Anonymous ID: b7076f Oct. 7, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.3386960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7148

I conducted an experiment with colors and placement of words. Subliminal of sorts. The eyes see all quickly. It sees over 1K frames per second but can only process 100-150 per second. Point being, your mind knows more than you think it does. I chose colors that correlate appropriately with words. I chose red for hate and rage because that is the color associated with those words. I chose irritating green to make the words Fake News so you would recognize the feeling of the color with the word. I chose calm blue and the word fear to calm the fears but also as a counter balance of the irritating green. The mind will process the word fear with irritation of fake news when looking at this pic. I put the word fear in the center because it was close to the mustard yellow I was going to use and was neutralized by color and by the opposing irritating green. I used purple for the mix of rage and success the irritating fake news was trying to confuse people of. I used the most recognized color of mustard yellow as lower left of center ( natural resting place for the eye ) to give you 1st thing said and last thing read. It sets the tone. Conclusion is ….. people are still left noticing the irritating green that say Fake News while their minds took in the other info for later process. Test it with a family member.

Anonymous ID: b7076f Oct. 7, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.3387205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3387148 there is another trick I am not good at but you might play around with. It is actually directing the eye. You start with slightly lower left of center and then you use font that has a curly or pointer to direct the eye where to go next. You repeat that until you lead the eye to the last place you want it to see. Last thing read is first thing said. Usually a phone # or web address goes to the lower right hand corner after you have controlled the eye bouncing. Good luck and have fun! Optics are interesting