Complete lookup of the alleged Clowns for Congress list. Apprx 25 percent percent validated certain or potential clowns. 9 of 35.
Complete lookup of the alleged Clowns for Congress list. Apprx 25 percent percent validated certain or potential clowns. 9 of 35.
MS13 illegal alien thug posts bond for armed robbery. DHS ICE is not waiting at prison door. "Bye bye, have a nice day Mr. Thug. Nice to have you."
Yeah I gave that man $100 a few weeks ago, true Patriot. Unstoppable.
Clear blue here too. Not a wisp. Was it covert geoengineering? Seems to have stopped for months in our area.
The plan, the timing and the sequencing has been reasonably clear and logical for months. Yesterday a marker, DECLAS next, 11/6 another (ultra-necessary) marker, then the arrests begin.
It's not wave a magic wand and all will be well. It's the real world and a real war.
"Be patient" sounds ridiculous, but be patient.
Rotweiler, patriot. Go get 'em.