Anonymous ID: 77a911 Oct. 7, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.3386874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6915 >>7026

Brazil's "Donald Trump" Wins 'Overwhelming Support' In First-Round Presidential Vote


Update (7:45 pm ET): After one of the most bizarre presidential campaigns in Brazilian history (it at one point featured one candidate who was in prison and another who was hospitalized with a life-threatening stab wound),Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing candidate who has embraced the label of "Brazil's Donald Trump" has outperformed even the rosiest expectations.


Roughly 90 minutes after the last polls closed in the country's western-most provinces, 95% of votes have been counted. The result? A landslide win in favor of Bolsonaro, who took home a staggering 46.8% of the vote, according to Brazil's TV Globo. That means Bolsonaro outperformed even the most optimistic polls and nearly won a first-round victory outright. But since Brazil's constitution calls for a runoff vote if no candidate wins an outright majority, it's expected that Bolsonaro, a former military officer and federal lawmaker, will face off against Worker's Party candidate Fernando Haddad, former mayor of Sao Paulo, in a runoff vote set for Oct. 28.


There's still an outside chance that center-left candidate Ciro Gomes could overtake Haddad in the final vote count, though according to the FT, that outcome is unlikely.


Flanked by an armed escort, Bolsonaro cast his vote at a school in a military section of Rio de Janeiro to cheers of "mito" - "legend" - from supporters.


Investors expect socks to rally Monday morning, given that Bolsonaro was the market's preferred candidate (his advance in the polls mirrored a rally in the Brazilian real and Ibovespa), and he finished with what's widely believed to be a stronger showing than markets had priced in. On Friday, Bloomberg reported that some investors had stocked up on Ibovespa puts to hedge their positions in the event of a weaker-than-expected showing by Bolsonaro, who emerged as the decisive front-runner after he was stabbed at a campaign rally last month.

Anonymous ID: 77a911 Oct. 7, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.3386931   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They already did.


Brazil presidential election thrown into chaos after front-runner stabbed

Anonymous ID: 77a911 Oct. 7, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.3386955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7200

Purdue Pharma Funds ‘Opioid Antagonist’ In Obvious Ploy To Appear To Actually Care


In the CE article ‘Study Reveals Big Pharma Paid Doctors Millions of Dollars To Push Opioids,’ Kalee Brown makes a cogent argument that the Opioid epidemic, which is responsible for at least two thirds of the record 72,000 overdose deaths in the U. S. last year, is the product of a carefully crafted strategy that stems from a sinister alignment of self-interest between Big Pharma, doctors, and the government. This strategy, it would seem, has no limits to its wickedness:


It’s no secret that Big Pharma is a money-making machine. Many even suggest that they design drugs with negative side effects so you remain sick, thus growing their market of sick consumers — a view supported by the reality that doctors get compensated for selling you drugs, not for getting you off of them.


It’s not as though there is not a clear understanding about this among awakening individuals. There are numerous people who individually and collectively are fighting against this evil. Many have spurred efforts by city and state officials to sue Purdue Pharma, makers of the ruthlessly marketed opioid Oxycontin that is at the center of this epidemic. These efforts have made some inroads, in that they have stopped their aggressive marketing campaign in the US.

How They Defend Themselves


Typically, Purdue Pharma will argue in court that they should not be to blame for the recommendations of doctors or the free will choices of patients. This despite the fact that court cases have revealed that one of the prongs of their marketing strategy is to get doctors to minimize the dangers of Oxycontin in their discussions with their patients, or to deceive the doctors altogether about the dangers of Oxycontin.


Before becoming aware of how the pharmaceutical industry worked, I would have assumed (naively) that if a pharmaceutical company saw that its medications were causing harm to people (let alone an epidemic of overdose deaths) they would quickly take their product off the market. And short of that, doctors would simply stop prescribing the drug to their patients in deference to the Hippocratic oath they took which dictates primarily to “Do no harm.” Alas, far too many doctors do not take their oath to heart, preferring instead to defer their responsibility to the recommendations of regulatory agencies like the FDA and continue to take their profits for writing up prescriptions.


As for taking Oxycontin off the market? Well everybody knows by now that profit, not human health or even human life, is the sole decision-making marker for pharmaceutical giants like Purdue Pharma. And despite the inconvenience of all these lawsuits, they are willing to deal with those so long as the legal costs remain covered by the outlandish profits that Oxycontin and other opioids continue to generate.

Staying In The Game

Anonymous ID: 77a911 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.3387093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7108 >>7124 >>7176 >>7262 >>7292

Taylor Swift bashes Blackburn in favor of Tennessee Dems, breaking political silence


Taylor Swift — the pop star who notably has strayed from politics — broke that silence on Sunday, writing on Instagram that she'll be voting for Tennessee Democrats in the midterm elections.


Swift, 28, slammed Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn in an Instagram post.


"As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn," Swift stated. "Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me."


Swift continued: "She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry."


"These are not MY Tennessee values," the "Fearless" singer said online.


Swift concluded she'll be voting for Democrat Phil Bredesen for the Senate, and for Rep. Jim Cooper, a Democrat who's running for re-election.


Bredesen quickly thanked Swift for her support on Twitter, writing he's "honored" by support from her and "that of so many Tennesseans who are ready to put aside the partisan shouting and get things done."

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.


Blackburn's campaign did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment. A recent Fox News Poll found Blackburn was ahead of Bredesen by a 48-43 percent margin, with her 5-point advantage being inside the poll's margin of error.


Many fans of Swift, who reportedly owns two properties in Nashville, in addition to several other homes throughout the U.S., have urged the international star to voice her political views — particularly to denounce President Trump.


In July, it was rumored on Capitol Hill that Swift was scheduled to make an appearance at the Russell Senate Office Building, but she didn't show.

Anonymous ID: 77a911 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.3387201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7292

Liberal Writers, Activists Attack ‘White Women’ Over Kavanaugh


Liberal writers and activists responded to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation over the weekend by attacking “white women.”


The New York Times on Saturday evening published an op-ed titled “White Women, Come Get Your People.” The op-ed’s author, Alexis Grenell, attacked Republican women who supported Kavanaugh as “gender traitors” in league with the “patriarchy.”


Grenell claimed that “white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain.”


White women “are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group, reproducing whiteness and even minimizing violence against their own bodies,” the liberal writer asserted.


Grenell wasn’t alone in placing responsibility for Kavanaugh’s nomination on “white women.”


NBC News ran an opinion piece on Sunday slamming white, Republican women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which the op-ed claimed was “the ultimate affirmation of the patriarchy.”


Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour on Friday called Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins “the mother [and] grandmother of white women in America who gave us a Donald Trump presidency.”


“She is a disgrace [and] her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly,” Sarsour said in a statement.


The next day Sarsour introduced Democratic New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at an anti-Kavanaugh rally. (RELATED: Sarsour Blames ‘Jewish Media’ For Her Unpopularity)


Time Magazine on Thursday published an “open letter to white women” from playwright and feminist activist Eve Ensler.


Ensler demanded white women block “the ascension of a man who is angry, aggressive, and vengeful and could very well be a sexual assaulter.”