anything valuable to say.


[Go to part 8]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3802529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2551



Part 8, Glossary, continued:


The Powers That Be\TPTB: See Dark Powers That Be, Cabal, The Swamp, etc.


The Swamp: Ultimately, another name for the Cabal or the Dark Powers That Be. Specifically, this tends to refer to the corrupt elements of the U.S. Government that have had a stranglehold on Washington, D.C. for at least 60 years.


There, Their, They're: Learn the difference between these three words and use them correctly. Misusing these is one of the fastest ways to look like an idiot. Get literate, for real. Look it up, this is 2nd grade shit that you should already know, not something you should be learning from the glossary on QResearch.


Tits or GTFO: A reminder that there are no girls on the internet. What this means is that being a female–while extremely socially advantageous in real life due to the fact that thirsty virgins everywhere want a piece of you–is of no particular advantage on an anonymous message board with strangers who have no shot at banging you. Attempting to identify yourself as a female is likely to result in your being told Tits or GTFO. Your femininity is of no concern or consequence to anyone unless you so happen to be willing to show us your tits. If you are told Tits or GTFO and respond by posting a picture of your tits along with a piece of paper timestamped with the word /QRESEARCH/ written on it, you have passed the test and the fact that you are female is now of some consequence. Not really–but thanks for the tits anyway! Baker is pleased by Anons posting OC tits.


To, Too, Two: Learn the difference between these three words and use them correctly. Misusing these is one of the fastest ways to look like an idiot. Get literate, for real. Look it up, this is 2nd grade shit that you should already know, not something you should be learning from the glossary on QResearch.


Triple Parentheses (((Them))): Text in (((Triple Parentheses))) is typically a pejorative reference to the Dark Powers That Be–evil globalist elitist forces and their minions, such as Rothschilds, Koch Brothers, the Clintons, George Soros, etc. To some users this is specifically a reference to (((Jews))) or more specifically, (((Zionist Jews))) or (((Mossad))), the Israeli intelligence agency that is suspected of Shilling heavily on QResearch. I leave it to you to decide who's really pulling the strings behind global corruption, and caution you that there is a good chance that people constantly posting negative shit about (((Jews))) without differentiating them from (((Zionists))) are Shills trying to make QResearch look anti-semitic as a means of discrediting us. In either case, understand that (((Triple Parentheses))) means whatever is inside them is probably super, super evil and subversive.


[Go to part 9]

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3802551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6934



Part 9, Glossary, continued:


User ID: We cannot see one another's IP Addresses or identify one another from one Bread to the next, but within a given Bread, all posts that come from the same IP Address will have the same User ID. The User ID is a 6-digit alphanumeric string shared by all posts from a given IP Address, and followed by a number in parentheses indicating how many posts in the Bread came from that ID. You can click on a User ID to temporarily highlight all posts made by that ID, but it's usually better to search the Bread for the User ID instead, as clicking on anything else will de-highlight all of the posts. User IDs with unnaturally-high post counts are often Shills or Bots trying to Slide the Bread, but not always. You may wish to Filter them if you find that they are making a large number of worthless posts. Be careful not to filter high-quality, high-energy Autists who make a lot of good posts. Note that Board Owner and Board Volunteer are able to track User IDs across different Breads.


WRWY: We Are With You. Something Q says to remind us that we are not alone in our fight.


WWG1WGA: Where We Go One, We Go All. Something Q says to remind us that we're all in this together and that the results affect every last human being on Earth. Reminds us to be unified and collaborate our efforts toward creating a better future for us all. Fight!


Your, Yore, You're: Learn the difference between these three words and use them correctly. Misusing these is one of the fastest ways to look like an idiot. Get literate, for real. Look it up, this is 2nd grade shit that you should already know, not something you should be learning from the glossary on QResearch.


Zionist: Ultra-rich globalist elitists that obey the Protocols of Zion and share the goal of protecting and promoting one another at the expense of everyone else. They masquerade as Jews because they know that if anyone accuses them of anything, they can simply scream "Anti-semitism!" to shut down the accusation. Make sure you know the difference between Jews–most of whom are normal people–and Zionists, who probably literally fuck and eat children. Remember that some of us Autists are Jewish and are fighting to destroy the Cabal alongside everyone else.


(Thank you for reading. Well-reasoned suggestions and corrections will be applied to the glossary. I don't respond to insults or shills, but feel free to try baiting me anyway, dumbshits!)



Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 8, 2018, 11:30 p.m. No.3813360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More info for newfags/normies: How to Interpret the Q-Clock.


Reposted from:

>>3812323 (QResearch bread #4845)

Anonymous ID: b4301f Nov. 25, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.4025019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Excellent article for learning about and dealing with cognitive dissonance and the techniques used to manipulate you:


Definition of cognitive dissonance - "In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. This discomfort is triggered by a situation in which a person’s belief clashes with new evidence perceived by that person. When confronted with facts that contradict personal beliefs, ideals, and values, people will find a way to resolve the contradiction in order to reduce their discomfort."

Anonymous ID: b4301f April 3, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6034019   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My reactions:


>1) when people reference /pol/ are they talking about 8chan or 4chan?


Could be either one, but usually it's 4chan.


>2) along those same lines what is the latest view on 4chan? Is that still the main place for all things none Q or is the whole thing compromised and only use 8chan?


I don't use my scarce time to check out 4chan 'cause 8chan is much more interesting and uncomped.


>3) was wondering if people can help list out some must have links interns of people to follow and sites to visit.


Useful links:

The legislation tracker at the very top of this page:

Favorite archive site:

How to download vids from twitter:

Reverse image search:

Scholary journal articles search engine:

Everything you want to find about US government:

Converting from one unit to another (e.g., metric to English):

How to find info on charities (especially what percentage of their total revenue is spent on annual fundraising and administrative costs):

2018 pdf:

2018 online version:



Alternative social media:



Search engines (non-tracking):



Anonymous ID: b4301f June 7, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6695678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hint: If you're in captcha hell, try using Microsoft Edge instead of Internet Explorer as your browser. Edge will let you refresh the Verification captcha until you can get it right, while IE doesn't permit captcha refresh.