Anonymous ID: a33c62 Oct. 7, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3386844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6995

WEIRD NEWS 10/20/2017 03:05 am ET

Trump-Linked Pastor: Hollywood Is Full Of Satanists Who Drink Children’s Blood

“The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years.”


By Ed Mazza




A pastor who took part in a “laying of hands” prayer on President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last summer claims Hollywood is full of devil-worshippers who engage in human sacrifice and drink the blood of children.


“These people are full of the devil. These people can’t even be reasoned with,” Rodney Howard-Browne said in a sermon over the weekend. “They have already given their soul to the devil. Are you with me? These people go through seances, these people drink blood, these people sacrifice children.”


In a clip posted online by Right Wing Watch, Howard-Browne added:


“They sacrifice children at the highest levels in Hollywood. They drink blood of young kids. This is a fact. That’s why the next thing to be exposed will be all the pedophilia that is going to come out of Hollywood and come out of Washington, D.C. The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years.”


When someone told Howard-Browne that “they don’t do that,” he insisted that “it’s worse than what you think.”


Howard-Browne then described the supposed satanic rituals that go on in Hollywood.


“Many of the Hollywood actors that you go see on a screen, what you don’t know, they bring a witch, they do a big seance right there on the set and they worship devils and they allow devils to come into them before they take the part of what they’re going to act,” he said. “It’s a fact what I am telling you.”


The South Africa-born pastor and his wife, Adonica Howard-Browne, are founders of the Tampa-based Revival Ministries and its River church. Howard-Browne is also known for “Holy Laughter” ― when he touches his faithful, they collapse into laughter ― as well as his on-stage antics.

Anonymous ID: a33c62 Oct. 7, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.3386948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6976 >>7013 >>7140


As Treasonous Bush-Clinton-Obama Pedo Cabal Dynasty Gets Exposed, Desperate Elite Steps Up War against Humanity

Published on March 31, 2017

Joachim Hagopian


Having controlled deep state as the CIA director (1976-77), then CFR director (1977-79) leading up to his [vice] presidency (1981-1989), then as the first out of the closet New World Order president (1989 to 1993), and then even continuing behind the scenes under Bill Clinton since Bush senior had employed the youngest Arkansas governor as his cocaine dealer out of USA central in rural Mena, Arkansas throughout Bill’s crime-filled dozen year run as state governor. During Bush’s Iran-Contra era, Bill Clinton laundered over a billion dollars a year in CIA drug money through his little airport. Profits from the “war on drugs” catapulted the rise of both the Bush and Clinton crime families as they busily paid off and appointed enough court judges, federal and state attorneys, state police and FBI officials, in order to effectively keep at bay all their scandals of countless murders, serial rapes and child sex trafficking investigations while financing their lucrative, off-the-books, CIA black budget.


As a result, the Bushes and Clintons have permanently installed a corrupt international crime cabal-drug cartel operating out of Washington DC that seamlessly recycles its ruthless centralized power and influence from Republican to Democratic administrations under the same organized crime machine families for nearly four decades and still counting. Bush-Clinton-Obama appointed judges and the rogue forces have saturated deep state and are still firmly entrenched in both the judicial branch and all the US intelligence agencies operating within New World Order’s political dynasty. The Bush-Clinton-Obama dynasty has faithfully followed the elite’s marching orders, nearly destroying America as a sovereign nation, killing off its once vibrant middle class, crumbling its infrastructure, decimating its manufacturing and tax bases with offshore cheap labor outsourcing. Establishing a permanent wartime economy, within a few decades this same satanic worshipping dynasty has transformed the US from the world’s largest creditor nation into world history’s biggest debtor nation, currently drowning at $20 trillion in the red. The drained, near lifeless US national economy has been bled dry by a lethal war machine whose global mission is to destabilize and destroy any sovereign nation that exerts independence, one by one raping and pillaging turning them into failed states. The Empire of chaos and destruction possesses its trademark effect - King Midas in reverse.


