Anonymous ID: ab0fe4 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.3387261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Qajar dynasty was an Iranian royal dynasty of Turkic origin, specifically from the Qajar tribe, which ruled Persia (Iran) from 1794 to 1925.


The Qajar rulers were members of the Karagöz or "Black-Eye" sect of the Qajars, who themselves were members of the Qajars (tribe) or "Black Hats" lineage of the Oghuz Turks. Qajars first settled during the Mongol period in the vicinity of Armenia and were among the seven Qizilbash tribes that supported the Safavids.




Could these neighbors of the Khazar empire have something to do with the Illuminati minions' Black-Eye habit? And could this even be the origin of using the term Black Hat to refer to evil people?