Anonymous ID: bc0077 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.3387254   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3385982 pb

I remeber when Steve P discussed how the chan was picked for the Clinton email leak revelation.

He said they were happy how it came out and they feel they made the right decision.

He said part of what made it what it was ,and correct for what they were doing?

It's totally out of the mainstream.

"out of the box" is how I would put it.

It's so marginal no one looks at it, Privicy.

Even with all that's gone on here only 250 is a great number.


I don't think porn was introduced here to lure people. It was here when it was chosen.

Could be generational . the dudes here all brought up on it.

Very different than ww2 pin ups or even earlier risque photos which look totally innocent to our eyes today.

The young men brought up today have bonded to it. It's a fetish. It's a stage specific bonding. And that's how they learn to have sex now.

There's some good research on it. It was introduced to the culture not by people who love us.