Anonymous ID: 3d6fb0 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.3387552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7777 >>7786 >>8042






Hey Anon who wrote this on the last bread. Would expand more, a hell of a lot more. Who are you expecting, why are you expecting and all the details , PLEASE.


>RED OCTOBER follows HRC Arrest


>From my point of view HRC will be arrested on October 17th, followed by an armed insurgence of Antifa, which resembles the Red October revolution of 1917 in Russia by the Bolshevik communists.



And I'll add something that some may sneer at, but if it resonates with you as truth, just remember this … saw a channeled message saying that Galactic fleets have been given the green light to show themselves. The message was given on 10/5 and it was said that this would happen in 14 to 16 days. So watch the sky from 10/19 to 10/21 … and if you see a sky full of decloaked ayyy ships, wave hi. :) It will be so many at once that it'll be undeniable.






Just remember the dates … just posting that here to make a record of the message.