With the stolen 2000 election and the Cheney-Bush Jr. neocons at the helm at the turn of the century, and their 9/11 their “new Pearl Harbor,” they established a pretext for their endless war of terror, murdering over 4 million Muslims in the process while turning our constitutional republic into a totalitarian oligarchic police state and Third World banana republic. Incredibly all these years later in 2017, those same criminally destructive forces are still in power and are currently bent on destroying the Trump presidency from within, closing in for the kill to finish America off for good. From CIA Bush senior though CIA Manchurian Obama, the assigned NWO puppet destroyers of America have used their deep state gangsters to seize and expand their centralized authoritarian control over the span of a full half century. Bottom line, since the JFK assassination, the shadow government that Kennedy warned us about just months ahead of his murder, are the same traitors who never left Washington.

Anonymous ID: a33c62 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.3387253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300


Ex-Satanist: Babies ritually aborted for devil

'Your hands have to get bloody'

Published: 08/24/2015 at 10:14 PM


Zachary King remembers the day well. It was in 1982. He was young, rebellious and dabbling in the occult.


But on that day, he would make the transition from novice to the deeper things of Satan.


“I had just turned 14, and they told me there was going to be a sex party in someone’s house and all the males in the coven were going to sleep with this woman,” recalls King, now 47 and a pro-life activist living in Florida.


“And the purpose of the party was to get her pregnant, and then nine months later we were going to be doing an abortion,” he said.


The word “abortion” was something he’d only heard once before. It was used by his mother in a whispered tone.


“I went home and looked it up in the dictionary, and that didn’t really explain it. So I went to the library, and I found whole books which had so much information I couldn’t grasp it all. So I went back to my coven and asked an older guy, ‘What is an abortion?'”


“He said ‘we say a spell and there is a baby in its mother’s womb and we kill it.'”


He remembers asking a very direct question.


“Is that legal?”


“And he said, ‘As long as it’s inside the woman, it’s legal.'”


And with that short conversation, the teen was on his way to a dark existence as an occult leader.


He would later become a high wizard, he said, overseeing more than 140 “ritual abortions.”


“Knowing a spell could kill someone inside a woman, and that’s legal, and five minutes later it’s illegal, I said, ‘This is awesome. I can do this all day long.’ You step through this door and you can kill, and you step through this other door and you go to prison. That in itself should tell you how satanic it is,” King told WND. “The coven leader called it a baby, not a lump of cells, and he said, ‘You kill it.’ They didn’t call it a lump of cells.”


He said he performed many of the sacrificial abortion rituals at the clinics of “a large abortion provider,” but he would not identify the provider for fear of lawsuits.


“As a high wizard, your job was to get your hands bloody while saying a spell, regardless of whether that’s the baby’s blood or the mother’s blood,” he said. “My left hand guided the way, and the right hand had a scalpel. The woman never winced or anything. Both hands were bloody. I participated in 141 abortions. I doubt my actions actually killed any children, but I was still there.”


King said he was hired to be there, casting his spells, by the abortionists.


“You have to be part of the procedure,” he said. “They have hired you to perform a satanic spell and, in order for that to happen, your hands have to get bloody.”


‘The women knew why I was there’


He said he would show up and change into his wizard’s robe to perform the incantations. King explained that he wore the same type of wizard’s garb seen in a music video by female rocker Pink for her song, “Just Like a Pill.” The video shows a wizard, dressed in black, his face painted pale and wearing a black top hat, reciting a spell behind the singer, as the scene then flips to simulated group sex.


He said the women whose abortions he attended would get pregnant with the intent of killing their unborn baby as a sacrifice to Satan.


“So the women knew why I was there,” King said. “They know there’s a satanic ritual going on.


“In 1987 (at the age of 19), I became a high wizard, and I did my last abortion in 1997,” he said. “From the time I was 14 to age 19, I did probably five of them.”


Alveda King, a pro-life activist with Priests for Life and the niece of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said she believes King’s story, because she’s heard others like it over the years. But she has no idea how prevalent such practices may be.


More at Link!