Anonymous ID: 18d02e Oct. 7, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.3385982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6059 >>6065 >>6081 >>6387 >>6510 >>6529 >>6535


You miss the point why the Marines developed the Chan culture of tits, calling each other faggots and niggers. The Marines know how to motivate young men for centuries and men like boobs. They also wanted to have a hyper male mentality because to be honest males are the warriors in society and the people who are depended on to defeat the NWO mind control. The nigger and the faggot are two words the PC culture deemed off limits. The Marines wanted to make a test of who was capable of helping. If your driven off by faggot and nigger your likely never capable of understanding the NWO designs behind the PC culture and how tyranical PC culture is meant to be. It is communism or Talmudism fed to us.


This whole 8 chan is part of PLAN. They needed a spot on the internet that would resist the NWO struggle to take us off. 8 chan was pre positioned as a fall back space once the Jew controlled 4 chan got enough pressure.


The titties are to entertain the young men who the Marines created this site for. At this point most of the culture is self regulating. Meaning people are posting tits on their own now. But in the beginning the Marines take an active role in creating the culture.


Titties are to distract. It is to break up the monotony and tease the men to keep coming back. A form of mind control. But important.


Saul Alinsky said anything that becomes a drag will die off. 8 chan is a boot camp for the mind. The marines wanted to teach us a huge amount of information and it was so deep and complicated they knew they had to make it a fun place to be. Saul Alinsky told you if you make your tactics fun your people will do them on their own.


Memes are fun. Tits are fun. The Marines made it for this reason.


We are in the middle of a military operation. WW3 basically.

Anonymous ID: 18d02e Oct. 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m. No.3386254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6463 >>6559 >>6611


Not mad. Since I know I am correct. You can figure this out on your own if you try. Or you can troll about things you know absolutely zero.


You have no idea how big this operation is. How many years they planned it and how detailed it had to be.


They had to defeat an enemy that could not be named and owned almost all the worlds resources. That had back up plans to use rouge nuke states and pandemics to hold on to power.


The sheer amount of work that went into this plan is mind boggling. Perhaps millions of man hours of the mind. Millions of computer run test. On computers that are among the best in the world.


So you see I care not for your opinion. Your just wrong. As are many people. Maybe you will learn but that thats effort.


Good luck.

Anonymous ID: 18d02e Oct. 7, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.3386495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6539


Funny you dont even attempt to logically tear down my argument. You just attack with one of the basic troll JIDF techniques.


We are involved in a Military Operation as we speak. The Marines have been planning this for decades.


You are very weak in your efforts to dissuade.

Anonymous ID: 18d02e Oct. 7, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.3386609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. Exactly. When you need to teach a library worth of topics to your targeted population and your topics are so different and odd you need to be creative in creating your Boot Camp.


What do you need to break the mind control? People who are aggressive. Who are the most aggressive people in any society? Young males.


You then want to create a climate that appeals to your targeted population. So as the advertisement slogan says. "sex sells" So the Marines put tits into the rotation of topics they put up. To break the monotony of the sometimes very bizarre and upsetting topics discussed.


Tits are a simple. Legal way to break the tension.


Marines have been creating soldiers for centuries. Anyone who has been on this board for a while and even more in the older Chan boards has been in a kind of Boot Camp run by the Marines to create mental soldiers to go out and tell the world about the truth of our enslavement. And know so much detail we can stand up to any aggressive human shill.


Do you not understand even now at this late stage of the game?


We all self selected and joined the Marines and joined a war. Even if we had no clue what we were doing. None the less it is true.


This is not a game.


We are in WW3 right the fuck now. But a cyber war. The Marines wrote papers all about this shit 10=15 years ago. Your hanging out in someone else's battlefield.