Anonymous ID: 0251ea Oct. 7, 2018, 3:14 p.m. No.3385191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5363


We're being censored, banned, and booted off social media daily. Family, friends, and colleagues already treat many of us as outcasts for sharing 1 or 2% of what we know. We need shock, we need the indefensible stuff that Q has hinted at to be dropped. Actually, we need the truth to come out. The truth will redpill people. It is humanity's right to have the truth, and to stop being lied to. They're not children, it's time everyone grew up anyway. Time is running out.

Anonymous ID: 0251ea Oct. 7, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.3385450   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've no friends left either. But the Republic can be only be saved and rebuilt on a foundation of truth, and for that matter, the world. We've been lied to for far too long and that is why the control systems are collapsing. We need truth to rebuild on solid ground, with integrity.


In the end of all things, only the truth will be left standing. I've lost friends but when we win I would gain new ones, real friends at that. But again, only the truth can make a better future possible, better than what we're currently dealing with.