Anonymous ID: 07eca7 Oct. 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.3385309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin on NWO Paedophilia and Satanism


Putin quotes from Valdai Internation Discussion Club 2013 speech from the 3/29/17 article "Putin Blasts Euro-Westerm Culture of Paedophilia and Satanism"


"We see many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan."


"People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis."