Stop the federal student loan programs and many libtard colleges go bust. Whole new ballgame as Trump Conservatives come out of the more-privatized future school system. Reforming edu is a 15-20 project. We need about 3 Trumps.
That story is major suckage.
You have to counter every libtard thought out of their mouths. I raised 2 kids WAY behind enemy lines. They have enough info and knowledge now to wake up when theyre adults. Kids are always gonna be anti-system, no matter what. What was bizarre is when all the 60s-70s rebel leftovers went full statist commie libtard and took over govt. They actually were against foreign wars, until they took over.
I believe a replacement must be of the same party, but he can find a reasonable D better than ChiFi pretty easily.
If they conspired in treason with foreign actors, they can be determined to be enemy combatants subject to mil tribs. That's the answer.
There are too many people going to college instead of getting jobs or learning trades. An improved economy helps that a lot.
Kek. Of course, if the usual rampant vote fraud goes on in the state, Cox has zero chance of beating the demon Newsom, a dumber, white Soetero.
Colleges went straight downhill when Classics was abandoned and colleges became glorified career schools. The college system was designed to be more intellectual and elitist, with everybody sharing the same principles of learning and knowledge, not to produce a bunch of fucking accountants.
Marine Bob a suicide?